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Applying For Green Card in US (how to?)

  • Thread starter Thread starter SteelMag
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This is a interest of mine.  I was on the US INS site which is the single most confusing thing ever.

What i really want to do is find out an email or something so i can talk to someone in US immigration about possible oppritunities for a quicker way of getting a green card under the premises that i want it so i can enlist in the US Army or Marines.

I dont even know where to start.

(comments about me being a traitor to my country or about me being crazy etc are not needed as i am applying to CAF first and seeing how that goes)

Thanks in advance
I would suggest you go across the border to your nearest USMC Recruiters and let them answer your questions. Many moons ago I had done the same thing and applied to the US Army and the CF at the same time, the idea being that whoever calls first gets me. The day after I left for Cornwallis the  Americans called. In any case, they may be your best source of info as they probably deal with this often. Good luck in whichever you go with!

Peter :salute:
Hey SteelMag ,

One thing I can suggest is to read the other articles about joining US forces; they will help answer a lot of your questions.

About the Green Card, It is very difficult to get your best bet is to marry an American girl.

Good luck
My family and I just got our green cards last week, after four years in process. I got mine through an employer sponsorship, but you first need to have a job and get in the US through either a H1B visa or the TN visa we can get because of NAFTA.

The other way I know of getting a green card is through family sponsorship. Someone already a citizen or green card holder can sponsor a relative. But depending on the category of that it can take years.

I am not aware of a quick way to get in the US military and get a green card at the same time. I know you can get in the military once you have a green card. No, I won't be signing up. I'm too old now and I don't feel like being part of the current regimes empire building process  ;D

If you have any questions about getting a green card through the employer sponsorship process I'd be glad to help if I could.
Right, Thanks guys

You would figure that the US is so desperate for troops that they would have some sort of accelerated or modified way of getting into the US with the understanding that you would sign up and do a stint in the military.

Hell, ive heard rumbling about an American Foreign Legion of sorts.
SteelMag said:
You would figure that the US is so desperate for troops that they would have some sort of accelerated or modified way of getting into the US with the understanding that you would sign up and do a stint in the military.

heck, ive heard rumbling about an American Foreign Legion of sorts.

I think a foreign legion concept would the only way to support what you are looking at. Given the security concerns the US has now how could they open up their standing military to people who just crossed the border from other countries? Going through the green card process is pretty long and involved and at least they know something about you at the end and feel comfortable letting you join the military.

Imagine the security and background checks needed under your scenario. I can't see it being worth their while and making exceptions for qualified military personnel from friendly countries would probably be politically difficult and not get enough troops to justify the trouble.

As to marrying an American girl, if you aren't engaged to one you've known for years now, it would be viewed as a marriage of convenience and wouldn't work for you either.

Sorry for the harsh realities - as I see them. Good luck in the future.
Yes im aware of the security concerns of just letting anyone from anywhere walk into the US and join up.  But Canadian citizens should be allowed considering the US is getting into the same situation as in Vietnam.  Why not make a foreign legion, makes more sense than drafting unwilling combatants to fight for a cause they obviously dont belive in (or they would have joined up in the first place).  All i hear is "we need more troops", "we need to reinstate the draft" etc etc.  Would you not think that foreign recuritment (at least from countries like UK and Canada) would make alot of sense.  Considering the amount of money the US spends on Homeland Security they should be able to do the background and security checks themselves.  But i personally do have a clean criminal background check and OPP clearance.  Not that is seems to make a difference.

But i am hoping the the CF takes me though.  i may just apply to both and see what happens.

I dunno does anyone see something screwed in US logic towards this kind of thing?
S_Baker said:
Contrary to what the elite liberal media has been saying the US military is not scrapping the bottom of the barrel for manpower.

If they aren't scrapping the barrel they are beating the hell out of the guard and reserve and taxing the reg army. Tours are being extended for units at almost the last minute and more guard/reserve units seem to be called up all the time.

If the regime wants to play world savior then they will need to expand the regular army. Look at the decline in gd/res re-enlistment. Being dragged away from your family and job for your part time job is going to get old really quick.
That or kick the media out of country so they can fight the war without worrying about what jon-naysayer has to say about someone getting shot after its put on TV and made to make the US military look bad. (people getting shot in a war?, ya dont say!)
S_Baker said:
As for the NG and Reserve forces, I have said it before too bad! 

Too bad what? That lives and families are being ruined for no valid reason? That short of a world war or imminent threat to the US, gd/res units shouldn't be deployed like this? Oops!!! there I go mentioning something thats been talked about in another thread. I'm sure some ds will slam me for that.

Of course we seem to have managed to hijack a thread that was about applying for a green card pretty good already  ;)
Hey, I know I'm kicking up an old topic here but if you're interested in getting a Green Card to serve in the States and especially the USMC, drop PJ D-Dog a line. I've provided a link to PM him...

Anyways, he's ex-CF militia turned Marine, I'm not going to say too much about him here, ask for yourself...but he has ways of helping you get a Green card and a ticket into the Corps. I just spoke with him over the phone recently, he even called me back so I wouldn't have to pick up the tab, and he gave me more info about the Corps, his time in the CF, how to get into the States, what life is like etc etc etc than I could ever ask for. A totally friendly guy, easy to talk to....If you're interested definitely drop him a line, you won't regret it!
It would simplify matters if the US military would sponsor applicants through the employer sponsored immigration process. Otherwise contact the US Embassy in Ottawa or one of the consulate's.

Just for the record, I am not in a position to get anyone a green card!  All I can offer is advice as to what to say to a recruiter and if that works to get you in, then so be it.

I don't want someone monitoring this site to think that I'm in charge of some sort of underground railroad or that I'm smuggling people in the US to join the forces.  This is not the case.  I'm just a regular guy with information that may or may not be helpful to those who would be interested in being a Marine.  If you want extra info, you need to PM.  I'm a dedicated Marine who believes in anyone who aspires to be a Marine.  I have no connections with anyone.  All I have is personal experience.  If that is helpful to you then I'm more than happy to chat it up.  I'm not interested in being waken in the night by men with flashlights and being dragged off to Gitmo and made to wear orange coveralls.  I believe in America and what America is doing.  I am, however, subject to the patriot act and don't want to have it inflicted on me.  Thanks for nice comments though...


PJ D-Dog
Contact and immigration lawyer and they can explain it for you but most likely it will cost money just to do that.
Ghost said:
Contact and immigration lawyer and they can explain it for you but most likely it will cost money just to do that.

Immigration lawyers only know how to fill out forms and how to bill you an exhorbitant amount of money for it.  They will tell you the same thing the immigration website will tell you.  Unless you are refugee claiming some sort of obscure status, then just go the website.  It's a bit confusing but you can get answers there, but not always the ones you want.

PJ D-Dog
S_Baker said:
I am afraid that even if the US government allowed CDNs to join the US military the CDN government would be screaming bloody murder.

Because those who have or claim to have 50 per cent or more of indian status can join the US military under a Can/US treaty, the Canadian government started screaming when they heard that recruiters were crossing the border to recruit indians after the start of the war (OIF).  As a result, the US sent a MOU to Canada stating they would not actively recruit on reservations but would not turn away anyone who walked into their office.

PJ D-Dog
The US embassy will not give just anyone a green card to join the military.  You need to apply to immigration for sponsorship either through a family member (mother, father, brother, sister, spouse) in order to get the green card.  If you are a native or claim to have 50 per cent or more native blood, you fall under the J-treaty between Can/US that allows natives (citizens of the North America) to work in the US.

The Marine recruiters don't always have all the info on the native stuff nor the contacts the make it happen although some do.  It's hit or miss.  As Steve99 said, there is nothing to loose in looking into it for anyone interested.  One word of advice:  you really have to WANT to be a Marine to make it happen for you.  It's not just a regular job.

If you phone 1-800-MARINES, they will not talk to you if you are not in the US.  Most of the info you need is on marines.com.

PJ D-Dog said:
Immigration lawyers only know how to fill out forms and how to bill you an exhorbitant amount of money for it.  They will tell you the same thing the immigration website will tell you.  Unless you are refugee claiming some sort of obscure status, then just go the website.  It's a bit confusing but you can get answers there, but not always the ones you want.

PJ D-Dog

Just to emphasize how very true the above statement is, when I first came to the US it was under a one year TN visa - NAFTA. What I needed to do was show a letter from my prospective employer, my diploma(s), and answer some questions from the NAFTA guy at the border to get the visa. It cost me a little over $100 to get the visas for my entire family of four.

I saw immigration lawyers websites advertising for help in getting the tn visa (one) for anywhere from $400-$500  :o  There was literally nothing for a lawyer to do in the process and the information was easily available on the web. Even in the latter stages of getting green cards for my family and I we never used a lawyer - just filled in the documentation as best we could.

Unless your situation is really special or specific there is no need to go to an immigration lawyer. They will take your money, fill out forms you could have, and there is still no guarantee anything will be different.
Steve99:  did you tell them about your connection the US per your citizenship status?  That may be why they talked to you.  Five years ago, the would have nothing to do with me.  Maybe things have changed...

Steve99 said:
Just out of curiousity how did you get into the Marine Corps if you were strictly a Canadian citizen if you don't mind sharing?

I would also like to know that.  I'm another Marine hopeful.