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Application phase


Reaction score
Hey everyone, so after about 11 months I just got a call to go in for my CFAT. My choices are Artillery, Infantry, Armoured. I do not expect to get in this time around, I am just going to do my best in the CFAT, Interview, etc. So hopefully next time one of my trades open up I can get the job offer, but you never no. I have a couple questions.

CFAT- I looked around and searched but for some reason can not find my question, I no you wont be able to have a calculator on a test like that so I wont even bother asking that, but are you able to use a scrap paper for figuring stuff out, I feel thats really the only way I can do some of the math stuff I have been practicing. But I have been doing some hard stuff like algebrea, equations. so am I able to jot down some stuff. If not I hope the math is not so difficult I can't do it in my head, although i passed all my math in highschool so im hoping its not as hard as the stuff im working on for practice now.

Also, do results on your medical affect you. I mean if you are good and healthy and no problems, but someone else happens to be a little better of does that help that person, im assuming the fitness part does, just not sure if your results on medical will help you over someone else even if you both pass and did pretty well and stuff.

Thanks a lot.
Yes you get scrap paper to work equations out.

Everything you do in the Application process is competitive. I don't see the medical being any different.
Next time, try searching using Google - site:army.ca CFAT



The second link has 18 pages of threads, so most of your questions should be answered there.
Litts12 said:
Hey everyone, so after about 11 months I just got a call to go in for my CFAT. My choices are Artillery, Infantry, Armoured. I do not expect to get in this time around, I am just going to do my best in the CFAT, Interview, etc. So hopefully next time one of my trades open up I can get the job offer, but you never no. I have a couple questions.

CFAT- I looked around and searched but for some reason can not find my question, I no you wont be able to have a calculator on a test like that so I wont even bother asking that, but are you able to use a scrap paper for figuring stuff out, I feel thats really the only way I can do some of the math stuff I have been practicing. But I have been doing some hard stuff like algebrea, equations. so am I able to jot down some stuff. If not I hope the math is not so difficult I can't do it in my head, although i passed all my math in highschool so im hoping its not as hard as the stuff im working on for practice now.

Also, do results on your medical affect you. I mean if you are good and healthy and no problems, but someone else happens to be a little better of does that help that person, im assuming the fitness part does, just not sure if your results on medical will help you over someone else even if you both pass and did pretty well and stuff.

Thanks a lot.

First of all, you really need to fix your spelling and grammar.

During CFAT, CFRC will provide you with few pencils, erasers, and several blank papers to do your calculations.
With medical, all trades do require you to have certain visual acuity.  You are also required to meet basic medical standards. 
I do not think that your initial medical evaluation, unless you do possess some serious medical difficulty, can affect your competition with other healthy candidates. 
Litts12 said:
but are you able to use a scrap paper for figuring stuff out, I feel that's really the only way I can do some of the math stuff I have been practicing. But I have been doing some hard stuff like algebrea, equations. so am I able to jot down some stuff. If not I hope the math is not so difficult I can't do it in my head, although i passed all my math in highschool so im hoping its not as hard as the stuff im working on for practice now.

I'll try to shed some light for you because I was in your shoes 2 months ago. My opinion is I feel your over analyzing the CFAT. Im not trying to imply its a walk in the park, but try to take my advice and learn from it.

1. Reserve a maximum amount of time for each question. For ex- If you have 30 questions in 30 minutes. Reserve 1 minute for each question. Always keep your eye on the clock as its counting down if you are completing on the computer. You don't want to get carried away with time. Its fast paced and their may be questions where you will have to use common knowledge IF you aren't quick enough.

2. Practice every test available on the internet, library, school, etc. Make sure you are timing each one of your tests. As silly as this may sound, Know your FRACTIONS and LONG DIVISION by hand. As I mentioned before, this is a fast paced test and as Gretzky said it best 'you miss 100% of the shots you don't take'

3. Eat and sleep  The last thing you need is to be off your A game because you decided to stay up the night before and skip breakfast the morning of the test

Good luck!