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Anyone going Air Force get an offer or call for Basic lately?

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I wrote this last year and found it. Couldn't figure out how to link it so here it is again. It expalns who the staff are and their functions.

Hope it helps.

"There are 10 CFRC's across Canada and I think most are set up differently according to their locations and staff resources.

For the most part the staff are broken down into generic groups.

Recruiters are usually Sgts who travel around to schools etc. and spread the word about the Forces. They make presentations and often work the reception desk at the centre.

Military Career Counsellors are the usually officers (Capt's ,Lt's and some qualified Sgts) who do the selection interview and provide feedback on test results (CFAT) and counsel on career choices. They are usually are in the office all the time and also provide info / work at the reception area.

File Managers are clerks usually Cpls but sometime civilians who do as their jobs says, manage the files to make sure that all the required documents are filled out and log entries are made. They are the horsepower that keeps the system moving along.

There are Medical staff to do the medical interview.

Also in the background are HQ staff to support the centre and it's detachments.

All the staff provide as much info as they can and should send applicants to the best person to answer their question. One caveat is that recruiting is changing all the time and some information may be accurate when given but change later. We try to stay informed about the latest changes but aren't always successful.  

Of note we refer to people as prospects (no application submitted yet) or applicants. They do not become recruits until they are enrolled. "

Got you confused yet?

If possible go to the CFRC and ask for the Detachment Commander and ask them to check. Explain, nicely that you have been mislead in the past and really want to get on with your new career. What you need to ask is when are they doing their next selections and what course dates are they filling. AVN is OSL and is selected and offered directly from the CFRC.

Let me know how it goes.

Good Luck.   
Nope, I think I've got it now, CFR. I was just confusing file manager with career counsellor. It is my career counsellor (a Captain) with whom I have been in touch semi-regularly re: my application. I don't talk to the actual file manager at all these days (and I'm not even sure which one handles my file - there are 2 that I am thinking of and it could be either one).

When I was debriefed after my CFAT, it was not my career counsellor that I met with, either, but another officer. I don't recall his rank, but do recall that he was an officer. I didn't see that one on your list. ;)

By the way, I have already been corrected on here for saying "recruit" when I should be saying "officer candidate".  ;D
Im actually going AVS...is that "OSL"? (and what is OSL? lol)

I actually live 3hrs away from my CFRC, think a call would get through to the commander?
CFR FCS said:
If possible go to the CFRC and ask for the Detachment Commander and ask them to check. Explain, nicely that you have been mislead in the past and really want to get on with your new career. What you need to ask is when are they doing their next selections and what course dates are they filling. AVN is OSL and is selected and offered directly from the CFRC.

Let me know how it goes.

Good Luck.   

Thats exactly what I was going to call and ask my FM this week.....if AVN was OSL. Still been a few weeks on merit list and haven't been selected though.
AVN is Open Selection List (OSL) and is selected by the Production Officer at the CFRC.
CFR FCS said:
The BMQ courses are usually opened up to load people on are about 3 weeks away. They July courses are not opened as of yet and staff are reluctant to offer a position they expect will be refused because of family issues.

Actually I got my job offer last week, I start my BMQ the 1st week of July
CFR FCS said:
AVN is Open Selection List (OSL) and is selected by the Production Officer at the CFRC.

ok so I call my File manager today. he informs me I am on the national list and they are waiting for my offer to come from the national office. He told me both AVN and AVS are not OSL in Halifax. well...no wonder it is taking long. Anyone know the next time the board meets for the two trades?
I talked to someone who just completed their interview, etc. She told me that she was told that they are planning for a mass swear in / recruiting for the end of July period. This is for CFRC Halifax though.

Going to spend my next few days off harass...errr calling them up to get a definitive answer.
I don't want to sound like a, well you know. However, just so you know your situtation is not unique, nor all that bad, when I went through St-Jean there were at least 2 if not 3 people who it took 5 years from date of paperwork going in to being enrolled.  On top of that I am working with someone now, who just finished at St-Jean, who had a similar wait.  Sometimes it takes time, sometimes it doesn't.  My App took a little under a year from point A (paperwork) to point b (enrollment).  That was through Halifax CFRC, which if I remember reading correctly is the same place you're going to.  Give it time, if you can't hack the waiting now, you're going to be in for a shock when you see your training schedule...
Paperwork is only good for 2-3 years then it's tossed if the applicant has not successfully enrolled is what I've been told unless they were stringing it out. Took 5 years to get enrolled...yeah...for some reason Im finding that rather hard to swallow. I really don't see that happening to be honest unless your friends applied and had left portions of their papers unfinished and were just plain slacker than hell. Or maybe they had some medical condition / criminal record that affected it. I have a friend from college who took Survey Technician at COGS and was an immigrant who had lived in a unfriendly country (Russia). It took him 3 years to get in because of a waiting period he had to go through (went to college while waiting) and the trade he picked was red (Geomatics).

Or they're full of crap, which is what I'm leaning towards. And that wouldn't be the CFRC's fault. I'll let someone who does work or has worked for the CFRC come by and pull the facts out for this one in regards to the application process.

And to be blunt and honest, I don't care about supposed people that you know. I deal with people every day who come by with a "these guys I know" story that tries to impress with what they went through and absolutely no details on why and are chock full of crap by posers who want to toss some attention on themselves. I hear it every day (not so much now) and shoot them down every chance I get.

I was a previous member of the forces (reserves). Was told in December after my interview (applied in May '07) I was merit listed and had a med bypass, which was total BS because I had to redo my medical since it had been over a year since my prior medical. Right after I did my medical I was told I was merit listed. Which was total BS because my old med docs hadn't even been applied for (I lucked out and another app from a few years ago after I left the reserves showed me as fit). I can understand my application taking longer than average. I can not father why they'd lie to me several times during the process about where my standing was when it wasnt even close to the truth.

And, as it has been mentioned, there are several people in my area I personally know and some on these boards such as Slaw, who have been waiting with no call.
RTaylor said:
there are several people in my area I personally know and some on these boards such as Slaw, who have been waiting with no call.

So we can safely agree that this situation is "not just you" !

Here's something to consider......

CFSATE, as i understand it, is running at pretty much capacity. Combine that with the AF looking at restructuring some of the maintenance trades you just may have a cause for delays. I doubt that the CFRCs would even be in the loops about such restructuring if its happenning.

Maybe, just maybe, the CF will hire you when they have a spot in school to train you and when they have something definate to train you for.
The problem is that not all the people I know that are waiting are going the same trade I am, or even Air Force for that matter.

If my Career manager would call me back it'd almost be a miracle and would resolve alot of the anticipation and questions...but he hasnt responded in the past 2 weeks to any call I've made, and the front desk commandos at the CFRC have told me that he is in the office and has been. I know I'm not hte only one applying to the forces, but to be honest, after the malarky I've had to hear over the past several months has laid the grounds for mistrust.

Someone I know who has just had their interview mentioned a mass recruitment / swear in like last October, but who knows...sigh...
RTaylor said:
The problem is that not all the people I know that are waiting are going the same trade I am, or even Air Force for that matter.

RTaylor said:
Someone I know who has just had their interview mentioned a mass recruitment / swear in like last October, but who knows...sigh...

RTaylor said:
And to be blunt and honest, I don't care about supposed people that you know. I deal with people every day who come by with a "these guys I know" story that tries to impress with what they went through

ahem..... ;D
Her name is Velma and a co-worker, she had her interview the 1s week of May I believe with a 2nd Lt BXXXXX at CRFC Halifax and she's going driver.


I may add that Im watching South Park and have had 4hrs of sleep since i got off work last night.  ;D
RTaylor said:
If my Career manager would call me back it'd almost be a miracle and would resolve alot of the anticipation and questions...but he hasnt responded in the past 2 weeks to any call I've made, and the front desk commandos at the CFRC have told me that he is in the office and has been.

How often do you call? It is possible that he has nothing more to tell you right now and if you are calling daily looking for updates, I could see where he might tune you out for a couple of weeks to get some work done. ;) With that said, prompt and courteous service from the CFRC staff is to be expected, I would think. I call every 3 weeks for an update and my career counsellor always gets back to me the same day. He did tell me that as soon as he knows anything, he will call me right away. However, when weeks go by without hearing anything, it's natural to seek that reassurance that the ball is still rolling and they didn't mysteriously lose your phone number or your entire file. :)
I haven't been able to get ahold of him since my re-interview, so it's not that there's no new info for him to give it's that he seems to be pretty slack in contacting me back.
RTaylor said:
I haven't been able to get ahold of him since my re-interview, so it's not that there's no new info for him to give it's that he seems to be pretty slack in contacting me back.

I was actually able to get ahold of someone today at the CFRC that was somewhat helpful. Answered some of my questions I had and some that I know prob couldn't get answered. AVN and AVS are offered localy BUT for some odd reason my offer will be coming from the national selection board and not chosen locally. They were unable to explain why this is but anyway I am not giving up on this. Been trying for 3 years now and its been seven months since I applied last time and made it further.
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