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Anxiety/OCD/meds (merged)

  • Thread starter Thread starter nate1982
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Thanks for the encouragement Rolland.

It has been a long road, just walked in from the gym a few minutes ago. I weigh myself every morning before I begin, and I have dropped another 4lbs from Friday morning. Muscles are starting to show definition so seeing results this quick gives me even more incentive.

As for the CFAT, on the practice test I scored very well except for the maths. I've never been the strongest at numbers, but have been plugging away on math.com. I'll give an update tomorrow after my CFAT is done. Do we see results that day, do you know?

Thanks again.
I would heavily suggest you do Crunches instead of sit-ups, as far as preventing any back damage/spinal wear.

As far as test results, they literally will print out the results and take you to a room to go over the results. Good luck with your test.!


Thank you for the tip rabbit.

I am doing crunches, I guess I always assumed crunches and sit ups were the same, but no thanks to your wiki link, I see the subtle difference.

After I get home from work I'm going to crunch through some math.com. I know that 'don't ask, don't tell' about the content, however, is the math on the practice test a good example of what is on the actual CFAT?
Americans do a Similar test and there are a lot of examples of the questions they do if you spend time googling, it's not so dissimilar.  The bigger issue is you will need to time management. Try to sleep well, I sort of was unable to sleep(nervous) and did the test on 24+hrs of no sleep... luckily I love doing Tests and exams and am good at math...

Hey all.

Here's my first official update. I went into the recruitment center to write my CFAT. Although portions of it were by far difficult, not much of a mathematician, I am eligible for all trades! So now my journey has taken an extraordinary step forward towards bringing in my application for January.

Now that math is taking a backseat, my only worry is my medical history due to the Ritalin Era of every hyper kid must have ADHD and the repercussions and prescriptions handed trying to correct the issue for giving anti-anxiety meds to a kid who didn't have anxiety issues... Lets hope the CF accept my doctor's note. Stay tuned...  :piper:
Keep with it my friend. When I was applying in 2004 I dropped 40-50lbs (not a smoker but enjoy eating WAY too much.) Unfortunately since then I have packed them back on :( Back to the gym for me.
Thanks for the encouragement all. I won't be satisfied with my health until I can jog continuously for 5km. Any tips would be greatly appreciated concerning cardio-improving regiments etc. I have the work out part done, its just the actual running outside that I'm finding the most difficult. I can go 3km on a crosstrainer at 10kph, but I'm be damned if I can go .2kms outside.

not sure where you are located, but check out if you have a Running Room in the vicinity...they have classes going all the time (Learn to run, 5k, 10k, half marathon, marathon) at all their locations plus running groups that you can go along with (based on where you're at for distance etc.) at least a couple days a week. It's been working for me :)
Mudshuvel said:
Thanks for the encouragement all. I won't be satisfied with my health until I can jog continuously for 5km. Any tips would be greatly appreciated concerning cardio-improving regiments etc. I have the work out part done, its just the actual running outside that I'm finding the most difficult. I can go 3km on a crosstrainer at 10kph, but I'm be damned if I can go .2kms outside.

I read on this forum about someone trying the podcast "Couch to 5k".  It's basically an interval training program.  I've tried it myself, and I've found it quite useful.  So yeah, I'd suggest you try that and then just find a pace to works for you and keep to the program.  If you don't have a way to play the podcast, Its simple sets.  The first week consists of 60 second runs to 90 second walks for 8 sets.
I have an iPod I should be able to play it on. I'll take a gander. Thanks:)
Mudshuvel said:
I have an iPod I should be able to play it on. I'll take a gander. Thanks:)
Of course, I hope it helps you too.  As well as the podcast there is an app for "Couch to 5k".  The app allows you to play your own music while the podcast applies its own.  Depends on what you like, but you should consider both.
Was able to continuously cruise on the elliptical for 30mins at speeds of 10kph to 11kph. Starting the Couch to 5k podcast tonight. There are some crazy raccoons out lately so if you don't hear an update tonight I more or less contracted rabies
If you're in the Halifax region of NS, send me a PM I'm always looking for people to run with and I'll help with your training if you're interested!
Moncton, NB, haha, little ways away but that would have been good.

Roadtrip, haha
Mudshuvel said:
Was able to continuously cruise on the elliptical for 30mins at speeds of 10kph to 11kph. Starting the Couch to 5k podcast tonight. There are some crazy raccoons out lately so if you don't hear an update tonight I more or less contracted rabies
Raccoons make running fun!  See, If they don't attack, you have something to look at and awe at! AND WHEN THEY DO ATTACK, You will learn to run faster and farther.  win win!

But I look forward to your update.
Funny I had this discussion.

Last night, I went for a walk on a dimly lit trail with my ex-girlfriend.

Something started moving around in the bushes, then there was massive splashing under the small walking bridge we were on.

I started booting it out of the woods, was about a 2-minute run from the parking lot.

This was minutes after telling her if zombies came after us I was tripping her.

She wasn't impressed.
Mudshuvel said:
Funny I had this discussion.

Last night, I went for a walk on a dimly lit trail with my ex-girlfriend.

Something started moving around in the bushes, then there was massive splashing under the small walking bridge we were on.

I started booting it out of the woods, was about a 2-minute run from the parking lot.

This was minutes after telling her if zombies came after us I was tripping her.

She wasn't impressed.

Zombies!!! Where??
Mudshuvel said:
Funny I had this discussion.

Last night, I went for a walk on a dimly lit trail with my ex-girlfriend.

Something started moving around in the bushes, then there was massive splashing under the small walking bridge we were on.

I started booting it out of the woods, was about a 2-minute run from the parking lot.

This was minutes after telling her if zombies came after us I was tripping her.

She wasn't impressed.

I take it you beat her in the run out of the woods.

In this Lesson you have been taught the proper Drill on Contact with a Black Bear. ...... never be the slowest runner.
George Wallace said:
I take it you beat her in the run out of the woods.

In this Lesson you have been taught the proper Drill on Contact with a Black Bear. ...... never be the slowest runner.

As opposed to THE Black Bear.....where you initiate contact!!