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Ann Coulter accuses Canadian univ. provost of"hate crimes"against Conservatives

Brihard said:
We're not talking about manners here- as soon as the concept of sanction is raised, we're speaking of law. They IAW crowd may be loud and crass, but they are not in contravention of our reasonable laws. We have to take the bad with the good when it comes to the manifestation of our rights.
Agreed on the fact that it's legal to hold the function - gotta take the don't like with the like in a democracy.  That said....

Brihard said:
'Warned' for what?
If Ann C. got this from the U of O before her talk....
".... I therefore ask you, while you are a guest on our campus, to weigh your words with respect and civility in mind ...."
... gotta wonder why groups that routinely attack Israel don't.
By the way, I agree with Brihard. I detest "hate speech" laws and the like. Freedom of expression must, always and everywhere, outweigh this, that or the other group's right not to be offended. Advocating violence, against anyone or anyone's property is another matter.

It is OK, in my ideal world, to scream "person" and "yid" or to deny the holocaust, but it is not OK to smash a bank window whilst "advocating" for the poor and downtrodden masses. The first is bad manners; the second is a crime.
Agreed on the ideal, but I still question the fairness of warning some, not all.
milnews.ca said:
Agreed on the ideal, but I still question the fairness of warning some, not all.

Which is exactly the point.

U of O's administration is really saing "free speech for me; none for thee" based on the speaker's political affiliation, not the content of the speech. If anything, Ms Coulter is far more coherent and spews far less venom, anti-semitism and general hatred than the IAW crowd, so if what she says has crossed the line, is inciteful etc., then the IAW is clearly crossing the same line and should be getting the same warning from the same level of administration.

The fact they did not do so is a very loud and eloquent statement of the true beliefs of the U of O administration...