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Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

  • Thread starter Thread starter Leviathan
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Mathieu said:
Yes, may be the forces did update ? Cause now they have many people allergic !

The CF will let you know if you can join or not. Posting away like mad here is not going to change that.
I am glad to see this thread now rather then later.. to say the least.. I am completely Crushed right now and basically heart broken... Since I do have a Severe Allergy to penuts which didn't dawn on me until I noticed the Sticky below.. then saw this thread my heart sank...  All your Life Plans being Crushed in an Instant sucks ...
heh I could imagine =)...

At least now I get to pull up my socks and go after my original career which is computer programming .
Haven't been able to find any information on this, but I thought I'd go and give it another shot.

If I can prove my peanut/hazelnut allergy will not put me into shock, or is not life threatening - what kind of chances do you think I have there? Also... don't I have the option to revoke my own right to hold the CF accountable if anything would happen to me if I consumed peanuts?

Answer#1 - you'll have to get reports from your allergist/immunologist, send them in and take your chances.

Answer#2 - No.

Good luck.

I would just like to say

If you have any food allergy, the CF will not let you join.

I found out today as I recieved a rejection letter for my peanut allergy. I later talked to a medical officer and told nothing can be done.

(I dont know why they just didnt tell me I was not able to join when i put peanut allergy on my application form...)
Kunal22 said:
I would just like to say

If you have any food allergy, the CF will not let you join.

I found out today as I recieved a rejection letter for my peanut allergy. I later talked to a medical officer and told nothing can be done.

(I dont know why they just didnt tell me I was not able to join when i put peanut allergy on my application form...)


Are you suggesting that they should have read your mind?  This was not good enough?

Kunal22 said:
I found out today as I recieved a rejection letter for my peanut allergy.

What exactly did you expect?  Sorry for me being so crast, however, with the age of electronic information, did you not even search this?

I am sure you are fluent in Google fu.....



Oh dear... :-[

I received a letter yesterday explaining that I do not meet the medical standards due to a peanut allergy. I eagerly applied for a trade as a Med-Tech. Given from what I gather from this forum, things do not look good for me.

#1 Sorry to beat a dead horse, but if I prove that I'm not anaphalatic, is there ANY possibility to be enrolled?!?
#2 When could I face exposure to peanuts in the CF? Is it a main ingredient in rations?
#3 Why don't they substitute peanuts, the most common allergy nut with a different protein?

I don't want to be dramatic, but I am truly devastated. I've booked an appointment to see an allergist to determine my actual severity to peanuts. It has hardly ever been a concern for me, I even eat the chocolate-chip cookies thrown together with the peanut butter ones!!

I've yet to discuss this matter in person with my recruiter. If the blunt truth is a definitive no, then I'll just have to suck it up and find another dream...

Thanks to whomever takes the time to reply, and thanks to all serving CF personnel.

You have my gratitude and my profound envy.
JAMTAM said:
#1 Sorry to beat a dead horse, but if I prove that I'm not anaphalatic, is there ANY possibility to be enrolled?!?
#2 When could I face exposure to peanuts in the CF? Is it a main ingredient in rations?
#3 Why don't they substitute peanuts, the most common allergy nut with a different protein?

#1 - I can't answer that, only the medical personnel at the CFRC and/or the ones approving your medical can.
#2 - Part one: The problem is that you may have to eat food that the ingredients are unknown.  Part two:  Not that I'm aware of.
#3 - See part two of answer #2.
Has anyone ever gotten a letter in the mail regarding a job offer?
I was just down at the recruiters and was told that a letter had been sent out to me on the 13th but haven't recieved it yet.
They did not tell me where it was sent from, though I have been waiting for my medical file to clear due to a bee sting allergy.
Any help would be appreciated.
It's my understanding a letter is bad news.    On the other hand, I can't see what bad news can come from a minor bee sting allergy...
I don't really understand either.. not to mention it took 8 weeks and the Captain e-mailing them in Quebec asking what was up with my file.
The doc even put that I've been stung over 15 times, never had to use my Epi-Pen and that I'm "probably not allergic anymore"
Do u think it might just be them asking for an allergy test to be sure?
I'm starting to get very discouraged...
there's a possibility they may ask for some allergy testing - but I don't want to speculate since it's definitely not my area of expertise.
That's all I can think of it being really..
11 days now and still no letter in the mail. I'm no expert but i'm pretty sure even regular mail from Ottawa to Barrie shouldn't take that long.
Should I give the recruiters a call and ask what's up? Or will that just get me nowhere?
Just called them.
Was told to "wait until 2 weeks after it was sent as it still may be in transit, and then call again"
That means if it is not here by Friday, I'm supposed to call them back.. and then I don't know what they'll do.
Still haven't recieved it.
Booked allergy testing anyways.
Hello guys/gals,
I started this process on December 5th. I applied to the Infantry, PPCLI to be exact after getting my Diploma in Police Foundations in December. It has taken me a while to get where I am and just when I thought everything was going smoothe, I was told I was going to recieve a letter in the mail from Ottawa regarding my "Medical Condition" which is never good..
I just recieved the letter today, here is what it says..
"We have reviewed your application and have noticed that you have a severe allergy to bee stings which requires you to use self-injectable epinephrine (Epi-Pen). Accordingly, you have been assigned medical limitations on duties. Unfortunately you do not meet the common enrollment medical standard required by the Canadian Forces"
Basically, it goes on to tell me that I am not medically fit.. but then mentions in bold at the bottom.. Please contact your Recruiting Center for the final decision concerning your application...
So, of course I am going to go in today, but I'm probably right to go in there not expecting any sort of good news whatsoever.
Now, here's the catch..
I've NEVER had formal allergy testing done. I was stung by something around 3 years old at my cottage (I dont even remember this) and swelled up like a balloon apparently. So, they assumed it was a bee sting, gave me an Epi-Pen and told me to take benadryl until the swelling went down.
I have been stung by bee's 15+ times over the years now, and never had any kind of strong reaction other then the little bump you get when you're stung. Never had to use my Epi-Pen either.
I have already booked the allergy testing, and if I am not allergic anymore (I.E I grew out of it or something) then I can just take that into them and say hey, look, not actually allergic and that's the end of that correct?
If I am allergic.. what can I do? I want this SO bad. I've never wanted anything more in my life! I am young, fit, and willing to go anywhere to serve the country that I love and I feel like I'm being stopped dead in my tracks from doing so. If anyone can offer any advice or has been in this situation before, PLEASE let me know. I am desperate for any sort of help right now.
I am going down to the recruiters in a few hours and will let everyone know how it goes.
Thanks for your help in advance,
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