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Alleged PMO obstruction in SNC Lavalin case

Here's Fox News take on the press conference:

Justin Trudeau denies wrongdoing, refuses to apologize in rare address of corruption scandal threatening his political life
By Lukas Mikelionis | Fox News

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Thursday addressed for the first time the corruption scandal that threatens to bring down his administration, saying there was a breakdown in trust and communication with his former justice minister – but he stopped short of an apology.

“I was not aware of that erosion of trust, and as prime minister and head of cabinet, I should have been,” Trudeau said during a news conference in Ottawa. “Ultimately, I believe our government will be stronger for having wrestled with these issues.”

This was the first time Trudeau addressed the brewing scandal and allegations that he and his administration pressured Jody Wilson-Raybould to not to take action against a powerful Canadian engineering company in a case involving allegations of corruption in Libya.

Yet Trudeau remained defiant and rebuked calls to apologize during the press conference, saying “no” to an apology to the Canadian people and said his administration acted appropriately.

He did, however, note that he will indeed apologize later today – to an indigenous Inuit community for the federal government’s mistreatment during the tuberculosis epidemics of the 1940s, 50s and 60s when the community was split apart.

. . .

Full article here:


I wonder if this apology to the Inuit community had been planned and always supposed to occur today or if this is just something to distract from the scandal? It just seems out of the blue.
Remember the Principles of Leadership? I don’t think the PM took that Performance Objective did he? As for his apology, I listened to it (sort of) and his delivery in my opinion was horrible.
dangerboy said:
I wonder if this apology to the Inuit community had been planned and always supposed to occur today or if this is just something to distract from the scandal? It just seems out of the blue.
Just because we only just heard about it doesn't mean it hasn't been in the works for some time. I'm guessing any time any PM + 2 cabinet ministers travel for more than one event in one place, there's some planning involved.  Given this morning's timings, I suspect the news conference was tacked on early to take into account already-planned events like traveling 1/2 way across the country.
The PMO probably has an official apology tour all planned up just ready to engage as required. Lol
The jobs excuse is just that, a weak excuse.

Construction people change companies all the time. If one company can't fill a contract, another will.

The net jobs, workers and contracts are still there in the same numbers, with, or without SNC.

The only ones losing their jobs over this are the mandarins in the Montreal corporate office. Personal and/or business friends of our current PM.

That, and the Elites will have to start at ground zero and build a new front for their liberal money machine.
My GF knows ZERO about news and/or politics.....she was shocked at what a horrible speaker and how he seemed to be just plain 'smarmy'. [yes,thats how bad she is, never even heard him speak before]  She's happy now, back to her android box full of old stupid television shows, just like waaaaaaaaay too many Canadians I fear.
One thing that sticks out for me is the repeated narrative of "if there was a problem, she should have spoken up."

#BlameTheVictim/#NoMeansNo much?
Cloud Cover said:
While the old saying hell hath no fury etc., I've been looking at the back grounds of DMs and Department heads and advisors to both of these former Ministers of the Crown. It seems they both have assembled quite the collage of seething, indignant feminists in their departments.

Are there any other kinds?  :whistle:
Technoviking said:
Are there any other kinds?  :whistle:

Yes, like the CEO of General Motors for one: Mary Barra


daftandbarmy said:
Yes, like the CEO of General Motors for one: Mary Barra


Successful women are not necessarily feminists.

Aaaaaaaaaaand a friendly reminder from the Public Prosecution Service of Canada today via Twitter ...


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Cue the new AG having a chat with some of his staff in 3...2...1...?
Just read a synopsis of Wernick's testimony. https://www.thepostmillennial.com/privy-council-clerk-michael-wernick-exposed-as-a-liar-in-vicious-roasting-by-mps/

I'm reminded of the US Intelligence committees. Where someone comes in and pleads the 5th to every question asked. Clarifying about statements he says he doesn't remember saying? How does that work? You either don't remember, or you do.

We're getting to see the real liberal party at work here. The nuts and bolts of the organization. A peek behind the curtain of the great and powerful Oz. Corruption, scandal, lies, cronyism, nepotism and deceit. Not the sunny ways, unicorn and rainbows claptrap that keeps drooling out of trudeau's mouth to placate the masses.

In the US, you could likely charge them under RICO laws. Here, the liberals just change the law to suit their particular situation.
Good2Golf said:
Cue the new AG having a chat with some of his staff in 3...2...1...?

And hopefully that conversation gets leaked to the Globe too
It seems unreasonable to me that the Libs might think that JWR and Philpott have emptied the ammo locker on this one.
Edit: and i think the one thing that finally sent PMJT over the edge was the MacLeans magazine cover "The Imposter". If he apologizes he would be admitting he actually is an Imposter.


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Cloud Cover said:
It seems unreasonable to me that the Libs might think that JWR and Philpott have emptied the ammo locker on this one.

What makes you think that they (LPC) think of any COA that is not based on their adversaries not being as smart and Machiavellin as the PMO?
Weird how that posted while I was still drafting it?

To answer your question: there are known unknowns, and unknown unknowns :)
milnews.ca said:
Aaaaaaaaaaand a friendly reminder from the Public Prosecution Service of Canada today via Twitter ...

And reiterating

From Feb 12

OTTAWA – February 12, 2019 – In light of comments made in the press regarding the prosecution of Vice Admiral Mark Norman, the Public Prosecution Service of Canada would like to clarify the context of the conversations between PPSC counsel and counsel for the Privy Council Office.

The document was PPSC counsel’s notes of conversations between crown counsel and counsel for the Privy Council Office. In the process of preparing for trial, the PPSC was looking to identify potential witnesses who could explain issues of cabinet confidence, as it is applied by the Clerk of the Privy Council.  The PPSC will be producing an unredacted version of the notes on Friday to the judge.

The PPSC has not sought or received instructions in respect of the prosecution of Mr. Norman from the Privy Council Office or any other government department or body.

Director of Public Prosecutions Ms. Kathleen Roussel said: “I am confident that our prosecutors, in this and every other case, exercise their discretion independently and free from any political or partisan consideration.”

The principle of prosecutorial independence is key to the PPSC’s mandate. PPSC prosecutors are expected to be objective, independent, and dispassionate in the exercise of their duties, and to exercise those duties in a manner free from any improper influence, including political influence.

– 30 –

It seems that Ms Roussel and her Prosecutors are at pains to declare their freedom from influence..... Twice in a month.