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All Things Vegetarian/Vegan (merged)

Hatchet Man said:
Dr. Atkins has been dead for a few years now, just so you know.  But yeah, their stuff was all hyped up, there are much better/healthier high protein/low carb diets. 

Yeah. The one my trainer put me on was similar to a CKD deal. 2 weeks no carbs whatsoever initially, carb up on the 14th day .. after that it was 5 days no carbs with one night of a carb up. Hard to follow and very restricting but it worked pretty well.
the 48th regulator said:
Correct me if I am wrong...but army.ca is a site regarding the military...

or has it become a who eats better and will live longer, dietary forum...

neuromancer enough already please...



Sorry, but I'll post what I want, this is valuble informaiton regarding health and nutrition that if more
people knew about there would be more healthy people.

Im not trying to offend anyone, but clearly to say "hey, this food can cause serious problems" is very
offensive to some of you.

Personally, I think there are a lot better things to be offended by, and you guys need
to broaden your outlook and RELAX. Maybe a little less meat would.. heh.. oh nevermind.  ;D

But seriously, if anyone wants to post some accredited scientific information showing
how high-fat high-protien diets lower heart disease or cancer I would be the first
person to line up and read it. Honest.

Instead of complaining, why dont you just post some information about how a low-nutrient, low-fiber
diet is actually good for you?

*throws down the gauntlet*
neuromancer said:
Sorry, but I'll post what I want, this is valuble informaiton regarding health and nutrition that if more
people knew about there would be more healthy people.

Im not trying to offend anyone, but clearly to say "hey, this food can cause serious problems" is very
offensive to some of you.

Personally, I think there are a lot better things to be offended by, and you guys need
to broaden your outlook and RELAX. Maybe a little less meat would.. heh.. oh nevermind.   ;D

But seriously, if anyone wants to post some accredited scientific information showing
how high-fat high-protien diets lower heart disease or cancer I would be the first
person to line up and read it. Honest.

Instead of complaining, why dont you just post some information about how a low-nutrient, low-fiber
diet is actually good for you?

*throws down the gauntlet*

OK, I'll pick it up and hand it back to you with some friendly advice. Many people are getting tired of the constant bombardment. We don't mind you coming here and posting an interesting subject, but we object to you using the site as your personal soapbox. We've had this sort of thing happen before with various other subjects. If you feel you absolutely must try to change the way 90% of the guys eat here, start your own Blog and give us a link. That way your not clogging up the site. It's an army site, while your original post has merit and developed some discussion, the members grow weary of such stuff pretty quick. As with anything, most don't like being "preached" to. I will also suggest, if you need to persist, to keep all your posts within the one original topic. They all pertain to the same thing anyway. It will save the Directing Staff from having to constanly "merge" the topics and posts. Up to you of course, but be forwarned, you'll quickly notice when the members grow tired of it. It'll quickly turn into a flame war (as it seems to have already started to) and end up being locked. Attempts to restart it after that point will only result in the threads being removed.
neuromancer said:
Sorry, but I'll post what I want, this is valuble informaiton regarding health and nutrition that if more
people knew about there would be more healthy people.

Im not trying to offend anyone, but clearly to say "hey, this food can cause serious problems" is very
offensive to some of you.

Personally, I think there are a lot better things to be offended by, and you guys need
to broaden your outlook and RELAX. Maybe a little less meat would.. heh.. oh nevermind.   ;D

But seriously, if anyone wants to post some accredited scientific information showing
how high-fat high-protien diets lower heart disease or cancer I would be the first
person to line up and read it. Honest.

Instead of complaining, why dont you just post some information about how a low-nutrient, low-fiber
diet is actually good for you?

*throws down the gauntlet*

No scientific garble from me, but holy meatballs Batman! Are you on a campaign to tell us how we're wrong because we don't follow your idea of a good diet? It's a good bet that most folks who post here know what they're about when it comes to how they eat. If there was a "Supersize Me!" movement or what not then perhaps I could understand your point a bit better.

That said, I'm about to take something out of the freezer to thaw out for dinner. Cheeseburgers, anyone?

Good point, recceguy.

Like I said, he's the Wayne Coady of the vegan world. Every topic I go to now it seems I'm learning how unhealthy I am for not being a vegan.
neuromancer you forgot to mention that marinating meat in an acidic marinade will reduce carcigens from between 50% to 90%.
CFL said:
neuromancer you forgot to mention that marinating meat in an acidic marinade will reduce carcigens from between 50% to 90%.

Hmm thats cool, I'll have to let my father know about that, I didnt know that myself.

Of course you'll still be eating a lot of saturated fat which the body has no use for what-so-ever, not to mention zero fiber in meat.

Please excuse Steve, he likes to follow me around and bash Vegans.

EDIT: What type of marinade exactly? You said acidic, so would something like orange juice or a vinegar be OK?

All right Neuromancer, we all understand your point. If you wish to join the CDN Forces, good on you. If the Military can provide you with the food you want, fine...
BUT, if you are trying to join on YOUR terms, you are mistaken. You will not be guaranteed that the Military will always be able to provide you with the kind of food you choose to eat. Let me explain my experience:
First, the last mission I was on, we spent a few months on hard rations. I don't say IMPs because for a good portion of that period, we were supplied with Aussie and NZ combat rats. We were actually down to 2 meals a day for a short time, because we were short rations... no time to be picky.
Second, there are menus in the IMPs that I don't like... the salmon comes to mind... :-X So, when I am given a salmon fillet, I try to trade with someone for an entree I like... if that doesn't work, I eat the dessert and the goodies. One thing I don't do is whine and moan about how I am misunderstood by 80% of the human race !!
Third, I was an instructor on Basic trg for a few years, for both Ocdts and Recruits. I saw a few vegetarians / vegans in my time, and while some did fine, others were running out of energy in the field before ENDEX was given. I remember one candidate who put in a voluntary release because it was hard to coord the diet and the tempo of trg. Personal choice, no problem with that.
What is important to realise is that we need people who will do the job, regardless of weather, terrain and OTHER CONDITIONS !!! If you are going to slow down, or break, because you don't have the food you want, then the Army is not for you.
If you are ready to do some sacrifices, and are ready to put the mission or task, and your mates, ahead of your own needs and wellbeing, then you are welcome to join.   :cdn:
Jungle - great post.

and likely a fitting end to a tiring debate.

tastes great - less filling ...

Nice post Jungle, it doesnt really apply to me though, because as I've already stated
TWICE in this thread that I will eat meat if I must (like if there is no other choice for
food that day because of shipping problems). I really dont like skipping meals enless Im
doing it on purpose for training reasons. So bottom line; If all they're serving that night is
steak and kidney pie then I'll wolf it down just like the rest.

I do appreciate that he CF provides vegetarian meals, however I was looking
at them yesterday and from a nutrition stand point I can clearly understand why
the vegetarians in the CF lack energy and often break; the veggie meals provided by CF
are mostly just pasta! Where is the protien? Where are the vegetables?

Im going to have to do some more research on the nutrition of the CF meals but if it
looks to be the way I think it is, then I might have to throw away my vegan'ism just to stay alive
when Im away from home.

Seriously, how do they expect people to live off pasta?

Is it possible to bring my own food with me when Im not out on tour somewhere?
neuromancer said:
Is it possible to bring my own food with me when Im not out on tour somewhere?

YES -- most of us do.

Be it power bars or other stuff (especially Hot sauces) - some guys bring the "gourmet" meals from MEC.

I used to bring Canned foods too -(poor taste to weight ratio though)
Awesome, quick reply KevinB!

So what are my options when Im away from home? Can I buy local?
If it makes you feel any better, in garrison (i.e. on base) the cooks will usually have no problem meeting your dietary needs. One level below that, what we call "hayboxes", which are basically big inserts of warm food trucked out to the field, say at an outdoor weapons range. Here since the food is also prepared at a proper kitchen, it is also a none issue, especially if enough people ask for it. A seperate insert of a tofu/bean based entree should be provided. They are so good, that you should make sure you run to the line. If the meat eaters get there first they will undoubtably try to pass themselves off as vegans in order to get at the tofu.
The link between food that comes from animals and many different diseases is as strongly supported in the scientific literature as is the link between smoking and lung cancer.

Sorry, I was born and raised on a dairy farm, and I sometimes wonder what people think. I've never had a single disease and I don't know of a single person who has gotten sick from eating meats or animal byproducts.
Not to mention that wild game such as deer, caribou, and moose are very good for you.  This is under reported, as most people shy away from hunting, and would prefer others kill their food for them.

Futuretrooper said:
Sorry, I was born and raised on a dairy farm, and I sometimes wonder what people think. I've never had a single disease and I don't know of a single person who has gotten sick from eating meats or animal byproducts.

When you get sick from eating animal-foods there are no flashing lights that say: "SEE I TOLD YOU SO!!"

So it can be a little difficult for most people to see any relationship
between health problems and the eating of animal-foods.

Most people today who get cancer, stroke, heart disease, high blood presure, or any of the other
realted problems have no idea that it has anything to do with their diet and think that their
problems are just a part of life that must be endured and that they are just unlucky.

I've seen research that shows that a great very many of todays health problems can
be avoided by simply eating a proper diet.

Let me tell you a little about my family;

One of my uncles on my fathers side has Alzheimers, my aunt on the other side recently had a stroke and
almost died (she is permanently disabled as a result of the stroke now).

My mother got breast cancer. Then she had a minor heart attack, but she appears to be ok now, and the
cancer is gone as well.

Three close family friends have died from cancer, one from heart attack.
One is in the hospital dying from cancer right now.

I'm really glad your family all have perfect health.

Not everybody is so lucky.