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All things LASIK surgery (aircrew/other -- merged)

Well, thankfully my eyes haven't fallen out!!  I just got back from ym eye appontment and my vision is fine. 20/25 without correction and 20/20 with correction.  My eye itself is also perfect.  Although, apparantly I have a mole on the back of my eyeball. Nothing to worry about but interesting to know.  didn't think a person would get a mole there, but doc said about 18% of people do.  Anyway, faxed back the form all filled out.  Now I just need to schedule my interview.
NO Hopeful said:
I just went for my enrollment medical and because I had lasik surgery 10 years ago I have to get my vision tested by a Optometrist because I couldn't read the last line of letters.  I even brought with me an eye test I did from 4 months ago stating I had perfect vision and no night vision troubles and they are still making me get the form filled out.  Why is lasik such a bad thing with the Forces?

It's like any other surgeries you've had - you need a letter from the specialist comfirming how things went short and long term.  As well, for laser surgery, they need to confirm what procedure was done as some forms have been deemed incompatible with military service.

Thankfully everything went well.  I understand about the whole process and concerns with laser surgery.  I have gone through it all before with previous employment screening processes.  I am sure I will be ok as a Nursing Officer needs a minimum V4.  I don't know where 20/25 uncorrected and 20/20 corrected puts me but hopefully it is good enough.
NO Hopeful said:
Thankfully everything went well.  I understand about the whole process and concerns with laser surgery.  I have gone through it all before with previous employment screening processes.  I am sure I will be ok as a Nursing Officer needs a minimum V4.  I don't know where 20/25 uncorrected and 20/20 corrected puts me but hopefully it is good enough.
V1-V2 , so no issue.
Hmm, I have my Lasik in a couple of weeks and i can't wait. No worries what so ever...
V1 will feel alot better then V4 :P
Hi All,

I went shopping for laser eye surgery. Following my corneas thickness measurement  by ultra sound, the optometrist told me that I qualified for LASIK without problem and he sent my results to his affiliated laser eye surgery company. However, the surgeon of another company told me that my corneas thickness was borderline for LASIK. However, PRK can be done without problem on my eyes. Then I went back to the optometrist and he told me that depending on the newest equipments, they can perform LASIK on thinner corneas.

Moral of the story: Get your eyes tested by different surgeons and/or optometrists before making your choice.
I had that happen to me but then i had a consultation at the actual Laser Surgery Clinic and they were able to give me an accurate/in depth look at my eyes. I had the choice of LASIK or PRK and i went LASIK just for the sheer fact of that the healing process is faster. Either way is great and either way works.
And so far 5 days in from having the surgery 20/20 never felt so good :)
In my case, the PRK suggestion was given at a Laser Surgery Clinic by the surgeon himself and the Lasik suggestion was given by an optometrist affiliated to a Laser Eye Surgery Clinic on the claim that they use the state of the art Lasik equipments.

An experienced surgeon but old school that sticks with an older technology that he masters to perfection is it better than a younger surgeon using the newest technology that helps him to gather more informations on your eyes and allows him to be more precise during the operation.
This type of surgery seems to relay heavily on the tools so what is the limitation: the surgeon experiences or the technology in used?

I understand that no one here is allowed to give medical advices, fair enough. However, I was wondering if anyone has found Laser Eye Surgery Clinics in Vancouver that are using the latest PRK surgery equipments? Using internet, some clinics give the list of their equipments and others don't.


I myself went with LASIK MD and so far their great! (Don't expect to pay the $450 a eye...)
My long-time optometrist recommended Pacific Laser Eye Centre
and iv heard alright things about Lasik Eye Centers

Lando said:

I myself went with LASIK MD and so far their great! (Don't expect to pay the $450 a eye...)
My long-time optometrist recommended Pacific Laser Eye Centre
and iv heard alright things about Lasik Eye Centers

I went with LASIK MD here in Montreal as well in February. It was a little expensive, but completely worth it and I am glad I postponed my enrollment to get the surgery.  The recovery period is only 3 months as well before you can apply!
and to complete my  spiel on the surgery...i had it completed on the 16th dec.... best choice ive made. great vision now. itsa hard to really figure after so many years with glasses or contacts what i should be able to see at how far of a distance. in other words my vision is 20/20 and i would recommend it to every one. as a side not the facility that did mine. gimbel in edmonton has a 18month free enhancement clause. so if its not perfect they fix it at no extra cost. not bad IMHO
Happy that the surgery went well for all of you.

I'll go for PRK surgery on the 7Th of January. I've chosen the old school experienced surgeon !

Then I'll conquer the world as a MARS officer  ;)
Antoine...who did you choose to go with? I had my eyes done in Vancouver this past year and did extensive research before selecting a surgeon. Interestingly, my surgeon ended up having a hit put on him by his partner...at least he'll see it coming.
Apparently Pacific Laser is the best in the business in North America. Their prices reflect this (too much for me unfortunately) but their reputation is unparalleled.
I have chosen pacific laser eye center, if anyone would like more information, feel free to PM me.

I was pondering on when to get the surgery and how I would go about getting it whilst in PAT because I don't wanna go in the field with glasses on or prescription inserts as they hinder me when it rains or at the slightest amount physical activity.  But, Problem A, I have no idea when my course starts (BIQ) anywhere from feb to may and I am currently in Wainwright. And don't know who I would go to to find out about the procedure of having surgery done while on "duty". Becuase I had to take all my leave at once so I can't go on leave while I heal. The only thing I have gunnin for me right now is I have the money. If anyone has been in a posistion similar to me and got through the process let me know the answers to some of the above questions.

And on a minor note, does anyone know if the CF allows intacs? nvm they don't
Have you tried talking to your Chain of Command? 

I believe to start the process you would have to write a memo with your request and your CO will approve/deny it. Also, I believe somewhere in this thread it says if they still do the TCAT or not post surgery, or you could always ask at the MIR.
I don't know to much about all that but i do in fact know that when you have the surgery they want you to rest for 3 Months. Basically they don't want you as a risk during those 3 Months... The time while the flap heals over. I have to wait 3 Months before i can continue on with my recruitment.
Yea I talked to one of the sergeants once, he didn't really know. He also told me it was a 6 month wait so there was no way I was going to wait that long for after the procedure. And I hopped back onto army.ca on my christmas break and found out it could be as low as 3 months. So when I go  back I will just write a memo and whatever happens, happens. On the plus side it will give me time to get fit for course and figure out this small shin splint problem. But that is another matter for another day.
I think it has been said previously but what the CFRC told me:

Following Lasik surgery: minimum wait of 3 months.

Following PRK surgery: minimum wait of 6 months.

I don`t know if the wait can be shorter if you are healing faster than normal.
Rinker said:
Yea I talked to one of the sergeants once, he didn't really know. He also told me it was a 6 month wait so there was no way I was going to wait that long for after the procedure. And I hopped back onto army.ca on my christmas break and found out it could be as low as 3 months. So when I go  back I will just write a memo and whatever happens, happens. On the plus side it will give me time to get fit for course and figure out this small shin splint problem. But that is another matter for another day.

When I got LASIK, I was told by a recruiter that the minimum wait time was 6 months before I could apply. 6 months later, after undergoing the application process, I was informed by the Sgt who did my medical interview that it was only 3 months and that it was 6 months for the Pilot trade. It was pretty frustrating to find out that I could have applied 3 months earlier and maybe already been in BMQ, especially since I had never mentioned anything about being a pilot, hah. Oh well, what can you do.