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All things beardy-2005 to 2018 (merged)

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porlier said:
Hi there, im actually Navy, but in health care and currently posted in Petawawa.  So I have not seen any other navy personnel around to ask for advice  :(

So that probably means 2 Fd Amb. I'm pretty sure the RSM will have a policy. Ignore my comments on the Request Form... you won't see one in Pet.
porlier said:
Hello Loke,

Im have to write a memo also, was wondering if you had any luck?

You were given some good info here.  Do you expect someone else to write the memo for you?  I find it hard to believe there's no other Navy types at 2 Fd Amb...or anyone to whom you could go to for assistance.

Whatever you do, get someone to proofread for you.

Isn't that the way? These young soldiers now-a-days are looking to have things handed to them. I am all for proformas, but I am a firm beleiver that you need to know HOW and WHY things are done before you start taking shortcuts.

As well, supervisors need to be a little more proactive when it comes to PD. My guess? Porlier's boss said to do a little research on how to write a memo. Now he wants someone to do it for him.

Am I close?
Doesn't this count as him researching how to write a memo? Sure, it may not be the best avenue, but he's trying.
No, not really. Maybe I have taken it out of context, but a member has to write a memo on growing a beard. He goes on to a website not affiliated in any way with the CAF, and finds someone who also had to write a memo about growing a beard (4 years ago) and says "Any luck?"

How about a half hearted attempt at researching proper references contained WITHIN DND? What about looking into "Military Writing and Correspondence" on the DWAN and trying it out for himself? Make an attempt for God's sake - don't ask for someone else's work.

BinRat55 said:
How about a half hearted attempt at researching proper references contained WITHIN DND? What about looking into "Military Writing and Correspondence" on the DWAN and trying it out for himself? Make an attempt for God's sake - don't ask for someone else's work.



Like the Staff Writing link posted on his other thread??  Yep.
PMedMoe said:
Like the Staff Writing link posted on his other thread??  Yep.

Good link. I like this one too - http://lfdts.kingston.mil.ca/wr_templates_e.asp
BinRat55 said:
How about a half hearted attempt at researching proper references contained WITHIN DND? What about looking into "Military Writing and Correspondence" on the DWAN and trying it out for himself? Make an attempt for God's sake - don't ask for someone else's work.

The first memo I ever wrote was copied and pasted from the common-drive, then modified to fit my specific subject. From that point on, every memo and minute sheet I've ever written has just been a modification of a previous one.

Also, just to piss some of you guys off  ;D, here's a memo for him to use:


1000-1 (General)

    Sep 15



Refs: A-AD-265-000/AG-001 (CFP 265) – Canadian Forces Dress Instructions

1. IAW ref, I am requesting permission to grow a beard.

2. As a member of the RCN, having a beard would be a way of displaying the history, tradition and pride of the institution. In particular, with so few     
            RCN members at CFB Petawawa, it would be a way for me to remind others of the comradery and teamwork amongst the three branches.

3. Unless permitted to grow a beard during active-duty, my intention would be to grow a beard during my next leave period, which is scheduled from
              XXXX-XXXX. Upon my return from leave, I will have my beard inspected by the CSM to confirm its compliance with the ref.

4. For your consideration, Sir.

I.M. Lazy
Med Tech

What happens when said member becomes someone's supervisor and has to explain why there is a space where the date should be?

"Ummm... because the guy who wrote the original memo I used 5 years ago never knew the exact date?"

Why is the word "General" in brackets after the bunch of numbers at the top (which is incorrect I might add)?

"Ummm... because a general will eventually read this? Don't even ASK me what the numbers are for - the original memo I copied off had them, so now whenever I write a memo about ANYTHING I just use those same numbers..."

When you feed mistakes, you breed mistakes. It's called degenerative fade. Laziness causes people to pass on one mistake after another instead of teaching. In your example there is no indication of a classification, your formatting within the paras is incorrect, your file # is wrong... you make no indication to anyone nor do you explain the ramifications of addressing a memo to the CO...
BinRat55 said:
What happens when said member becomes someone's supervisor and has to explain why there is a space where the date should be?

"Ummm... because the guy who wrote the original memo I used 5 years ago never knew the exact date?"

Why is the word "General" in brackets after the bunch of numbers at the top (which is incorrect I might add)?

"Ummm... because a general will eventually read this? Don't even ASK me what the numbers are for - the original memo I copied off had them, so now whenever I write a memo about ANYTHING I just use those same numbers..."

When you feed mistakes, you breed mistakes. It's called degenerative fade. Laziness causes people to pass on one mistake after another instead of teaching. In your example there is no indication of a classification, your formatting within the paras is incorrect, your file # is wrong... you make no indication to anyone nor do you explain the ramifications of addressing a memo to the CO...


Lumber said:
Also, just to piss some of you guys off  ;D, here's a memo for him to use:


Also, it's hard formatting on milnet, it doesn't need a classification if it's unclass, and I put "1000-1 (General)" because I don't want to list my actual UIC or position on here . But if you care so much it would be "6435-1000-1 (Adj)" for example.

Further, he can use that memo as a starting point and take it to his supervisor, who can make the corrections and explain to him anything wrong with it, such as explainign why there is a space before the month.

I'm not sure what you mean about "ramifications of addressing a memo to the CO". What ramifications? 95% of memos and 100% of request forms must go to the CO. It's SOP. So, why would there be ramifications?
Lumber said:


Also, it's hard formatting on milnet, it doesn't need a classification if it's unclass, and I put "1000-1 (General)" because I don't want to list my actual UIC or position on here . But if you care so much it would be "6435-1000-1 (Adj)" for example.

Further, he can use that memo as a starting point and take it to his supervisor, who can make the corrections and explain to him anything wrong with it, such as explainign why there is a space before the month.

I'm not sure what you mean about "ramifications of addressing a memo to the CO". What ramifications? 95% of memos and 100% of request forms must go to the CO. It's SOP. So, why would there be ramifications?

Ok, so yes - you win.

I will assume that 6435-1000-1 (Adj) was a typo on your part, as it is NOT a file number in the CF. How about 5250-3 (Pers) maybe? And before you launch into me for poo-pooing your file number, I do recognize it - it's just not a "personnel memorandum" file number. We aren't reconfiguring the Pacific Fleet here Admiral!
By "ramifications", I misspoke. I kinda meant what actually "CO" meant. No - not 100% of requests need to go to the CO. Some go to the OC, some go to the Adj, some go to the Log O...

My whole point is when someone just "gives" format to new people, things get lost - like the right way do do something... You handed over a memo, albeit well crafted and poorly formatted (not by any error of yours) and OP would "assume" you knew everything, used it not thinking / knowing anything was incorrect...
Lumber said:
The first memo I ever wrote was copied and pasted from the common-drive, then modified to fit my specific subject. From that point on, every memo and minute sheet I've ever written has just been a modification of a previous one.

Also, just to piss some of you guys off  ;D, here's a memo for him to use:


1000-1 (General)

    Sep 15



Refs: A-AD-265-000/AG-001 (CFP 265) – Canadian Forces Dress Instructions

1. IAW ref, I am requesting permission to grow a beard.

2. As a member of the RCN, having a beard would be a way of displaying the history, tradition and pride of the institution. In particular, with so few     
            RCN members at CFB Petawawa, it would be a way for me to remind others of the comradery and teamwork amongst the three branches.

3. Unless permitted to grow a beard during active-duty, my intention would be to grow a beard during my next leave period, which is scheduled from
              XXXX-XXXX. Upon my return from leave, I will have my beard inspected by the CSM to confirm its compliance with the ref.

4. For your consideration, Sir.

I.M. Lazy
Med Tech

Thank you Lumber for taking the time to help me with a memo example, really what I was looking for as I am totally new to the military life/straight out of bmoq.  As for the others who seem to be angered or annoyed at my request,  I guess I should apologize?  Im only on base twice a week, and was only given access to a dwan account yesterday....  needless to say I am still an amateur when it comes to navigating and finding the information on my own.  Practice makes perfect, and eventually I should catch on.  :p    All the best to everyone, and I continue to welcome any positive advice and or criticism, but try to be nice eh?  :cdn: 
You're new, its fine. But you should go to your immediate supervisor for assistance with memos like this. Good way to earn PER points by showing your interest in learning proper military writing skills.
PuckChaser said:
You're new, its fine. But you should go to your immediate supervisor for assistance with memos like this. Good way to earn PER points by showing your interest in learning proper military writing skills.

My point exactly...

Just out of curiosity, why are you only "on base twice a week"? Are you reserve?
BinRat55 said:
My point exactly...

Just out of curiosity, why are you only "on base twice a week"? Are you reserve?

I did ask my immediate supervisor and his answer was to go find answers on dwan yesterday after I received access, and try I did but with limited success.  Unfortunately everyone in the unit is/and has been very busy since I arrived....., so not much time to help the FNG ;)    I have been advised to speak with an rsm which I plan on doing when back on base next week.  I am regular, but on a distance learning program in healthcare for 9 months.(paid to study, cant complain)  They have me go in twice a week for "job shadowing" which so far has meant photocopying.. lol. 
maritimer15 said:
I did ask my immediate supervisor and his answer was to go find answers on dwan yesterday after I received access,

There you go, now we have it.  Seems that our new officers are treated even worse than our new NCMs.

Hell, some days, even I can't find answers on the DWAN.    :facepalm:
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