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Springroll said:
I have spent many a night out at Mary Hill and Albert Head. There is a story about the ghosts at Albert Head, but the ones that freak me out are from Mary Hill, specifically the small gravesite there.

Either way, I had more fun telling the stories to my cadets and watching them freak out a bit when I was on first FP...hehehe

Where abouts is the gravesite? Ive been to Mary Hill quite a few times now but have never come across anything that appeared to be a burial ground...
tactical_canada said:
Where abouts is the gravesite? Ive been to Mary Hill quite a few times now but have never come across anything that appeared to be a burial ground...

Too be quite honest, it has been almost 14 years since I have been there, so I am trying to go through one of the last times I went by it, and the directions are not coming to me. The gravesite is very small(like 6ft by 6ft).

**Edited to add: I just got off the phone and my sister said the gravesite is not at Mary hill, but at Albert Head down by the water. My bad...when you get old, your memory goes...lol 
I've been going to Albert Head for years and know the training area almost inside and out...never have I heard a story about a ghost.  I know about the William Head Penitentiary/Asylum over by Mary Hill, in fact a couple of friends of mine went there when it was abandoned...scared the sh*t out of them.

C/WO_Q-Ball said:
I've been going to Albert Head for years and know the training area almost inside and out...

You may know it well.... But i doubt there's anyone else on this forum that knows Albert Head better than i do!  LOL!  :salute: :cdn:

Considering you and the rest of 848 parade there every week, Sgt. Trakalo, you probably do know the area better.  All I'm saying is that I've gone on exercises there for years, and have have been all over the training area, the garrison, the grenade range, the abseil site, the obstacle course, the bunkers, the old lepper colony, the docks, etc. and I've never heard or seen anything to suggest a ghost.  If there is a story or a legend of a ghost, let me know.
I have to call BS on two stories going here:

About the PPCLI and the guard tower almost shooting them? I served in the 3rd for five years, never ever heard of this one.  Got a date for this event?

About a ghost at Albert Head.  You cant swing a dead cat without hearing about a ghost story in some house or park in Victoria , but I have never ever heard of a ghost at Albert Head. Got details?
The only Haunting stories I heard about we're from HMCS QU'APPELLE SCSTC in Fort Qu'Appelle SK, the STC was located at the Echo Valley Conference Center up until a few summers ago when it was closed. The Conference center used to be a TB Sanatorium back in the day, and to this day there are still many vistages of the old hospital, such as the morgue, surgury rooms, and crematorium. There are hundreds of documented occurrances of weird happenings there. I have'nt experienced any of the hauntings in that place but I know people that have.

Other than that it is a beautiful place to go and if anyone that had a chance to go there for a summer or even for a course through RCIS would know what I mean.
Having trained at Albert Head off and on since the 80's I may be able to shed some light on this subject. There was a quarantine station on an island near the trg area. If you go to the lower part of the camp they have erected a nice little fenced gravesite explaining all about it if you care to read. However, the confusion over this started many years ago (about 16years). Some members of the 2483PPCLI cadet corps pathfinders team made up a good story about how the graves were in fact  a mass grave of soldiers who had caught leprisy or something. At the time the graves were not marked so this fit. The went on to say that the buildings at the lower camp were sealed with other bodies of soldiers that were apparently locked in after a deployment that found them infected with something. They went even deeper with this campfire story and said that the soldiers were fed by putting food under the door and such. Then the kicker! there used to be two small crosses at the gravesite. The cadets were told that a former base commander has two children who made sandcastle and played in the dirt around the graves while having open cuts on their hands. They too supposedly caught this illness and died only to be buried there. this story was to my knowledge all made up, but it was a good one. Hats off to I think Dilberovic, Wiebe, Taylor, Reid, and a bunch of others for cooking this up back in '89 or '90. It made for some good times with new cadets. But if you really want to know what happened- READ THE GRAVESITE TABLET! Oh and one other thing.....there are no ghosts or graveyards at Mary Hill. If you were to venture into the tunnels (which you won't!) then you would find tons of naptha cans and naptha bombs plus a plethora of 2289 5th field cadet corps grafitti from the long long ago. They were famous for their goofy underground parties/sex/bomb making/dumb-ass stuff.
Aha!  The truth comes out!  :o

Ofcourse, logically, we cant believe a story without proof, so we cant believe a 'myth-busting' without proof... anyone else able to confirm this myth-interpretation?
Nobby said:
Some members of the 2483PPCLI cadet corps pathfinders team made up a good story about how the graves were in fact a mass grave of soldiers who had caught leprisy or something.

That is exactly it! Thanks Nobby. I knew I hadn't lost my mind, just couldn't remember what story belonged to what.
and don't you dare comment on that....lol

Nobby said:
Hats off to I think Dilberovic, Wiebe, Taylor, Reid, and a bunch of others for cooking this up back in '89 or '90. It made for some good times with new cadets. But if you really want to know what happened- READ THE GRAVESITE TABLET!

Ya know, I have never read it. When I'm out there, you should take me on down to show me, Nobby....I'll come scare the cadets on an exercise or something...just for old times sake..hehehe

Nobby said:
Oh and one other thing.....there are no ghosts or graveyards at Mary Hill. If you were to venture into the tunnels (which you won't!) then you would find tons of naptha cans and naptha bombs plus a plethora of 2289 5th field cadet corps grafitti from the long long ago. They were famous for their goofy underground parties/sex/bomb making/dumb-ass stuff.

This I already knew....after many friday nights partying with those crazy loons!
They used to do the same things over at the old bunkers by the Rainbow cadets...hehehe
I'd be glad to take you down there when you come out for your courses, Springroll. You won't recognize it, they made such a nice little monument compared to the old wooden crosses in random dirt that used to be there.
Nobby said:
I'd be glad to take you down there when you come out for your courses, Springroll. You won't recognize it, they made such a nice little monument compared to the old wooden crosses in random dirt that used to be there.

I look forward to it, Nobby.
Do they still have those buildings right beside it?

I'll be surprised if I even remember how to manuver through there..it has been about 13 years...lol
Not sure if there is a topic started on this but , so if so , I apologize.

I remember years back when I was with GACSTC for Senior Band , we went down to Cornwallis to play with the Sea Cadets.. HMCS.. Something or other... Anyways , they had this rumour that in one of the barracks.. or on top of a hill around that area . that there is a ghost that would roam the cadet barracks.. or just the area in general. They would say you could hear almost a chime , lol , like possibly a staff cadet playing a Gloc to scare the wee children.

All I DO know is that almost 7 years later I still remember most of this story and I know it scared me  :-[ Ha ha. Anyone know anything about that Ghost Story? I'd love to hear more about it. And whats that training centre called again thats at Cornwallis now?! I can't believe I forget!!

Awwww band camp memories.
one time at band camp there was a cadet, who played a B flat rather than a B sharp in meeting of the waters and got chewed out so badly by his senior bandie instructor he died, and now he haunts the barracks, and if you listen close you can hear the beginning of Meeting of the Waters being played with a B flat. Poor bandies ;)
Ahhh yeah, I remember getting a couple of the boys to cover me in leaves and then bring the cadets around for the quick tour while telling a ghost story........Heh heh heh. Some big eyes on a few Sigs cadets from 3005 back in the eighties.
I don't believe in this crock of you know what. I don't even believe in UFO's

Jessie said:
Just training, being course cadets for a week, working like dogs on your uniform, and doing mutuals, though we only had to do one class mutual, unless you were going for PERT or PERI staff, then you had to lead PT for a morning.
GHOSTS!?!!?  :o Oh wonderful, now I'm going to have night-terrors tonight.  :boring:

On a slightly lighter note, but still on the subject of ghosts.
Ghostbusters 3 is being released in 2009  ;D
