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Airbus 340 crash at Toronto airport

the far ranging level of experts here do make this serious topic kind of funny.
Personallly  i do not like the airbus aircraft, but I only ride on them , small cabins etc, makes it hard for a guy  my  height to be comfy. I think the american aircraft makers have trashed airbus and any other non american aircraft maker in the media to help sell more aemrican made aircraft.  airbus started out as away  to create a European aircraft marker, designing smaller , cheaper aircraft, and hoping to break into the market and get a good share of the sale market from the American companies.  Now they have done that  and they are improving designs and pushing the limits of flight and engineering. with that  said enough trash talk on aircraft designs and companies, if they  could not pass the test flights and the FAA in the States, Transport Canada, and whatever other countries have as the government in charge of transport, they  would not be flying.

Anyways no aircraft has a perfect record and accident free.  so that  says it all, and the airbus must be good because Canadian Forces have them  ;D and we use them everyday. not that  model but we have the airbus

with all jokes aside now

1) happy  to see all people live to tell stories for the rest of their lives about landing in Toronto and walking away  from the aircraft.
2) happy  to see it was not terrorism which i am sure a few thought it was
3) amazing footage of the after math on the news.
4) good quotes on the news and they still managed to screw up the story. saying no surivors when he meant to say they all surivived, thanks CBC  for that laugh
5) Canada made the American News and we did not look stupid because our government leaders were not involved
6) it shows any  landing you can walk away  from is a good one.

FormerHorseGuard said:
1) happy   to see all people live to tell stories for the rest of their lives about landing in Toronto and walking away   from the aircraft.
2) happy   to see it was not terrorism which i am sure a few thought it was
3) amazing footage of the after math on the news.
4) good quotes on the news and they still managed to screw up the story. saying no surivors when he meant to say they all surivived, thanks CBC   for that laugh
5) Canada made the American News and we did not look stupid because our government leaders were not involved
6) it shows any   landing you can walk away   from is a good one.

Have to agree with you on all counts but i must say that #5 is my personal favorite  ;D
I would like to thank CTV for the worst coverage I've ever seen.

I was watching within the hour of the crash, and they had this hillbilly rubberneck on the phone, who claimed ".....once it touched down, it was struck by lightning and lost all power.  The pilot somehow valiantly keep the aircraft from veering off the runway and crashing into the 401 rush hour"

Then CTV continues to explore this account for like 40 minutes, talking about how brave the pilots were, and how the airbus was so poorly designed that it could loose all power from a lightning strike. 

Kudos CTV, very responsible reporting...
I took the day off to go to Wonderland. Many "red alerts" there also.
Got a call to go into work right away - I work as an airside Escort. (go ahead with the jokes, I've heard'em all)

I was sitting on Runway 24L at the end zone lights. You could see the skid marks.

What got my attention was that the Grass at the end of the runway where the tire tracks were, it was only compressed about 2 inches.

An aircraft that heavy should have sank if he was going slow enough. Lufthansa sank into the grass exiting on a highspeed off the runway a few years ago. (which means he wasn't VERY slow, but slow enough)

So AF must have been going VERY fast to do little damage to the grass. Now as for the damage to the approach lighting for 6R - That's a totally different story. I'll try to get the pictures on here tonight when i get home. anyone else with more experience perhaps could explain why this would happen, if not for speed. By the way, I was there when they built this runway, and there's nothing out of the ordinary under the grass (ie. reinforcements.) just gravel, LOTS of dirt on top, and the Grass.

I only say this because there was no fatalities, but this means LOTS of hours for me this summer/fall.
What I do is escort construction people and others who do not have a permanent pass who need to get into the restricted area, or on to  the maneuvering area.

Favorite moment from news coverage: when the GTAA spokesman was asked about "Red Alert" and it's effect on airplanes, he responded by saying that "all traffic is handled by NavCan who RUNS the airport."
I'm sure NavCan must have loved that, since they're always dealing with the GTAA flexing their muscles to make sure everyone knows they run the airport.

Is it just me, or does this bother anyone else.... "Toronto's ALL NEWS RADIO STATION" goes to CNN LIVE with Wolf Blitzer for coverage of a story happening in Toronto, where CNN is reviewing the same footage from CBC and they have less info then stations in Toronto. It could be just me, i don't really like CNN. They try to put a spin on everything to make it profitable for themselves. I guess all news companies are like this, but they're the worst in my opinion.

CHUM FM This morning called it a Airbus 320. Yesterday it was a 737 with 300+ Pax.
They have experts for all areas, except aviation. Why?
short final said:
Kudos CTV, very responsible reporting...

Oh those people will milk this for months!


I would strongly advise you to follow the advise of Muskrat and read for now...More reading/less or no posting.

We have people on this forum who have been flying airplanes since before you were born and they don't even claim to be experts.

Slim (the first one)
Another example of an anchorman trying to be an expert from yesterday in the very early stages of the events (paraphrased)

"The aircraft ended up at the end of 24L, which means the runway is pointing at 240 degrees.  The wind was out of the west, which means the aircraft MUST HAVE BEEN LANDING.  If the aircraft was trying to take off, it would have been going the other direction....."   ??????WTF?????  

Since when to planes land into wind, and take off out of wind??
short final said:
Since when to planes land into wind, and take off out of wind??

Don't you know, headwind will slow you down, and tailwind will push you from behind and you go faster.  ;D

When it gets real interesting is if it's a busy airport with landers and departures on the same runway ;-D
Alright guys, I work as a Customs officer in terminal 2. The crash happened near terminal 3. We weren't getting any passengers because the airport was previously on "red-alert". Red-alert is when there is lighting hitting the ground within 25 miles of the airport. Planes are allowed to land, but no one can get off of them for obvious reasons; I.E. large piece of metal in the middle of a big open field. 
After we heard that there had been an accident ( via CBC, as details were sketchy from our super) we had no idea what was happening. A friend and I left our customs hall and went up to where the check-in area is to see if we could see it. You could smell the burning smell all throughout the upstairs area. We were able to get into a secured location which gave is perfect view of the crash. This was about 20 mins after it happened, and we did not know if anyone had survived at this point. While i was watching it, I thought for sure everyone was dead. I don't know if anyone else saw it, but the plane was in 3 pieces, thick black smoke, and just looked like everyone was "done".
I was talking to fellow inspectors who are in terminal 3, and they said it was complete chaos. They had to warm up the passengers, people had no idea what was going on, families weren't sure if their members on the plane had survived. It was nuts.
:salute: Honestly, after watching the news, seeing the planes myself, all i have to say is good job to both the CREW, and the RESCUERS. It took 90 secs for the crew to get everyone off, and the firefighters were there in 50 secs. Hats off.

That's my story.....