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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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Dolphin_Hunter said:
Ex-NAVCOM, currently an AES Op.

Your observations are leading you down the right path my friend.

CFAT came back, good for any position officer or NCM. Hopefully after the next steps I get offered Aesop. Fingers, Toes, and legs crossed.
So, after months and months and months and now a posting... I've heard nothing! Not a Decline message, not an offer message! Nothing... THAT'S frustrating!!!

I'm going to guess (but check with the clerks at  my new unit for an update on my application) that I wasn't 'competitive' enough... Which somewhat surprises me... So for those of you who are going to start the process, it's long, and it can end like mine thus far lol... Be advised!
Sig Joeschmo said:
So, after months and months and months and now a posting... I've heard nothing! Not a Decline message, not an offer message! Nothing... THAT'S frustrating!!!

I'm going to guess (but check with the clerks at  my new unit for an update on my application) that I wasn't 'competitive' enough... Which somewhat surprises me... So for those of you who are going to start the process, it's long, and it can end like mine thus far lol... Be advised!

I got my medical lined up for July 3rd, crossing the fingers and studying for the interview. Really want the Aesop job! Hope things are going better for you.
The scenario which will hopefully never happen, but if it does;

My Aircrew medical comes back, I pass and interview goes great and I get offered an Aesop career and life is good. Pass BMQ and am studying in Manitoba.

Should the unforeseeable happen and someone fails to many times, do they A) kick you out of the forces B) Put you in another trade C) Make you start the course over again?
It could be any one of those 3 options and will depend on what you failed, how you failed, you performance up to that time, was pre/post Wings, etc.

*it depends* on a whole bunch of factors and depending even on what point in your career you are at. 
Just want to make sure that I get this correct;

Once you receive your wings which takes about 1.5 or more years, you become a corporal?

Medical is done and being sent tomorrow, studying the position, duties and your posts about training for the interview.

Well...that's a fair estimate.  Plan for 48 months from your swearing in date for Cpls.  Promotion to Cpl isn't tied so much to "when you get Winged" to "having the required training and time-in".

48 months, and QL5 qual (Wings) are what you should base it on.  There is a chance of getting accelerated promoted but...again don't count on it IMO.
Eye In The Sky said:
Well...that's a fair estimate.  Plan for 48 months from your swearing in date for Cpls.  Promotion to Cpl isn't tied so much to "when you get Winged" to "having the required training and time-in".

48 months, and QL5 qual (Wings) are what you should base it on.  There is a chance of getting accelerated promoted but...again don't count on it IMO.

Yes, don't expect to get corporal after your wings....believe me! but being a private does have some perks :)
I have interest in the AESOp Trade as well as ACO. I have been told that ASCOp's must posses above average math skills in addition to excellent spatial ability. I am looking into upgrading my math skills as well as taking a basic science course which covers basic Physics and them some... What kind of math courses would be best to take so I can better prepare myself for this path?
What are the CFAT requirements for AESOp? Are they in line with AC Op (aerospace control)?
SkyWalker91 said:
I have interest in the AESOp Trade as well as ACO. I have been told that ASCOp's must posses above average math skills in addition to excellent spatial ability. I am looking into upgrading my math skills as well as taking a basic science course which covers basic Physics and them some... What kind of math courses would be best to take so I can better prepare myself for this path?

Hmm...20 pages in this....yeah....that kind of information hasn't been brought up and discussed before...oh wait it has, and recently.
SkyWalker91 said:
I have interest in the AESOp Trade as well as ACO. I have been told that ASCOp's must posses above average math skills in addition to excellent spatial ability. I am looking into upgrading my math skills as well as taking a basic science course which covers basic Physics and them some... What kind of math courses would be best to take so I can better prepare myself for this path?

Gr 12 academic math.  I'm not sure what an ASCOp is ???
PeterL said:
What are the CFAT requirements for AESOp? Are they in line with AC Op (aerospace control)?

The CFAT requirement for AES OP is that you pass all the test requirements at the cut-off for AES Op.

I have no idea what they are.  It's an aptitude test. 
hi guys

ive been infantry almost 6 years and in the last year, all i can think about is how bad i want to remuster and ot to AES op.
ive read all about the trade, everything about it sounds great! i have spoken to the bpso some time in the summer and he
told me that unfortunately at this time i could not ot to this trade until the canforgen comes out in the spring. was pretty
bummed about that because at that point there was 9 months until i could begin the process. its a little closer now 5 more
months to go but after reading up a bit of this thread, it sounds as if the process takes an excruciatingly long time.. and an
even longer wait just for a call back after all your medicals and other tests just to let you know yey or ne.

is coming from civvy streets what makes the process so long? if so i understand the wait for that. if the ot process has been
known to be slow into this trade, what can i do to speed up that process before, and after, the ot goes through? could i start
my air medicals, hearing tests, vision tests, all that now in the spare time that i have or would i have to wait til ot is confirmed?
my aptitude test was a pass for pretty much anything i wanted and i chose infantry, silly me (no offense to any infanteers that
may read this), so im good on that anyway.. not that its a huge step ahead or anything. is it the coc that can be a little slow?
will i have to hassle them often, through proper channels and memos and all that good stuff, about what is going on in terms of
my ot?

i just signed my ie25 yesterday, and i really dont want to spend it here. also my ex-wife suprised me with a move to ns while i
was in afghanistan last year, so not only do i need a career change, i also need to be closer to my kids.. hopefully this dosent
backfire with a posting to bc lol  :facepalm:

so today, at this very moment, i am under the impression that i will be around here not only til the spring, but for quite a while
after that too  :-\
djcpltype said:
i have spoken to the bpso some time in the summer and he told me that unfortunately at this time i could not ot to this trade until the canforgen comes out in the spring. was pretty bummed about that because at that point there was 9 months until i could begin the process.

The trade used to fall under the COTP (Continuing OT Program) but sounds like it was moved out, likely due to our numbers/trade health being up.  What the COTP meant was applications were accepted all the time, however the Selection Board still only sat once a year, which is how AVOTP works.  So no change aside from 'cosmetics' IMO. 

its a little closer now 5 more months to go but after reading up a bit of this thread, it sounds as if the process takes an excruciatingly long time.. and an
even longer wait just for a call back after all your medicals and other tests just to let you know yey or ne.  is coming from civvy streets what makes the process so long? if so i understand the wait for that. if the ot process has been known to be slow into this trade

Not so much for OT.  Process shouldn't take THAT long really.  There can be waits for medical stuff so best to start that ASAP.

known to be slow into this trade, what can i do to speed up that process before, and after, the ot goes through? could i start
my air medicals, hearing tests, vision tests, all that now in the spare time that i have or would i have to wait til ot is confirmed?

You will want to get your aircrew medical Part I and II done asap, as well as the eye exam (called a cyclo); both of these are needed to get your Medical Category Air Factor 2 - not being able to get AF2 is a show stopper.  You can't OT with an AF2 granted.

Find the 2012 AVOTP message/CANFORGEN.  It will give you a good idea of what you need to do.  The '13 message will likely be very similar. 

my aptitude test was a pass for pretty much anything i wanted and i chose infantry, silly me (no offense to any infanteers that
may read this), so im good on that anyway.. not that its a huge step ahead or anything.

BPSO will still need to verify your CFAT.

is it the coc that can be a little slow?  will i have to hassle them often, through proper channels and memos and all that good stuff, about what is going on in terms of my ot?

Possibility.  Best way ahead is to have your file ready (by looking at the 2012 message) asap when the '13 message comes out.  Have the medical done ahead of time, etc.  Once the message comes out, there shouldn't be much for them to do. Supervisor's assessment, CO Recommendation, a few items for the Orderly Room to check and then off to the BPSO for their stuff.

so today, at this very moment, i am under the impression that i will be around here not only til the spring, but for quite a while after that too  :-\

Next Selection Board will likely be around Feb/Mar.  VOT's usually happen for those selected around the generic APS posting date (mid Jul).  If you were one of them, you'd go to the BTL until you got course loaded on a QL3 (BAQC) course.  We have a new OT from last years competition who came on Sqn this summer who might not get on a BAQC until next July.
Hi All,

I've just signed up to this forum. I'm already part of AESOP lounge, but that site is all but dead. Less a couple of posts here and there. I'm in sort of a different spot than DE's and OT's in that I'm doing combined CT/OT. Since this is my first post, some background (not that any of you care).

RegF Sig from 2002-2005. Got out and moved to the UK where I married my wife. Moved back to Toronto and went ResF Sig after a couple of civi jobs and have been here for 5yrs and starting my 6th. I need a change, as this position is stagnant, and the trade is wearing on me. I've also got a family now, and want some challenging, stable employment. So that's me....

Put in for my CT back in June, and got word to be sure my MPRR was all up to date about 6 months later from DMILC. About the time the previous post came up. File is good to go and I've completed my AF medicals. I'm now just waiting for an interview at the recruiting centre. I'm hoping I can get that done before the board sits next couple of months. Going by your calculations anyway, Eye In The Sky. I think I'm pretty much good to go. I have letters of reference from some ideal people, been in touch with folk in the trade on both coasts. All because I'm lucky enough to be working in a place with people from across the forces. Downside is, according to BPSO there's only 2 positions a year for someone coming from ResF untrained.

Seeing as this is the most up to date thread I can find, I think I'll just stay tuned in here for updates.

Any other experiences, tips, info is greatly appreciated.
Hi and welcome,

Yes I'd bet the numbers are down for CT to the trade;  our numbers are still fairly strong.  But...there are still 2 CT spots.

Eye In The Sky said:
Hi and welcome,

Yes I'd bet the numbers are down for CT to the trade;  our numbers are still fairly strong.  But...there are still 2 CT spots.

So I was just able to get some info. Though the info I got was not very reassuring.

They have my application in Ottawa. The reason I haven’t heard anything else yet is because there were no positions available last year. IF there’s any new positions this year they will announce those in April. The person I spoke to said there’s a pretty high chance there won’t be more positions this year. If there are the chances I would be selected are very low, because I'm untrained coming from ResF (even though I have 3yrs RegF time). She said if I don’t hear anything in April to contact her in May to discuss “other options”. FML  :facepalm:
So I was just able to get some info. Though the info I got was not very reassuring.

They have my application in Ottawa. The reason I haven’t heard anything else yet is because there were no positions available last year. IF there’s any new positions this year they will announce those in April. The person I spoke to said there’s a pretty high chance there won’t be more positions this year. If there are the chances I would be selected are very low, because I'm untrained coming from ResF (even though I have 3yrs RegF time). She said if I don’t hear anything in April to contact her in May to discuss “other options”. FML  :facepalm:

Well that isn't good news at all. I've been looking to CT into this trade for over a year now,  I've been trying to line it up with my university degree. I think I know who you are from the lounge. I'll put my CT next time I'm in the unit based on that news.

Best of luck.