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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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yettiohead said:
Nevermind, guess it isn't important and us girls should just let ourselves go during basic. Got it. Can't wait.

Take care of yourself as you normaly do. No matter how much notice you get, you're just going to have to deal with it. I'm sure you can imagine how well " i cant go to the pool now MCpl, i havent shaved my legs/ bikini waxed in 3 days" would go over.

Contrary to popular beleif, CFLRS is not a day spa. I know you are shocked.
I won't sleep tonight due to the Borat image burned in my retina.  But if those first few swim suit photos are new CF swim-wear for females, I look foward greatly to BMOQ next May.
yettiohead said:
Nevermind, guess it isn't important and us girls should just let ourselves go during basic. Got it. Can't wait.

Nope. It all has to taking personal responsibility and 'manning up' to the job. I don't care if you have a bit of fur showing or if you look like Wolverine. Can you pick me up and haul my ass from a hotspot or is your profile built on what I see in the Mess?
recceguy said:
Nope. It all has to taking personal responsibility and 'manning up' to the job. I don't care if you have a bit of fur showing or if you look like Wolverine. Can you pick me up and haul my *** from a hotspot or is your profile built on what I see in the Mess?

The blatent sexisim! You're suggesting someone has to exhibit man-like qualities to get the job done!

Just kidding boss
Well you get to shower every night during basic (well, while at the Mega that is...), and if you feel like to don't have time for that at the end of your day, you can always work on that during week end I guess.  Really that is the last thing I would be worried about... For pool pt I would worry more about buying goggles (saw a lot of guys with pink eye, you don't want that !!!)
Trish said:
Well you get to shower every night during basic (well, while at the Mega that is...), and if you feel like to don't have time for that at the end of your day, you can always work on that during week end I guess.  Really that is the last thing I would be worried about... For pool pt I would worry more about buying goggles (saw a lot of guys with pink eye, you don't want that !!!)

Are we even allowed to bring/use swimming goggles during basic?
Final said:
Are we even allowed to bring/use swimming goggles during basic?

Good question. Back in the day we were not allowed but i'm sure that , yes or no, the end result will be the same.
Final said:
What kind of training did you sign up for? O_o

And where do I sign?

Well......we're not too proud, but I must say we do have good taste.......in bathing suits (or is it the contents...), if nothing else.... ;D
GAP said:
Well......we're not too proud, but I must say we do have good taste.......in bathing suits (or is it the contents...), if nothing else.... ;D

We're Canadians, Of course we have good taste!
You can definitly wear goggles, and the instructors and PSP staff actually encourage it.  The water in the pool has a higher chlorine content than the average pool because of the amount of germs at CFLRS.

The swin test is done in combats, but pool PT itself is done in swim suits.  If you have time to properly clean yourself up and that makes you feel better than go for it.  You should have time at night or on the weekends if you can excel at time management.

The thing I would actually be more concerned about there is how many times you hear "squat position change" or "pushup position change" while you are wearing your swim suit and the male PSP staff are enjoying the view, seen it happen....
The male staff will enjoy the view sure... But the women get to see a whole platoon of in shape men doing it too.  Not a bad trade off IMO.
GenePool said:
You can definitly wear goggles, and the instructors and PSP staff actually encourage it.  The water in the pool has a higher chlorine content than the average pool because of the amount of germs at CFLRS.

Just FYI (or UFI  ;)), it's usually not the chlorine that bothers people's eyes but the pH level. 


Searyn said:
But the women get to see a whole platoon of in shape men doing it too.  Not a bad trade off IMO.

If they're actually fit, that is.
Searyn said:
The male staff will enjoy the view sure... But the women get to see a whole platoon of in shape men doing it too.  Not a bad trade off IMO.

Not all recruits will be in perfect shape with bulging muscles..and with the world as it is now, It's happening more and more.  So, the girls don't exactly win all the time.
Final said:
Not all recruits will be in perfect shape with bulging muscles..and with the world as it is now, It's happening more and more.  So, the girls don't exactly win all the time.

Oh....we're getting picky now you two......isn't that what variety is all about..... ;D