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Absent training partner.....


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I'm sure that there are many out there that are in the same boat I'm in. When running, lifting, or even swimming it always seems easier when you have somebody to train with. Someone who pushes you and you push back. But after that first week of workingout begins to wear on them.. they seem to drop off the face of the planet or their lives suddenly become full of appointments and grandparents they have to visit, ect.   Now... I'm able to do all these things on my own, but it is a lot more enjoyable doing them with a friend.  
Anybody else out there experience the same thing? Anybody have a solution to the incredable disappearing friend syndrome?
Well, I don't have a solution, but for sure I'm in the same boat as you.  It sucks because I'm doing a lot of weight training, and it is good to have someone there to keep my form properly and to "encourage" me to pop off that last couple reps.  Not to mention the safety factor.  Good luck man.
Invest in a discman or MP3 player thats what I did.  Personally, I feel that if you can't push yourself without someone yelling or "encouraging" you then you need to re-evaluate your motivation.  Not come across as harsh or anything....
Do you lift weights?  Lots of weight?  Trust me, motivation is not a problem.  Discman, great for running I agree.  But for weight training, you need a buddy to at least act as a spotter.
putz said:
Invest in a discman or MP3 player thats what I did.   Personally, I feel that if you can't push yourself without someone yelling or "encouraging" you then you need to re-evaluate your motivation.   Not come across as harsh or anything....

Putz.... I never said it was a matter of motivation. I said it was easier and more enjoyable. Did you read my earlier post? I have an Mp3 player and I know that they make a run more enjoyable... But how do you get into competition with one? or have a conversation? How does it spot you when you're on the bench? (teamwork) etc....    Anyway... it's a question of keeping a friend motivated to do these things with you. How many people out there have made the decision to join with a friend only to have them drop out all of a sudden? Would you want to try your best to keep them on track or let them disappear? And even if it wasn't a "let's join together" thing... why not keep your friends going just to keep them healthy?  I'm sure most people out there understand what i'm talking about... any suggestions will probably benefit a lot of people out there!
Sorry for coming across as a pr*ck, just been one of those mornings....  Here is what happened to me:

2.5 years ago me and my ex-roomie started a regular weight and carido routine.  About 3 weeks into he started with the excuses (tired, hungry, doctor etc.), and I found myself working out alone.  I grabbed a discman and starting working out myself...

QY Rang said:
Do you lift weights? Lots of weight? Trust me, motivation is not a problem. Discman, great for running I agree. But for weight training, you need a buddy to at least act as a spotter.

spotters are no big deal!  When I'm lifiting weights and need a spotter I just ask someone to keep an eye out.  Most people at gyms are very helpful with the whole you scratch my back I scratch yours attitude.  Not having a spotter is no excuse to stop working out.  I find that I only really need a spotter when I'm doing my bench.  As for the motivation factor to do those extra reps....We'll I guess I'm one of those people that just says "I'm gonna do this" and then I do, no matter how hard.  I also listen to music that gets me really pumped up, and the adrenaline moving.  I do push lots of weight and I spend around an hour a day on weight training alone, 5 times a week.  I find that now I like working out by myself more than working out with people.  You get more done faster, and with less of a break in between.  Look around your gym most people ( I find) don't work out with others....See how they do it or ask them!  I don't bite the head off of people when they come and ask me a question and I've never had it happen to me when I've asked them either.

Anyway I'll step of my little soap box now......  and it was my intention to come across as an a**hole sorry if thats how I came across.
No worries about the Arseholiness, Putz, it's all good.  Personally I still have to disagree with you about having a spotter though.  I don't know about you but I can't afford to spend my $$$ going to the gym.  I saved my pennies and bought a bench and some free weights.  Having a spotter to me is crucial.  I work until failure, (and then some).  Could you imagine squeezing off that last rep on the bench press and having your arms give out on you?  Not a pleasant situation.

I do agree that yes, it is possible to work out alone.  And yes, it does go faster sometimes.  But I am training hard, and to train hard you have to train safe.  I think you will be hard pressed to find someone on here that will put safety second so that they can get their workout done quicker. 

I personally find it much more enjoyable when I can share an activity that I enjoy with a friend.  It's like going to the bar.  Isn't it better to have someone there to watch your back?  Sure, your beer tastes just as good if you are there by yourself... you see where I can take this.

I will also apologize if I seem too hard headed about this, but I've seen and heard of too many people getting crushed under their dumbells because they pushed too hard with no one to help them out.  Cheers.
I've seen and heard of too many people getting crushed under their dumbells because they pushed too hard with no one to help them out.  Cheers.

I've heared about that too.  I assumed that most people when the talk about weights are talking about working out in a gym  and you know what they say about assuming....).  Honestly, when working out at home or alone I don't know.  I grew up on a farm and didn't need/use weights and when I moved to Edmonton I joined a gym. 

I do agree that yes, it is possible to work out alone.  And yes, it does go faster sometimes.  But I am training hard, and to train hard you have to train safe.  I think you will be hard pressed to find someone on here that will put safety second so that they can get their workout done quicker.

I agree.  I workout safe, like I said if I need a spotter I just ask someone and I have the same asked of me.  Anyway thats my $0.02
Not even one suggestion from an instructor?  ANYTHING!
ok.... How about this then... has anybody actually joined with a friend? How did you keep each other going? How did you get over the rough spots in BMQ/SQ/BIQ  ???  Anybody have any encouraging stories about graduating together?