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A very nice thing happened to me and my family

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Here's one.  A friend of mine is a flight attendant for Air Canada. She told me that a  couple of weeks ago she was greeting passengers at the door. A "young kid" (her words) gets on with a pretty severe limp. Given the fact that it is snow board season she asked if he'd crashed on a hill. No M'amn, I was in Afghanistan, he was on his way to NDMC. Long story short, she moved him up to a seat in Business Class. She told the cockpit crew about the "passenger" and then the pilot came back to shake his hand.  The whole encounter really shook her up, mainly because he seemed not much older than her own teen-aged son.  She was pretty much in tears when she told me about it, just about had me going too.....Some soldier I am!

About three weeks ago I went for a haircut at my local village barber.  There were a couple of other customers in the shop at the time.  The barber's 2 year old daughter wandered in to the shop from the adjoining house.  She seemed perplexed by me in CADPAT.  So, I took my Velcro (TM) flag off my shirt and stuck it to the sleeve of her wool sweater.  Was she ever thrilled!!  Her dad was as well.

Last week I went back for another haircut.  When I went to pay, the barber told me that a customer in the shop on my last visit had pre-paid my next haircut!  Cool!!

So I asked the barber who it was.  All he said is "I don't know his last name, but he's a lawyer in the city".
I must pipe in and add one; something finally happened to me and it stunned me..only for a second {I can hear you all snickering} I was on my was back from the Toronto airport after dropping off some people.  I stopped for a coffee at one of the service centres here on the 401.  When I went to pay, the cashier said that it was already paid for by one of the other employees.  I said a humbling thanks, when the other girl said...no, Thank you.
Kind of hits you right here...{chest}
:salute:    :cdn:
BYT, nice to hear.

I can't remember if I told you about it when you came to see me off at Trenton, but when I deployed to Afghanistan, my team was travelling by bus from Ottawa to Trenton.

When we stopped at a service stop for a quick Tim's, a guy came and said he was from Colt Canada, and asked how many of us on the bus.

He came back from his van with 2 Armloads worth of Colt Canada T-shirts. They were on the way back from the CANSEC conference, and just happened to have a bunch.

A nice little gesture.
A very nice jesture to say the least.  I'm still having a bit of a time getting over the free coffees every now and then at Tim's.  Gives you that little lumpy thing in the throat.  After 23 years, it's nice to feel appreciated by the public and proud to wear the uniform in public again!.
Cheers, BYTD
PS> nice new moniker BW7... :P
This afternoon while I was a work(Value Village In Toronto)  two gentlemen were paying for their purchases at my register.  The younger of the two, who was probably 70-80ish had a yellow ribbon on his lapel.  I asked him about it, he told me he was ex RCR and was on his way to Korea but was hurt and wasn't able to go.  He then proceeded to tell me that the gentleman he was with was ex British Airborne.  He asked if I had seen the movie "The Bridge Too Far"?  And that his friend was there. That he was one of the 2500 of so Brits in his unit that parachuted into Arnhem.  And he was one of only five that survived.  And I took the yellow ribbon(that I have there everyday) off my work vest and pinned it on the older gentleman's lapel. It made me feel very proud:)  That's my good story for the day!
Once a soldier, always a soldier... Thank you Engineers wife

I just wanted to clarify on my earlier post.  I should have put 'surviving' not survived.  The gentleman I met was one of the five that is alive today.  But, it's still a great moment. 
In the end of Feb '08 I sent out 5 thank you letters with some Timmies gift cert in them to "Any Canadian Forces Member"  Yesterday I got a thank you letter from a MCPL thanking me for the letter and the gift cert.  And since I had offered to send a care package in the letter, he thanked me for that as well.  He said he was getting lots from his folks already.  But, one of "his" young privates wasn't getting any mail.  And if I wanted to, send the care package to him instead.  I thought that was very considerate of him to be thinking of his troops, and actually having the time to send me off a letter.  So, I will be sending out a parcel for the young private in the next few weeks.  It just made my day:)  Just thought I would share.
Engineers wife.... Thank YOU!

The MCpl depends on his subordinates & his decision to deflect some positive attention towards same said private only goes to show that he is "switched on" and running on all cylinders with those "double/doubles" you so graciously provided.

Have a great day!

.... methinks of a very clandestine plan..... Shhhh!
Will be talking to wife and friends - have em all send letters to the CODFATHER to give him thanks while enclosing "timmy" gift certificates.  While the big guy can certainly afford his own coffee, I think he deserves a HUGE amount of great big "thanks a lot" for the image turnaround that he has instigated over the last 3 years...
This week on my Facebook account I received a thank you from Mr. Watkins, who, I assume is Pte. Lane Watkins father. (Pte Watkins was killed July '07.) He thanked me for participating in the Highway of Heroes, and that it 'meant the world to his family'  Now, does that not wanna make just boo hoo? Man, had to take a a deep breath on that one.  Every chance I get I go down to the highway when they are bringing our heroes home.  VERY proud to be Canadian:)
And, driving down Dufferin, between Finch and Sheppard, here in TO, I noticed that at the Fire Services head office has a flag pole with a Canadian flag on it and right under that is a 'Support The Troops' flag.  Thank you Toronto Fire Services:)
And, driving down Dufferin, between Finch and Sheppard, here in TO, I noticed that at the Fire Services head office has a flag pole with a Canadian flag on it and right under that is a 'Support The Troops' flag.  Thank you Toronto Fire Services:)
While I laud the Toronto Fire Ser ice for flying the Support the troops flag, it should NOT be flying @superior@ to the Canadian flag....  They could be flown alongside but never superior to the National flag.
I went to a Car Wash recently and after the wash I drove to the nearby Canadian Tire. I was walking towards the store when this grand old gentleman blew his horn to me. When I turned around he had his hand out the drivers window with a " Support our Troops " vehicle sticker. I was about to tell him I have one when he told me it came off my vehicle in the Car Wash.(I normally remove it)
I was very touched that this complete stranger would go out of his way, over a sticker. As he drove away I noticed a " Support our Troop " sticker on his car.
Once when I was in the recruiting process I was on my way to the CFRC when I fell into a speed trap, doing about 15 over. :-[ Anyways, as one of the officers was running my license and I was sitting contemplating my soon to be skyrocketing insurance rates, the other officer asked me what the rather official looking documents I had on the front seat were. (Medical results [sealed, because they were Protected, fear not] and some other recruiting brickabrack) I told him I was taking them to hand them in to the RC. He told me to sit tight and went over to the cruiser. He returned a moment later, handed me my license, gave me a shot on the shoulder and sent me on my way. I always wondered whether he was a reservist or had once served.