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A very nice thing happened to me and my family

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Last Friday I took my family out to dinner in (Small town omitted), MI.  I did not bother to change and wore my ACUs.  We had a great time, lots of laughter and talk of the future, college for my oldest, boy scout camp for my sons, engineering camp for my daughter, etc.

I called the waitress over so I could get my bill and pay for our dinner.  The waitress' answer was that it was not necessary, a gentlemen paid for everything including the tip.  My wife started to cry and I didn't know what to say.  Needless to say it made us feel really special, I asked if she knew who he was?  She said he wanted to remain anonymous.  This happened only one other time when I returned from Afghanistan at a restaurant just outside of FT Benning.

I plan on writing a letter to the editor of the local newspaper.  Although not necessary, it was very nice to know that people understand and wanted to show their appreciation to myself and my family. 

Thats awesome S_Baker, when I read stuff like this it almost makes up for all the BS in the news.
*Warm fuzzy feeling*
Good one SB
Can say for myself that, since 2001, I have had only one nasty incident while in uniform...
Have had too many Smiles, thumbs up, free subway fare, coffees and thank you.

The people are behind us... the media isn't
Great to hear!  You should definately write that letter, if not to just show that not all parts of the newspaper (editorials) are against the war (take with a grain of salt)!
Excellent story, really makes a soldiers sacrifice worth while.  People do care.

As for the media, reporters don't keep their jobs by reporting good news. The old saying that "bad news is good news for a reporter" hold true.

GUNS said:
Excellent story, really makes a soldiers sacrifice worth while.  People do care.

As for the media, reporters don't keep their jobs by reporting good news. The old saying that "bad news is good news for a reporter" hold true.

(even when they have to manufacture  / bend it?)
At 443MH we regularly go to a local coffee shop in Sidney "Alexanders" and some local business put down $200 on tab
for any military member, he has done this twice now.
It makes me even prouder to wear the uniform when people do simple things like this for us, at least some people care about what
we do.
Awesome S_Baker....HLs and I had something similar happen last summer and it was very...nice.

It's really great to hear the nice stories!  I went to pick something up at Sears last year and I showed my military ID.  The woman said "God bless all you soldiers."  I was quite touched and thanked her profusely.
That's really awesome, S_Baker.  Nice to know that people out there are appreciative of our Armed Forces, and aren't afraid to show it.
Figured this would be a good place to post this.

Yesterday morning, in uniform, at the counter of a Tim's and about to pay for my coffee, I noticed the cashier to be distracted, and handed a toonie, by a gentleman in line behind me before I could pay. He said that he had it, and just said thank you. I started to object, but he wouldn't hear of it. All I could say was Thank you, and take my coffee.

As if that wasn't enough, that evening, while having dinner at a Restaurant with the GF, I went out for a smoke, and ended up sparking a conversation with some police officers at the same time. These guys were from Toronto, and from England, at a conference here in town.

We talked about different things, and then we all went back in. After polishing off our bottle of wine, I went to pay for dinner, when the waitress said, "I hope you don't plan on leaving just yet. Those cops from Toronto just got you and your date some more wine". They were gone, and I didn't even have a chance to say thanks.

Just wanted to share these. No matter how many times you get a hippy or idiot who mouths off, tells you how horrible you are, or that you kill babies, just one nice word or action from someone makes up for 20 of the bad.
I don't normally take the bus, but yesterday, I had a meeting at NDHQ, so I took the bus downtown, rather than fight parking battles.  Getting on the bus after the meeting the OCTranspo driver put his hand over the fare box as I was attempting to put my tickets in and told me just to take a transfer.  Nice guy!

Sig_Des said:
No matter how many times you get a hippy or idiot who mouths off, tells you how horrible you are, or that you kill babies, just one nice word or action from someone makes up for 20 of the bad.
Absolutely...just like when my 6-year-old tells me how much he loves me, after driving me crazy all day! 

exgunnertdo said:
I don't normally take the bus, but yesterday, I had a meeting at NDHQ, so I took the bus downtown, rather than fight parking battles.  Getting on the bus after the meeting the OCTranspo driver put his hand over the fare box as I was attempting to put my tickets in and told me just to take a transfer.  Nice guy!

Must've been something about OC Transpo yesterday.  I was on my way to a specialst medical in PT kit (wearing an "ARMY" T-shirt and carrying a very obviously Army backpack).  When I got on the bus the driver did basically the same thing.  I transferred to another bus and, as I didn't know exactly where I was going, I asked the driver to let me off at the closest stop.. Well he did one better, dropping me off almost right in front of my destination.
Had that happen a couple of times on OC Transpo.  Often quite a few Drivers do it around Rememberance Day, the weeks before, and after. 
Ditto with Montreal Transit......

Hmmm.... Must be a plague :)
That is great to hear S_Baker.
I believe most Canadians feel the way that gentleman did...nice to see someone acted on it.  Well deserved and thanks for sharing with us!

edted: spelling
I almost never have to pay bus fare anymore. I take the bus down to the armouries every parade night, and I happen to have the same driver every time, who refuses to let me pay, and we chat for the bus ride down. Awhile ago, he told me he was changing routes, and was nice enough to tell the new guy to let me on free.  :)
Sig_Des:  I, too, have had a free meal or two in Ottawa.


I have also had a family stop me on the Sparks Street Mall and say "thnk you for doing what you do".

(I guess that makes up for the grubby nutbar at Kent and Queen who got in my face and told me "The world is gonna end tomorrow and it's all YOUR FAULT!")

Hey, mods:  How about starting "A Nice Thing Happened To Me In Uniform" forum?
Same on London Transit, especially when boarding at/near the base. Always brings a smile to my face.