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A Deeply Fractured US

If Trump wins the presidency again, here are some general predictions of what might happen:

1. The US economy starts to improve, and as a result so does Canada's.
2. After some threats from 47 there is a cease to hostilities in the Ukr/Rus war, and negotiations begin. Neither side is thrilled. Mid East issues also simmer down;
3. We learn of big problems in election administration. Changes any normal person can agree with are implemented (proof of citizenship, voter ID, paper ballots);
4. Crack down on illegal border crossings, war on fentanyl begins - China not thrilled;
5. Trump pardons Biden and his son from any corruption charges; and
6. In his mean voice Trump pressures Canada to increase NATO and defence spending and distance from China in exchange for trade/defence concessions and cooperation on the China file.

oh, and lastly:

7. "Progressives" lose their minds.
Some deservedly harsh reaction to the ending of the Florida governor robot’s campaign.

Wailing and gnashing of teeth from an obviously biased bunch of socialists. We have so little that qualifies as real journalism these days.
Quite a few "names" who seem to have forgotten that Republicans passed around a pledge requiring candidates to support the eventual nominee, and that DeSantis did - after stalling a bit - sign it. Trump isn't the nominee yet, and DeSantis was not required by the pledge to immediately endorse Trump, but Trump has the proverbial "commanding lead". DeSantis is effectively honouring the spirit of the pledge, and presumably will eventually honour its letter.

For Republicans who want to win the presidency regardless of whether it means putting a misfit in office, "rallying round" often and early is more effective than bickering and infighting and declaring war on the party and running off to vote Democratic or third party.

If DeSantis wants to try again in 2028 - and the Republican party has a habit of nominating the last election's runner-up, although not its second runner-up - it's smart politics to stay in the party lanes.
If DeSantis wants to try again in 2028 - and the Republican party has a habit of nominating the last election's runner-up, although not its second runner-up - it's smart politics to stay in the party lanes.
That is beating that MAGA doesn’t implode in the meantime.

The problem is that saying Party lane is a misnomer for the GOP these days, 10% of the Party has hijacked it.
That is beating that MAGA doesn’t implode in the meantime.

The problem is that saying Party lane is a misnomer for the GOP these days, 10% of the Party has hijacked it.
It's the mainstream of the party now. The neo-cons are gone. Since their faction started out as disaffected Democrats, they're probably back where they belong. They can't return; they burnt the bridges and tried to salt the lands. They were boiling mad bitter vitriolic sore losers after 2016; that's all still out there to be searched and read. At its most extreme, it's like reading Lenin, but without advocating actual executions. It's delightfully ironic that they took themselves out, considering David Frum's well-known article Unpatriotic Conservatives. Frum criticized: "They have made common cause with the left-wing and Islamist antiwar movements in this country and in Europe." Now the gang at The Bulwark and elsewhere have made common cause with the Democrats and have been engaged on a crusade since 2016 to purify the Republican party with fire. They've entirely set aside Reagan's "Thou shalt not speak ill of another Republican". They still produce articles arguing, inevitably, for America to fight wars abroad. The idea of promoting revolutionary political change at the point of a gun always did bear more resemblance to a Communist ideal than a conservative one.

What remains is a less interventionist (foreign and domestic) Republican party. When Trump is gone, most of the perceived irrationality will be gone also.
McConnell and his buddies that back Schumer more than their own are done for. McConnell doesn't even try to hide it anymore. Lots of regret after making him minority leader again.
If Trump wins the presidency again, here are some general predictions of what might happen:

1. The US economy starts to improve, and as a result so does Canada's.
From what to what? By all accounts it is improving. It just isn’t translating into anything for Biden.

What are Trump’s fiscal policies that lead you to say that? Not saying you are wrong, but I suspect he’ll add to the debt like he did before.
2. After some threats from 47 there is a cease to hostilities in the Ukr/Rus war, and negotiations begin. Neither side is thrilled. Mid East issues also simmer down;
No. Trump will abandon Ukrainians the way he abandoned the Kurds. He’ll tell Zelenski to let Putin have what he wants. You’ll cheer him on for it like all his supporters.
3. We learn of big problems in election administration. Changes any normal person can agree with are implemented (proof of citizenship, voter ID, paper ballots);
Yes that will be the line used only if he loses. It will quiet down like it did when he won the first time. Funny that…
4. Crack down on illegal border crossings, war on fentanyl begins - China not thrilled;
Likely. But I predict it will be completely bungled like last time.
5. Trump pardons Biden and his son from any corruption charges; and
No way. But all Trump’s legal issues will disappear.
6. In his mean voice Trump pressures Canada to increase NATO and defence spending and distance from China in exchange for trade/defence concessions and cooperation on the China file.
Wasn’t that what was supposed to happen last time? Trump will preside over a fracturing of NATO if anything.
oh, and lastly:

7. "Progressives" lose their minds.
Oh for sure. But I predict a peaceful transition of power unlike when he lost.
You'd never know it by his spiteful rhetoric. Romney is more democrat that republican.
Uniparty, inside the beltway, establishment... there are lots of terms to capture it. I think that is where the dissatisfaction stems.
From what to what? By all accounts it is improving. It just isn’t translating into anything for Biden.
I guess the question is do Americans feel better off financially now or when under Trump?

What are Trump’s fiscal policies that lead you to say that? Not saying you are wrong, but I suspect he’ll add to the debt like he did before.
His energy polices were better, as one example.

No. Trump will abandon Ukrainians the way he abandoned the Kurds. He’ll tell Zelenski to let Putin have what he wants. You’ll cheer him on for it like all his supporters.
Trump is on record stating he wants an end to the killing. His record of no more wars stands, yet he's not afraid to drop the hammer when needed --> ask Soleimani.

Yes that will be the line used only if he loses. It will quiet down like it did when he won the first time. Funny that…
Anecdotal evidence suggests they just didn't cheat enough in 2016... and perhaps they over did it in 2020.

Likely. But I predict it will be completely bungled like last time.
Doubtful the bungling will be rightfully attributable to Trump, more likely resistant bureaucrats "the resistance!". But I think the situation has worsened to the point where the American people can't be fooled by corrupt media about that problem anymore.

No way. But all Trump’s legal issues will disappear.
That might happen sooner with SCC decisions. Regardless, Trump hasn't done anything that should keep him from office... Suggesting he committed insurrection is laughable.

Wasn’t that what was supposed to happen last time? Trump will preside over a fracturing of NATO if anything.
Last time we had Trudeau, the worst PM in Canadian history... this time we should have PP, who I guess will be far more agreeable with a Trump administration when it benefits Canada and the free democratic west.

Oh for sure. But I predict a peaceful transition of power unlike when he lost.
When he won in 2016 there was four years of insurrection by bureaucracy, media, and the establishment. And it started with the Russia Collusion Hoax and carried on from there.

Trump 2.0 will be less likely to make the same mistakes as the first time. The chief mistake being he placed too much trust in unelected officials who were opposed to his presidency to still carry out their lawful duty without fear or favor. Hopefully he cleans house far better than the last time.

Trump is not a threat to humankind or democracy. But the unelected bureaucrats who usurp the will of the electorate and abuse their positions of power certainly are.
I guess the question is do Americans feel better off financially now or when under Trump?
Better under Bush 2.0

His energy polices were better, as one example.
Did he actually have a policy or just let stuff happen?
Trump is on record stating he wants an end to the killing. His record of no more wars stands, yet he's not afraid to drop the hammer when needed --> ask Soleimani.
Except he’s naive enough to believe that letting Russian roll Ukraine is a way to peace.

Anecdotal evidence suggests they just didn't cheat enough in 2016... and perhaps they over did it in 2020.
Both parties are equally culpable on vote harvesting. I fell hook line and sinker for the ‘Stop the Steal’ until more information came to light.
Doubtful the bungling will be rightfully attributable to Trump, more likely resistant bureaucrats "the resistance!". But I think the situation has worsened to the point where the American people can't be fooled by corrupt media about that problem anymore.
Like Fox or Fucker Carlson?
That might happen sooner with SCC decisions. Regardless, Trump hasn't done anything that should keep him from office... Suggesting he committed insurrection is laughable.
I put it to you that you are woefully underinformed and clearly don’t have a US Security Clearance to understand what Trump has actually done.
Last time we had Trudeau, the worst PM in Canadian history... this time we should have PP, who I guess will be far more agreeable with a Trump administration when it benefits Canada and the free democratic west.
Clearly Niki Haley…

When he won in 2016 there was four years of insurrection by bureaucracy, media, and the establishment. And it started with the Russia Collusion Hoax and carried on from there.
I take it you did not actually read the report.
Trump 2.0 will be less likely to make the same mistakes as the first time. The chief mistake being he placed too much trust in unelected officials who were opposed to his presidency to still carry out their lawful duty without fear or favor. Hopefully he cleans house far better than the last time.

Trump is not a threat to humankind or democracy. But the unelected bureaucrats who usurp the will of the electorate and abuse their positions of power certainly are.
I’m glad you are not a US voter.
Look I didn’t like Trump as the 2016 nomination, as there where a lot better candidates who where outsiders to politics.

He was a mediocre President. I supported him over Biden in 2019 but after Jan 6 can’t look at him the same, nor other information that I’ve come to be aware of. Furthermore his Make America Great Again slogan was just that to him, a catchy catchphrase that defied what he actually did.

Furthermore he isn’t the Trump of 2016, who was a narcissist, but now he’s a narcissistic sociopath who’s just trying to set fire to the country. If he actually wanted to put the Country first he’d have sat out.

And about that 8Million from the Chinese…