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A Deeply Fractured US

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My understanding is the precise July to September date range she gave corresponds with the state’s fourth Grand Jury term this year. That’s consistent with a need to have a grand jury approve indictments. In the past couple weeks there’s been a lot of news out of Georgia and I suspect some new revelations have caused her to see merit in taking a bit more time to collect statements and evidence on newly apparent issues.

Both will land somewhere. lemon will likely join Cuomo where he is and Carlson some other alt news like Newsmax (assuming they survive their defamation suit). Neither will get close to what they were paid at their previous networks nor have the same reach.

Newsmax and OAN are both currently being sued for defamation by Dominion. They may not be super keen to hire the guy who was a big part of Fox just paying three quarters of a billion to Dominion in a defamation settlement. I could see employing Tucker Carlson potentially working against their interests as they presumably enter into their own settlement negotiations on the same issue.
My understanding is the precise July to September date range she gave corresponds with the state’s fourth Grand Jury term this year. That’s consistent with a need to have a grand jury approve indictments. In the past couple weeks there’s been a lot of news out of Georgia and I suspect some new revelations have caused her to see merit in taking a bit more time to collect statements and evidence on newly apparent issues.
I don’t disagree, but on the outside, the timeframe makes it appear that Political games are being played.

The other troubling aspect is that it appears both President Biden and President Trump are intent on refighting the 2020 election in 2024. Despite polls showing that the majority of Americans believe it’s time for both of them to go.
I don’t disagree, but on the outside, the timeframe makes it appear that Political games are being played.

The other troubling aspect is that it appears both President Biden and President Trump are intent on refighting the 2020 election in 2024. Despite polls showing that the majority of Americans believe it’s time for both of them to go.
Shrug people on the outside and can and will think whatever they wish. If a prosecution isn’t yet set to go, it isn’t yet set to go. The Georgia DA’s working other ancillary issues now, and it sounds like a few of the fake electors may have made a sudden move to flip on each other. There are issues of counsel representation and other matters to resolve there.

We still don’t know who she intends to prosecute, buuut… Giving police a few months’ notice on potential significant security arrangements being needed does lead to certain inferences.
I never thought I'd agree with "the majority of Americans." Mind you, I also think that both Trudeau and Poilievre have exceeded their 'best before' dates and need to go.
If PP did both of two things, I'd actually consider voting for him:

1. Make a clear official move away from the social conservatives; and
2. Stop tweeting and blaming literally every problem on Trudeau. It's not making Trudeau look bad (other than to those who already despise Trudeau); all it's doing is making him look like he has no idea how to do the PM's job.

On the US side, I also agree with the majority; Biden was too old before the last election.
Warts aside, I think PP deserves a chance at the rudder. A put up or shut up kind of thing.
Trudeau? He's got to go. There's just too much evidence and scandal showing his lack of care for Canadians and his socialist bent. There's the constant lies he gets caught in, the financial malfeasance, his backroom deals and the complete concentration of power in the PMO. Just to name a few.

Currently, PP has the upper hand and is the best choice, at this moment, to put an end to trudeau's reign.

I really can't see how he could do worse than our current bully.

But we're wandering here. Maybe a mod can put it where it belongs.
Americans still might get one of their wishes if DeSantis can win the primary, but it looks like Democrats are locked in. The pressure against any credible contender who might threaten Biden in the primary would be intense. The DNC has already decided not to have any primary debates.

For any conventional Democrat who aspires to be president and is in the right age band, now is an excellent time to throw in. If Trump wins the Republican primary, a conventional Democrat should win easily in the general.
Meanwhile… the US, and by extension Canada, has far bigger problems than what’s been focused on in the news.

According to Wikipedia only three new countries (Algeria, Argentina and Iran) have expressed interest in joining. And those applications were made in 2022.
There are numerous countries that have, to varying degree expressed "interest" in joining BRICS, but contrary to Collin Ruggs tweet, have not actually applied.
According to Wikipedia only three new countries (Algeria, Argentina and Iran) have expressed interest in joining. And those applications were made in 2022.
There are numerous countries that have, to varying degree expressed "interest" in joining BRICS, but contrary to Collin Ruggs tweet, have not actually applied.
Would love to see the shocked look on MBS’ face if KSA pivoted to China and the ‘God Code’ suddenly kept their F-15s, M1A2s and PATRIOTs from functioning… 😉
Given what Algeria did to Russia at the UNSC, I don’t think they are going forward with any BRIC’s plan…
Americans still might get one of their wishes if DeSantis can win the primary, but it looks like Democrats are locked in. The pressure against any credible contender who might threaten Biden in the primary would be intense. The DNC has already decided not to have any primary debates.

For any conventional Democrat who aspires to be president and is in the right age band, now is an excellent time to throw in. If Trump wins the Republican primary, a conventional Democrat should win easily in the general.
Honestly a Moderate Republican or Democrat running as an Independent at this point could actually win. About 60% of the voting Public is ‘undecided’ at this point, and a good deal of decided voters are solely dedicated to voting against the ‘other guy’.

I for one would relish a fairly neutral Independent option.

Both the current front runners are about the worst options either Party has, and I think my Chocolate Lab would do a better job, as she’s at least just food motivated.
Honestly a Moderate Republican or Democrat running as an Independent at this point could actually win. About 60% of the voting Public is ‘undecided’ at this point, and a good deal of decided voters are solely dedicated to voting against the ‘other guy’.

I for one would relish a fairly neutral Independent option.

Both the current front runners are about the worst options either Party has, and I think my Chocolate Lab would do a better job, as she’s at least just food motivated.
Now is also an excellent time for a charismatic or respected billionaire willing to torch a few hundred million to make a vanity run (assuming Biden and Trump win nominations).
If PP did both of two things, I'd actually consider voting for him:

1. Make a clear official move away from the social conservatives; and
2. Stop tweeting and blaming literally every problem on Trudeau. It's not making Trudeau look bad (other than to those who already despise Trudeau); all it's doing is making him look like he has no idea how to do the PM's job.

On the US side, I also agree with the majority; Biden was too old before the last election.
I firmly believe that the hope was that Joe would drop a year into his term and the VEEP would take over, and then appoint AOC as VEEP and lead the US to enlightenment. At gunpoint, if necessary.
I firmly believe that the hope was that Joe would drop a year into his term and the VEEP would take over, and then appoint AOC as VEEP and lead the US to enlightenment. At gunpoint, if necessary.
That would have some serious consequences.
DeSantis has said today he's not a candidate in the 2024 race. That could just mean he hasn't filed yet, IMO.

Biden isn't going to make it. Something will happen to scuttle him. The biden/ harris ticket is a guaranteed loss. Even democrats are against them.

I think Biden might be a ploy to have Trump get the primary and then they'll throw in a ringer to run against him.

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