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P Kaye

I'm transferring to 3FES soon, and have been doing a bit of research to learn about the unit before I show up.
3FES in Ottawa is undergoing a big expansion to an engineer regiment under the Land Force Reserve Restructure.  I am wondering what name will be given to the regiment.  3FER already exists, in Wesmount, PQ... does anybody know what the plan is to name the regiment that will result from the expansion of 3FES?
It could be named after the brigade that it supports:  33 FER.
Why do they call it a regiment when there numbers do not reflex of a regiment or do they.  If it is a regiment then why so much support from the CER's?

Bubbles Up!!!
Welcome to 3FES..when do you expect your transfer??   I am in the process of getting qualified as an engineer..I am at the beginning stages and currently in weekend BMQ..

To respond to your query on learning more about the unt.....phone the unit...try and meet with the recruiting ppl..I did that when I was joining

It is my understanding that....YES!   3 FES is definately expanding...it is to grow to regiment status.   The exact name of the unit I am unsure of..but, I do understand that the "engineer" component of the unit will retain the 3FES designation.   I had heard some information that it could be called 3CER when I underwent my officier board review.
Hey, thanks.  I've already been to the unit actually, and spoken at length with the CO and a few others.
If i get myself kitted-out in time (I turned everything in when i left 31 Brigade), I plan to show up and start working next month.
I've sent you a more detailed reply in an off-line message, to avoid filling this forum with individual messages.
I look forward to meeting you!l

I am expecting to be sworn in this week, probably on the 20th. I know that the next BMQ will be hosted by the C.Highlanders, but I am not sure if it will begin at the end of Jan or sometime in Feb. I look forward to becoming a member of 3FES. I have a few friends in the unit already, and they tell me great things.

Hope to see everyone of you very soon
