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22 March 2017: Attack In London

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U.K. police shoot assailant after gunfire heard near Parliament

House of Commons suspended and locked down, least 4 people lying on ground, some bleeding heavily

A man has been shot by London police after loud bangs similar to gunfire were heard outside Britain's Parliament on Wednesday.

At least four people were lying on the ground, some bleeding heavily and apparently unconscious, on Westminster Bridge near Parliament.


- mod edit to add date, remove question mark -
Update:  4 dead, 20 injured.

Condolences to those affected by those killed, speedy recovery to those wounded and well done to those stopping the attack ...

Some quick headlines from Google News here ...
  • "4 dead in vehicle, knife attack at British Parliament"
  • "Four dead, at least 20 injured in parliament 'terrorist' attack"
  • "No change in Canada's threat level after assumed terror attack in London"
Deepest condolences to the family and friends of the fallen and a speedy, full recovery to the injured.  Glad the terrorist didn't make it.
I hope all those wounded recover quickly. Very sad event and condolences to the families of those killed.
Don Jnr. Tweets,

In the middle of the London terror attacks?
Ambulances in the background?
People injured & killed?
Time for a selfie.
mariomike said:
Don Jnr. Tweets,

Trump Jr sounds like a real doorknob with that tweet.  Obviously not what the mayor said.

I wonder though if the mayor will blame this attack on Trump.


[although in fairness the identity of the attacker hasn't been confirmed]
Just a reminder ...


  • BkgNwsCaveats.JPG
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Jarnhamar said:
Trump Jr sounds like a real doorknob with that tweet.  Obviously not what the mayor said.

I wonder though if the mayor will blame this attack on Trump.


[although in fairness the identity of the attacker hasn't been confirmed]

Yup, he got it right, saying bad things about a religion makes bad things happen by the adherents of the religion.  Look at the continually roasted Jehovah Witnesses, the mayhem they create in the streets..........  Don't forget Mormons and their drive to turn the world into Utah.
Lightguns said:
Yup, he got it right, saying bad things about a religion makes bad things happen by the adherents of the religion.  Look at the continually roasted Jehovah Witnesses, the mayhem they create in the streets..........  Don't forget Mormons and their drive to turn the world into Utah.

... "If I get one more person turning me and my free bibles away at their door, I'm going to flip!"
As soon as they said, very early today, that the rented vehicle the terrorist used was from Birmingham and arrests had been made there, the identity of this POS comes as no surprise.

U.K. attacker ID'd as Khalid Masood, British-born man once investigated for 'violent extremism'
Attacker had not been convicted of terrorism-related offences

A man stops at the scene to take a selfie while a french arab website celebrates.

THIS man sparked fury on Twitter when he was seen using a ‘selfie stick’ near victims of the Westminster terror attack.

A screenshot from France 24 Arabic’s live video feed shows Muslim viewers reacting to the rampage with smiley faces and thumbs up.

mariomike said:
Paramedics who tried to save the London terrorist criticized by some members of the public for helping him.

As far as I'm concerned, the only pressure point I would want to apply on that POS laying on the ground would at throat level.  Fuck. Him.
Jarnhamar said:
Ah, the "judge the whole group by the actions of a few f***ckers" paradigm -- well done, InfoWars*!  I guess Alex was too busy to pick up on what some other Muslims have been up to ...
Remember, when you judge one group by the worst examples, you better be prepared for other groups to be judged by the worst examples - and not complain saying, "hey, it's just a few bad apples - you can't paint with a broad brush."

* -- The same folks who brought you this:  "9/11: CIA Likely Built Remote-Controlled Commercial Jets in Aircraft Boneyard -- This would explain how 9/11 hijackers were able to "fly" commercial jets with little experience"
milnews.ca said:
Ah, the "judge the whole group by the actions of a few f***ckers" paradigm -- well done, InfoWars*!  I guess Alex was too busy to pick up on what some other Muslims have been up to ...
Remember, when you judge one group by the worst examples, you better be prepared for other groups to be judged by the worst examples - and not complain saying, "hey, it's just a few bad apples - you can't paint with a broad brush."

* -- The same folks who brought you this:  "9/11: CIA Likely Built Remote-Controlled Commercial Jets in Aircraft Boneyard -- This would explain how 9/11 hijackers were able to "fly" commercial jets with little experience"

There were a half dozen or more other websites with the same story, I just grabbed the  first one.

Just more examples of humans being dicks.
Jarnhamar said:
There were a half dozen or more other websites with the same story, I just grabbed the  first one.

Just more examples of humans being dicks.
Have to agree ...
milnews.ca said:
Ah, the "judge the whole group by the actions of a few f***ckers" paradigm -- well done, InfoWars*!  I guess Alex was too busy to pick up on what some other Muslims have been up to ...
Remember, when you judge one group by the worst examples, you better be prepared for other groups to be judged by the worst examples - and not complain saying, "hey, it's just a few bad apples - you can't paint with a broad brush."

* -- The same folks who brought you this:  "9/11: CIA Likely Built Remote-Controlled Commercial Jets in Aircraft Boneyard -- This would explain how 9/11 hijackers were able to "fly" commercial jets with little experience"

Words and websites. It's easy to condemn them to the press. Words.  It's easy to condemn them to the media. Words, mostly anonymous.

I want to know how many of these bad guys they've dropped a dime on. I want to see them front and centre, megaphone in hand, with their local imams, rallying against their gone astray brethern when they decide to riot, have a pray in on Main St, or create no go ghettos. I want to see them stand up in parliament, and tell Trudeau he's wrong. I want them to yell at the left, there is no such a thing as islamaphobia.

When I see someone prominent with muslims, the House of Saud, Iran's Ayatolla someone like that condemn the terrorists, and turn their armies loose to kill them, then, I might start to believe it.
recceguy said:
Words and websites. It's easy to condemn them to the press. Words.  It's easy to condemn them to the media. Words, mostly anonymous.
Apart from the fundraising, right?

So you mean the social media posts that Jarhamar shared (words & emojis, mostly anonymous) should just be overlooked too, then?  ;)

Meanwhile, some of the latest ...
And, from the usual suspects @ globalresearch.ca ...
"London Attack: Terrorism, Other Type Street Violence or False Flag?"
milnews.ca said:
And, from the usual suspects @ globalresearch.ca ...

A virtual state of emergency exists in central London, plans to extend it city-wide, perhaps to be followed in other European cities beyond repressive measures already in place.
My step-son was in London during the attack, and just got home last night.  He called BS (in quite graphic terms) about that whole sentence.

Her [PM May] hyperbole sounded pre-scripted.
Wow. A national leader knowing what s(he)'s going to say before speaking?  For some, apparently, inconceivable !  :stars:

Unknown so far is whether Wednesday’s incident was terrorism as claimed, street violence unrelated to terrorism, or a state-sponsored false flag.
Sorry, words fail me.  :brickwall:
[quote author=Journeyman]  inconceivable !  :stars:


*Sicilian accent *
