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  1. sigspig

    A soldiers story!

    Please, go to the Forum "The Canadian Army" and read what Parky has to say. The subject is a soldier's story.
  2. sigspig

    WWII - Please meet Parkie, the young kid who made a man out of himself

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your memories. I have been serving for 19 years now, and after reading your posts, I hope to serve another 19 years. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
  3. sigspig

    The Life of a Sig Op

    When did you graduate? I have been at CFSCE for 2 years now and I have only seen 5 ppl graduate without their SQ(they had to sign a waiver) when I first got there. Now they must complete their SQ before coming fortheir 3's. I have personaly send back 3 students to Borden because they didn't have...
  4. sigspig

    The Life of a Sig Op

    As far as I know, SQ will be added to BMQ however; some members are in Borden now without their SQ because they did their BMQ before this was in place, which was BMQ only. They must complete their SQ before doing their QL3(in the Sig Op trade at least) or else we(the school) send them back to...
  5. sigspig

    choices of postings

    The 3 choices that were given to you came straight from the Career Manager, I know because I am one of your instructors! Don't try to ask for something else because you will not get it. Considering the fact that you are engaged and no kids I would not recommend Petawawa because you will be gone...
  6. sigspig

    when is the next 043 course starting ???

    Did you find out when the next course is? I hope for you that you will not be on PAT platoon too long, can be very long at times, unless employed as OJT.
  7. sigspig

    lundi je commece la semaine 7

    Excellent avis eric frenchie!
  8. sigspig

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    I think that as long as a "PERSON" can do it...let them join. NO matter if they are female, male, gay, caucasian, african american, aboriginal, etc...But I will add that because some people are close minded it does make it harder for females to join combat arms. I know, I joined as Armour and I...
  9. sigspig

    lundi je commece la semaine 7

    Si ca serais facile tout le monde serais dans les forces. C'est pas si difficile que ca, c'est juste un gros changement a nos habitudes.
  10. sigspig

    dans 48 heures c'est mon tour...

    Lache pas le frere c'est presque fini. Fait certain de nous laissez savoir comment Farnham as ete aussi. Si tu te fais demander d'aider quelqu'un pour monter leur standard c'est que tu es bon...lache pas. Un p'tit truck...peu etre un peu trop tard mais bon pour les prochain cour qui...
  11. sigspig

    Signals Personnel

    You are absolutely right Radop! lol But what can I say, we have to follow what standard tells us to teach. I will gladly punch Dave for you!
  12. sigspig

    Sigs Question

    I can tell you that Sig Ops can go to Air Force Bases. I was in Gander, NFLD...Air Force, Goose Bay Labrador...again..air force Base, and I was at NDHQ Ottawa. Now I am back at the school teaching the new Sigs. What the carreer managers would love to see is all blue guys on Air Force Bases, all...
  13. sigspig

    dans 48 heures c'est mon tour...

    Personnelement je crois que ceci depend beaucoup des instructeurs que tu vas avoir! Si ils aiment courrir ou pas, si ils sont fort sur les iinspections ou pas, etc...
  14. sigspig

    Signals Personnel

    CFSCE Kington, B Sqn. Training the new Sigs.
  15. sigspig

    dans 48 heures c'est mon tour...

    Ah ben salut le frere!!! Helene, j'espere que tu ne t'ennuie pas trop. Moi non plus je ne comprend pas comment il as fait pour se rendre sur l'ordi dans le 2ieme semaine, oh well...il n'est pas revenue hein! lol Il faut croire qu'il as finallement commencer par etre un peu trop occuper ou bien...
  16. sigspig

    Spring weather in St.Jean

    I was born and raised in St-Jean. You will have gorgeous weather...not too hot and cool at night to sleep. If you see the chaplains secretary say hi to her from me, she is my sister  :)
  17. sigspig


    QL5 is your qualification to be Corporal. Of course you can receive your Corporal without it, but when the time comes to do your QL5, you better pass it, or else you lose the rank and pay back all the difference in money between Pte and Cpl you have been receiving as a Cpl. PLQ is your...
  18. sigspig

    All About PAT (merged)

    Hi there, It's nothing to be on the PAT platoon in Borden....by the way PAT stands for Personnel Awaiting Training...so nothing specific is awaiting for you over there. You might be doing joe jobs here and there or if you are lucky you might get some on job training pertaining to your trade...