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  1. C

    Any guitar players out there?

    I have been playin for about 4 years but off and on alot which is why I'm never as good as I should be, If any one has the same prob that I get some time with struming fast with a pick and your hand gets sweaty and you loose grip on the pick, get some hockey stick tape and put some on the part...
  2. C

    The Way "Civilized" People Deal With Cartoons.... *VIDEO*

    These people are a bunch of hypocrites who think they can say what ever they want about the west and our religions but the second someone does it to them they go crazy, their religion is not our religion therefore we do not have to follow the laws of their religion like not making pictures of...
  3. C

    Life as an Infantry Soldier?

    Ya I made my account awhile ago and posted a few times but then stoped and havn't been on for over a year so I figured I would start from scratch lol. well thanks for the info its much appreciated. cheers
  4. C

    Life as an Infantry Soldier?

    Hey everyone I'm new to the forums, so i'll tell a little about my self and then ask my question, im 19 male from montreal and I just applied for the army infantry and I got my cfat on feb 2nd, I have wanted tojoin the army my whole life and have studied alot about it but I still don't know one...
  5. C

    Component Transfer ( CT ) - Reserve to Regular

    Hey all, I'm sure this has been asked before but I couldn't find anything on it, so I was wondering how would you switch from reserves to regular and how long would it take and would you have to redo you basic training? and also when you do join the regular forces can you choose where you want...
  6. C

    Cadets- What Would You Change?

    I was in cadets for 1 1/2 years and I quite because it was nothing like the army, I was in the Canadian grenadier  guards, and all that mattered was how your uniform looked, we never did any pt, most of the guys there couldn't run 1 k, we went to the shooting range twice and that was for...
  7. C

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    I try and do it dailly but I might miss a day here and there, and I run 3 sets o 2 k but if thats still not long enough then I can put it up to 3 or 4 k I guess, I'm trying to combine cardio with weight lifting.
  8. C

    Physical Fitness (Jogging, Diet, Cardiovascular, and Strength )

    Hey all, I want to get in good shape before I go to apply or do my physical, so I was just wondering if this is a good work out and if anyone could give me any other exercises to do that they do in basic trainging that I should know about. any info is greatly appreciated thanks. (I hope all the...
  9. C

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Thanks for the info bossi, I will study a lot and practice my multiplication, addition, subtraction, division, and grammar, before I go and if I fail I will try again and again intill I pass (hopefully I wont have to :) ) any ways so is there anything else besides the multiplication, addition...
  10. C

    new to the forums

    Hey everyone just wanted to introduce my self I am new to the forum. My name is Chris Moore , I'm 18 and I live in Montreal, basically my whole life I have known I wanted to join the army infantry, and now I am nearly there. I am in adult ed where I am finishing up some courses and then I am...
  11. C

    Wannabes and Gonnabes

    I'm 17 finishing up my high school so I can join the army infantry, and I would like to join jtf2 some day... but hell I know the chances of that happening are slim to none, but it dosn't really matter to me, as long as I can get in infantry thats good enough for me.
  12. C

    marching songs??

    I rememeber one my grand father use to sing, it went something like this. they say that in the army the food is mighty fine you ask for shepards pie and they give you turpintine, (chorus) well I don't want none of the army life, gee ma I wanna go back to ontario gee ma I wanna go home and it...
  13. C

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Hi, my gf applied for infantry res and failed and she is studying to be a vet, and she gets no lower then 70 in anything in school. the army infantry is what I have wanted to do my whole life and it is the only thing I think I can do and will enjoy doing, right now I am 18 in adult ed finishing...