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Search results

  1. C

    Cooks ( merged )

    Hi, currently undergoing recruiting process to be a cook in the forces.  I was reservist before, and a cook in the civilian side with culinary school and various restaurant experience.  My application is being fast tracked a bit because it would be direct entry to either SQ or NETP then on job...
  2. C

    Application was selected for further processing

    OK thanks, I will hurry and wait!
  3. C

    Application was selected for further processing

    Hi, just a quick question.  I applied to the Canadian Forces two days ago and today I received an email stating that my file was selected for further processing and to e-mail the recruiting center with my basic contact information.  I e-mailed the recruiting center, and automaticly received an...
  4. C

    Naval Reserves - HMCS Star

    I just wanted to let you guys know I was enrolled yesterday night.  Thank you all for your help!
  5. C

    Naval Reserves - HMCS Star

    C.G.R, Your right, I tried to join army reserve true the co-op because I was to young at the time to do weekend training.  Their was some 200+ applicants and only a dozen spots available, I was not one of the lucky few who got chosen.  And my recruiter said I was in top 20% on my CFAT, so I...
  6. C

    Naval Reserves - HMCS Star

    I'd like to be a Naval Communicator.  Its one of the positions they are recruiting for at HMCS Star right now.
  7. C

    Naval Reserves - HMCS Star

    I actually just got in touch with my recruiter from the summer, managed to find his contact info so I should be good :)  But I would still appreciate if anyone could share their experiences in the naval reserves.
  8. C

    Canadians Unaware of our Navy

    I agree with you lot, I think navy deserves a lot more credit, especially considering 70% of the earth is covered in water and that 90% of commerce is done by sea.  Also the Navy probably plays the most important role of maintaining our sovereignty, and proved essential during WW2 in the battle...
  9. C

    Naval Reserves - HMCS Star

    I'm interested in the Naval reserves, and would like to to join HMCS Star.  But I can't seem to contact them, I tried  905-972-4000 ext. 6753 which is the number on their website several times in the last few days but was never able to talk to anyone.  I also tried the e-mail listed on their...
  10. C

    Peace Through Strength

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpH5L8zCtSk&feature=plcp This video has truly inspired me, and made me want to serve my country.  Although it does not specifically concern that Canadian Forces, I think everyone should watch it, both Canadians and Americans. "There is a price we will not pay...