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  1. M

    CFAT Issue, Planning on joining Reserves

    Sorry, I just took offense to the "Failing infantry is quiet a feat in itself part". What letter in hand? You mean my university acceptance? Im studying a CFAT prep this time so Im confident I will do well on the test. I did have Insomnia problems back then, it is why I only qualified for cook...
  2. M

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    I know Qaddafi's regime wasn't perfect, if you oppose a dictatorship you will obviously be killed and he also started some regional wars but Libya was obviously better off with him then what it is now. Ha, but those groups were all foreign and another mans terrorist is another mans freedom...
  3. M

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Yea some of you will laugh at my post simply because you are ignorant. It has been well documented that the CIA/US has armed and supported many Jihadist groups to destabilize nations in the Middle East.  What Former General Westley Clarke said in that video is only more proof that supports this...
  4. M

    CFAT Issue, Planning on joining Reserves

    I don't need to be ridiculed because I failed to qualify for Infantry, I had Insomnia problems back then. Any CF recruiting center allows you to join any unit/branch of the military right? Depending on if they have opening in those units of course. 4900 Yonge  Toronto, ON M2N 6A4, I will just...
  5. M

    CFAT Issue, Planning on joining Reserves

    This is just the recruiting center closing right?
  6. M

    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Many Radical Islamist groups are directly armed and supported by the US government. The Egyptian crisis was a successful revolution but all these revolutions have had US involvement. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSNyPS0fXpU  All these wars were planned. US Empire is obviously behind...
  7. M

    CFAT Issue, Planning on joining Reserves

    Does anyone know if the Mississauga recruiting center is still open? It said it would be closed down sometime.
  8. M

    CFAT Issue, Planning on joining Reserves

    Well that doesn't mean the unit is closing down right? With all these budget cuts, I don't think I could even join and my application would be put on hold. edit to remove link Macrinus88, see here: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/99046.0.html Don't let it happen again. Milnet.ca Staff
  9. M

    CFAT Issue, Planning on joining Reserves

    What, the mississauga scottish regiment is closing down? Im gonna go write it on Friday, have the week to study, it closes at 4pm.
  10. M

    CFAT Issue, Planning on joining Reserves

    Im in Mississauga, I will probably go to the recruiting center near Square One. I never did the Physical and Im in a better mental state now since I don't have those sleeping problems anymore, I was told they keep my name on record when I wrote it in 2008.
  11. M

    CFAT Issue, Planning on joining Reserves

    It was years ago when I was in high school and it was a Co-op job, I declined it. Im currently taking a break from University and hope to graduate from that in 2014. Im not going to join full time to become an MP. Im sure that I wanna join the Infantry or Combat Engineer, on the main site it...
  12. M

    CFAT Issue, Planning on joining Reserves

    I recently purchased this studying guide for the CFAT. http://www.publicserviceprep.com What mark do you need on each section (Verbal, Spacial Ability, Problem Solving) to qualify for an Infantry job? That is probably what I wanna do. I hope to join the Queens Own Rifles reserves. I wrote the...
  13. M

    Can you work more then one day a week if your a reservist?

    I would be applying to the Scottish Regiment here in Mississauga, So once Im trained I would beable to work at least 12-16 days a month right? I see that others here have done more then that.
  14. M

    Can you work more then one day a week if your a reservist?

    Hey Im planning to join the Reserves in June, eventually I wanna become a police officer and I figured military experience would help. I was reading on the site that they only work 1 day a week for 3 hours, and one weekend a month. Can't you work more then that? Like 5-8 hours for 1 day a week...
  15. M

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    So Assuming I scored high enough on the CFAT to qualify for the MPNCM trade, would I beable to do it and go through the MPAC? Or do they not allow you to if there's no jobs available for it or they don't need anymore MP's at the moment?
  16. M

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Ya I have seen that before, I need a new job since I recently quit my temp job in a warehouse, Im gonna have to buy that. I didn't exactly fail the CFAT the first time, only qualified for a job I wasn't interested and failed the second time. If you ever have insomnia and get 3 hours sleep the...
  17. M

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Alright thanks for your help, Won't need help on the Aptitude test now I did have other questions on joining if anyone can answer those if its not a problem. Also, I did write the CFAT one time I was gonna join the army for school co-op but in 2nd semester grade 12 I had bad insomnia problems I...
  18. M

    Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

    Hello, Im planning to join the Reserves this summer and Im gonna go Reg after I complete a diploma in Police Foundations, hoping to get in the Military Police. I have the marks to get in University but Im probably going to join as NCM after getting a diploma in Police foundations. Anyway my...
  19. M

    Education Requirements to become a MP or MPO

    I know a PF Diploma won't be suitable, Im only going to do that if I can't score high enough on the Aptitude test to be an officer, if I can then I would be going to university instead. Do you have to take something in a Law field to be an MPO in university? Im interested in the job but I would...
  20. M

    Education Requirements to become a MP or MPO

    Im considering joining the Military Police as a NCM after getting a diploma in Police foundations if I can't score high enough on the Aptitude test to be an officer. Im wondering, what are the chances of me becoming and MP? I know it depends on the individual but is this the sort of job a lot of...