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  1. Blacksmith

    Am I too old, fat, or fit in? 2001 to 2016

    Yeah a friend of mine said "don't be surprised if they call you the 'course senior citizen'". I thought that was pretty funny.
  2. Blacksmith

    Am I too old, fat, or fit in? 2001 to 2016

    Hey everyone. I'm a few weeks away from being sworn in, and was wondering how much flack I might expect to recieve during BMQ and SQ. I've been away from the military for over 20 years, which means that some of the recruits I'll be training with will not have been born when I mustered out. Does...
  3. Blacksmith

    My advice? Be patient!

    Hey all. I've read a few posts here about how long the recruiting process is. I'm here to tell you that it can, be VERY long depending on the situation. In fact, I first applied just under 4 years ago, and had my final interview this morning. Now, do I blame the military or the recruiters? Hell...
  4. Blacksmith

    Returning Reservist and new Engineer!

    Hey there. I took my BMT with the Rifles in 1980. Sgt Cox was our instructor. Good guy. Looking forward to serving again.
  5. Blacksmith

    Returning Reservist and new Engineer!

    Kevin, thanks for the info. Nice to know.
  6. Blacksmith

    Returning Reservist and new Engineer!

    Thanks Kevin. I was under the impression that the 31st wasn't actually part of the Fort Garry Horse, but a separate entity under the Garry's leadership. Please correct me if I'm wrong. The only problem I'm having now is the snail's pace that the recruiting center moves at. Jeez Louise you'd...
  7. Blacksmith

    Ok the last of my medical information is finally in!

    So, realistically, how long will I be waiting for my physical test? I'm re-enlisting into the Reserves, not Regular force, if that makes a difference to the answer... Thanks!
  8. Blacksmith

    The Poppy Selling Superthread- Merged

    But why can't they think for themselves instead of acting like mindless automatons? Surely the security guard in question could have asked his superiors if it would be ok for this man, a veteran no less, to sell some poppies on their property? And I don't want to hear the old "they're not paid...
  9. Blacksmith

    Reservists in AFG

    Well said! I remember going out on Exercises with no blanks for the FNC1 and having to yell "bang!" or "bullets!" instead. It was, at first, kind of humiliating. But the first person who yelled "cutbacks!" instead won not only our respect, but our howls of laughter too. It's nice to see things...
  10. Blacksmith

    Returning Reservist and new Engineer!

    Thanks very much Beav! It's been a long time coming but I think that this is one of the best decisions I've made. There is some initial trepidation of course, and since they seem to have lost my prior service record, I'll be starting at the bottom end of the totem pole. It's all good though I...
  11. Blacksmith

    Returning Reservist and new Engineer!

    Hello all! Just wanted to pop in and say hi. I'm returning to Reserve life after 21 years of absence (wow, time flies!) I was a Sig-op in the 80's and decided I wanted a challenge now so I chose Combat Engineer. My CFAT is all done, as well as my medicals and interview. Just one more medical...