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Search results

  1. H

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    LOL no no no - certainly not - I'll run until my lungs and legs give out!
  2. H

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Thanks Lil T - I'll do a search for the beep test.. glad to hear level 4 isn't too bad.. that's music to my ears :O) (I'll check out the Youtube video)
  3. H

    Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

    Hi all - I go to basic training on Sunday (I start Monday) and am nervous as hell!  I was in cadets so I have a teeny tiny bit of preparation for it but am still really nervous.  I expect to love every minute of it and hate every minute of it.  The hardest part for me I think will be being away...
  4. H

    I got my offer - what to do!!??

    Aviator - I got you loud and clear - I know what you mean.  Thanks for the clarification!! And D.H. - I am checking out that website now - thanks very much! PMedmoe - you're right! I am thinking of the Royal LePage website.. I tried the mls.ca one and it wouldn't work - something wrong with my...
  5. H

    I got my offer - what to do!!??

    Yes, the Captain did explain all that to me - which is why I'm not even thinking about that anymore. Limiting my options?  Setting myself up for disappointment?  I certainly don't want to do that!!  Please explain if you have time...  After meeting with the Captain at the RC, I really don't...
  6. H

    I got my offer - what to do!!??

    Thanks guys - mom has kidney disease and is on Dialysis .. which normally isn't so bad, but she's already had 2 kidney transplants and is now back on dialysis  - about 6 years running now - so she's getting very tired... anyway - was thinking of doing the "compassionate posting" thing if the...
  7. H

    I got my offer - what to do!!??

    Oh dear Lord - Borat - I love it!! So I get from the replies Greenwood doesn't have the greatest PMQ's?  Is that what some are implying?  I only chose Greenwood because it's close to home (I'm in NB) and my mother is ill, so I would rather be in Greenwood and be able to come "home" and see her...
  8. H

    I got my offer - what to do!!??

    My #1 choice is Greenwood :O)  *Fingers crossed!* Good luck with getting your offer - and I think that's so great that you and your husband will both be in the military .. here's to his safe return!  :salute:
  9. H

    I got my offer - what to do!!??

    No, ships aren't bad at all.. if I were single, I'd have no problem, but I am married with 2 small children so for THEIR sakes, I hope I can get an Air base or Army base posting.  I know you still have to go away even if you have a land posting, but at least it would be less time away from home...
  10. H

    I got my offer - what to do!!??

    Yeah that's what I was thinking (could come off as an attitude problem) ~ I'll just put my three choices and if I don't get that then I'll just hope I get an Army or Air base.  True, I wouldn't mind Halifax in the least, but knowing my luck, I WOULD be posted to a ship :p
  11. H

    I got my offer - what to do!!??

    So quick question - when I'm at Basic and they ask me my top 3 choices for posting, should I just pick three actual bases or would it be better to  write "anything but a ship" or something along those lines?  Sorry if that's a stupid question....
  12. H

    I got my offer - what to do!!??

    Wow - thanks so much for your thoughtfulness and very kind words! I'm already a trained chef and have been waiting for the final verdict on my PLAR for a few months now.. I'm hoping to hear before I go away on the 26th.. Anyway - thanks again, that was very nice of you!
  13. H

    I got my offer - what to do!!??

    Thanks very much for the information.  Let me clarify, I have no qualms with being on a ship - I would just rather be on land :o)  Thanks again!
  14. H

    I got my offer - what to do!!??

    So just because I am signing up as "Navy" doesn't necessarily mean my fate is sealed on a ship?  They would take into consideration my three base choices first, correct?
  15. H

    I got my offer - what to do!!??

    Ok so I got my offer today (YAY!) but as a Navy cook.. (my preference would be Army or Air)  My question is, I guess - has anyone else joined as Navy (or Air or Army) and then been posted to a different base?  I know chances are likely I would be posted to Halifax or BC since I'm "Navy" and I...
  16. H

    Basic Training & Physical testing

    Thanks so much for the response - I appreciate the time you took to answer my question!!  I'll be in the best shape I can be but at least it's nice to know that I won't be sent straight home if I can't do the running right away and I'll be given a chance to improve.  Thanks again!
  17. H

    Basic Training & Physical testing

    I did a search, but didn't come up with any current information (just stuff from 2004, etc).  I know things have changed by now so I'm hoping to get some current information. I'm just wondering when you do the physical testing for basic training (sit ups, push ups, etc) - do you do it as soon...
  18. H

    Cooks ( merged )

    Hi there - I have a quick question.  Long story short, I'm flip flopping between either joining as a cook (I'm a chef already) or a steward (N).  My papers are in already and I did my medical and interview today and currently I'm signed up as steward but can switch to cook (but I have to let...
  19. H

    Steward: Training/the work (merged)

    Another reason for me to go - that ISN'T what I had just send OR implied.
  20. H

    Steward: Training/the work (merged)

    OK well I was told by 2 recruiters that joining as a steward in the Navy I could only be posted at Halifax or BC.. no where else.  I think I'll be calling them to have a chat then.  I keep getting different info from everyone and my head is spinning.. I'm going to stop posting here and just...