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Search results

  1. J

    Police Chief Says Officers Shot Man Because Suspect Shot At Them - WPXI

    That's how I feel as well. If he shot the dog he was probably gonna shot the officers next.
  2. J

    The Blood Pressure Superthread

    I would like to know this answer too. Mine usually hovers in between 130 -135 over 80
  3. J

    Life as an Infantry Soldier?

    Hey I am interested in joining the Army as a infantry soldier. I have searched and not found the answers I was looking for. I am curious what life is like for a infantry soldier after your basic training is done. What kind of things do you do during a normal working day. Thanks in advance Jordan.
  4. J

    Getting Car Safetied in Ottawa

    I would just like to say that using a pry bar is normal to check for play in ball joints.  I am a licensed mechanic and use it to check ball joints all the time. But that being said I know what you are talking about with getting ripped off I see it all the time.
  5. J

    fitness level

    Also what exactly is a Grip?
  6. J

    fitness level

    Hey I am interested in joining the Canadian Forces. Now I have read that you don't need to pass a fitness test to enlist.  How does this work you don't do it at the recruiting office but after BMQ you must meet a specific standard? TIA Jordan