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  1. T

    Canada's First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, etc. (merged)

    Please do not neglect the paragraph that follows from that same reference: "Some hold the view that the stand-alone definition is overboard and that the reference to motive of political, religious or ideological purpose may invite “profiling” on the basis of politics, religion or ideology. This...
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    Op PRESENCE/Mali (Cdn mission/s, sitreps, etc. - merged)

    It would not be reasonable to single out intervention in Mali as a war supported by the Canadian public, who do not have an actual say in decisions pertaining to national security.  Whether Canadian are willing or know the geographic location of Mali is irrelevant as long as the government...
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    Canada's First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, etc. (merged)

    Some of the more recent replies seem to be expressions of frustration with the actions of certain Aboriginal groups or of the inaction on the part of the provincial police.  I'll be the first to admit that I do not know much about the First Nations but I think it is important to keep in mind...
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    Canada's First Nations - CF help, protests, solutions, etc. (merged)

    The point of a protest, like a strike, is to be seen and heard so I imagine they were running low on options.  At least, in their point of view.  It would convenient if they would start destroying private property.  I agree there should be accountability in the money the government spends on...
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    Westboro Church Protest Mega-thread

    Am I the only one who sees the irony in all this?  An anonymous group who is able to - among other things - protest due in part to their anonymity reveals the personal details of a group that protests openly out in public where the world can see their faces.  Does nobody else the irony here? By...
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    14 Nov 12: Israel Launches Operations in Gaza

    Mr. Solomon hints that the state of Palestine could continue to receive certain financial benefits if conflict continued while under Israeli occupation/administration.  The article appears to state that Palestinians stand to lose if a peaceful two-state solution is implemented but throws in two...
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    14 Nov 12: Israel Launches Operations in Gaza

    I'm a little confused by what Mr. Solomon is trying to say.  The tone of the article seems to be condescending, like an audience member in a poker tournament who knows what cards everybody holds.  He does not outright denounce to a two-state solution yet it is implied that peace would not be in...
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    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Indeed.  I'm certain we cry ourselves to sleep at night thinking about the plight of people in the Middle East.  I think we pray for them at Church.  Maybe.  We must be experts on the Middle East by now - I bet at least one of us has spoken to someone whose boots touched the soil in that...
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    Should Canada leave the UN?

    The United Nations charter states that its purpose is: 1. To maintain international peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace...
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    Syria Superthread [merged]

    Intervention in Syria without a U.N. mandate would be akin to shooting ourselves in the foot.  Most of us can only guess at why Libya was picked as the stepping stone.  It may not have been about oil but it sure is comforting to know that what is being delivered will continue to flow.  It would...
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    More sailors needed for Canada's warships

    My worries are just that - worries.  They creep up every so often while I carry out my daily routine but I try not to dwell too much on it.  For example, I worry that my attitude and views may one day grow to reflect some of the exact same sentiments that have been expressed in this topic by...
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    More sailors needed for Canada's warships

    Johnny and Ex-Dragoon have made strong contributions to this topic.  I've been in the Canadian Navy for a little over two years, and as an OD, I was surprised by the replies in this topic.  Personally my views are similar to the opinions Johnny has posted thus far.  With my limited experience I...
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    The role of the military and its relation to alleviating humanitarian crises?!

    Future Prodigy, I'm not sure what you want me to say in response to your original post.  Skimming this topic, I found the responses provided thus far suitable, appropriate and offered opportunities to further your research.  I am left wondering if you genuinely seek our input or are looking for...