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  1. RWA

    Alec Baldwin needs a throatpunch

    I didn't expect anything.
  2. RWA

    The Gun Bazaar of Pakistan

    It's impressive because a semi-automatic pistol is harder to make then a machine gun. If a person has the know how and the machine tools they can build a STEN gun in their basement.
  3. RWA

    Alec Baldwin needs a throatpunch

    Alec Baldwin, class act. ::)
  4. RWA

    Canada's purchase of the Leopard 2 MBT

    Oops, sorry about that. I watched that episode months ago, so my memory of it was a little fuzzy.
  5. RWA

    Canada's purchase of the Leopard 2 MBT

    The Abrams was 2nd and Challenger 2 was 3rd.
  6. RWA

    Stronach quitting politics for Magna

    I guess Belinda got bored with the Liberal party like she did with the Conservative party which she left because she couldn't win the leadership race. Belinda Stronach is the Paris Hilton of Canadian politics and thats not a compliment. Goodbye and good luck Belinda.
  7. RWA

    8 Apr 07 - Sgt Donald Lucas, Cpl Brent Poland, Cpl Aaron Williams, Cpl Chris Stannix (PLF), Pte Kevin Kennedy, Pte David Greenslade - 2 RCR

    RIP Soldiers you have gone above and beyond the call of duty. Its sad that good people have to die to create a peaceful world but this is the world we live in. Sympathies to their friends and families. :salute:
  8. RWA

    Terror threats on Canadian oilpatch worth watching

    I think it be unlikely for non-Islamic terrorist to attack the oil patch (not impossible but unlikely) because the oil patch help pays for farmer's subsidies, employs local people, a boost to local economies, some of the environment problems are being addressed and they have Ed Stelmach as...
  9. RWA

    Budget 2007- Merged

    I don't really care if Harper panders to Quebec because I live in Alberta and we don't need money from the feds. Also I believe a Harper majority government could have advantages for Alberta in the long run.
  10. RWA

    Battlestar Galactica (Beware....Possible SPOILERS! read at your own risk)

    Actually, I think Starbuck is the fifth cylon. I agree that it is a great script, I mean just when you think you have the show all figured out they throw in a great plot twist.
  11. RWA

    Liberals furious over Harper's Taliban remarks

    And the cover up of the Canadian casualties in Bosnia, the purchase of new luxury passenger jets for Cabinet Ministers which was unnecessary and would have been better spent on actual military equipment and those "Soldiers in streets" ads and the fact they even exist is just offensive. In my...