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  1. 1

    Passed My CFAT :)

    Exactly what NJL said lots of things can and slow you down keep up with whats going on in the recruitment office and just get yourself ready physically
  2. 1

    Latest on ending the mission in '09

    Tommy, your right. Infidel-6 / ArmyVern / Tommy Maybe my question was phrased wrong and maybe I was out of line For that I apologize
  3. 1

    Latest on ending the mission in '09

    Who said anything about me insulting anyone I asked him a question, how do you purpose I sugar coat it. shall I start using brackets and explain how I am saying it? If I want to insult someone I don't need to use a sly double meaning sentence to do it.
  4. 1

    Latest on ending the mission in '09

    I was simply going off what the previous comment was I agree our government does some silly things at times but really...Id much rather be Canadian Simply if your not Canadian whats your other option?
  5. 1

    Latest on ending the mission in '09

    Would you rather be American?
  6. 1

    Guns License

  7. 1

    Guns License

    Do you get a guns license when your in the forces so you can purchase a gun outside of the army or do you have to go through the normal procedure to get one
  8. 1

    Boxing troops?

    This maybe a ... Cheap way of doing it but if I understand your question, why dont you just use the recorder on your comp record a beep at 3 min intervals and convert the .WAV file it comes with into .MP3 and burn it to a CD I think you would only have to do it once then copy and paste the...
  9. 1

    Support Our Troops - Stealing Magnets

    anyone got ideas on why they are being stolen? is it some anti war hippy running around or just kids wanting to re sell them
  10. 1

    Favourite War Movies

    Enemy at the gate for sure
  11. 1

    BMQ Start

    holy shit you must be pumped eh
  12. 1

    I'm In

    sweet good luck congrats, im on Sept 10th too
  13. 1

    BMQ Start

    Testify No not BMQ in B.C. I live in B.C. - BMQ in St. Jean Dontgo Thats sweet when are you being sworn in?? and when do you start BMQ? Just by memory I think my swear in is on August 23rd And BMQ Sept 10th
  14. 1

    BMQ Start

    Infantry and I'm in B.C. to bad neither of you are in B.C where do you wanna get placed? I'm going to PPCLI
  15. 1

    BMQ Start

    Testify, infantry? Ready, where do you live?
  16. 1

    BMQ Start

    Im going to BMQ Sept 10th anyone with me?
  17. 1

    BMQ Start

    yup call em and see whats up yea im using my time but still.. damn it i wanna know lol
  18. 1

    Oh dear God, you must be kidding me....

    I was taught through good old fashion fear, I did not get hit alot but I knew if I acted up enough I would. Plain and simple act up, get punished Lets bring back the parents who kept a big wooden spoon on the counter for you to see Or the belt on the wall. I'm not saying to go out and beat...
  19. 1

    BMQ September 2007 - ALL locations Thread

    I should know in a few days if i go or not as long as they kept to their 2 weeks we'll call you Late august early sept you should be leaving is what they said *crosses fingers*
  20. 1

    I Need Your Opinion Ref: negative feed back from family

    My parents are freaking too I support the Canadian troops in Afghanistan and they are aware but their completely against war. Talk to them logically and learn why you want to go and let them know make sure their heads aren't filled with bull**** *I walked into a convo with my mom and uncle...