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  1. LordSnow

    Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

    If you are just getting in now I don't think you will have enough time go through the training system and work up and deployment before we pull out of the sandbox. There is always next time I guess but we don't really know when/where that will be so don't hold your breath. The dancing girls only...
  2. LordSnow

    Post deployment Leave still undermined after 9 months

    its approved, and not a second too soon, less then a week left
  3. LordSnow

    Post deployment Leave still undermined after 9 months

    I have the rainbow sheet that says for X-amount of days you get Y, plus the CDS specials and the rest. I know the short days are pending approval I'm not asking for those. What they haven't confirmed is if we get CEFCOm specials. We just had a guy sent home for a medical thing, they did his...
  4. LordSnow

    Post deployment Leave still undermined after 9 months

    What is the procedure for CEFCOM approving the 7 days of leave they can give mbrs after a deployment?  Just how long does it take? Last time we didn't know till a week before the first chalk got on a the plane to go home. This time we've been here since late April (9 months so far) and we...
  5. LordSnow

    Accepting that you can't be a soldier

    maybe he didn't like you, maybe he didn't like his job, Maybe he is just an ass get over it already
  6. LordSnow

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    The reason they are slowing down procurement is not because of price tag of the plane itself. They will get just as many as they were originally planning to. This way they wont have to upgrade them. As you know there is already plans for new software and and hardware upgrades. This way when they...
  7. LordSnow

    Accepting that you can't be a soldier

    Yes the 15 mins is normal, he wants you out of the barracks before the remainder of the course is back in order for them not to see you as it brings down the morale of some. p.s. That is possibly my best run on sentence ever.
  8. LordSnow

    C7, foregrip/sideway

    I know this is a Forum and all but this is nuts. If you walk up on with the gangster grip mounted on the side somebody will lose their S#!t on you, then tell you to "fix" it, then call up all his buddies and say one of my troops just did .... Like somebody pointed out you cant possibly sling it...
  9. LordSnow

    Carrying non military issue knives

    Bring your multi-tool, the 2ish inch blade is enough. When you eventually end up in the field you will have a bayonet which your course staff will make you carry and that can handle anything your multi-tool can't. I have a knife guy in my platoon he carries three knives one being an 8"...
  10. LordSnow

    F-35 Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

    Anybody know anything on the alternate engine design that we are looking at in order to make ours uniquely Canadian like we do to just about everything else?
  11. LordSnow

    Full Fighting Order?

    Frag vest, Tac vest (Rig), helmet, BEW, weapon(s), gloves. up to chain of command for gas mask,  also ask if you should have plates in your frag vest.
  12. LordSnow

    C7 replacement

    Our current service rifle is light, reliable and with the new additions relatively ergonomic. My beef with it is the length of the barrel, and the hand guards/lack of a rail system.  I will gladly give up 200fps of muzzle velocity for the ease of use in vehicles, urban environments and general...
  13. LordSnow

    CF Basic Parachutist - Q&A

    I thought having 15 regular jumps was a pre req for doing square canopy?
  14. LordSnow

    CF Basic Parachutist - Q&A

    There is new chutes, not very many, they generally go to the instructors or big guys. I don't know the exact fall rate, mine is a lot slower then everybody else as I'm (160Lb) but its still way too quick for my liking. Feet and knees together and you'll be ok
  15. LordSnow

    Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

    Ok, I will admit dinosaurs was harsh. I am just upset with the lack of information and planning going on with the branch as well as OP Abortion As far as Cyprus goes yes we still have all of, oh yeah, 1 officer there. That doesn't include Medics and MPs that run decompression of course.
  16. LordSnow

    Army Communication & Information Systems Specialists (Sig Op, Lineman and LCIS Amalgamation)

    they should have just created a new trade IST and let sig ops and techs re-muster into it, but we need more operators so they made this. Oh well we can cry and bitch about it all we want but it's not going to change. Not any time soon anyways, not till we get all the dinosaurs that were around...
  17. LordSnow

    Marching on the Colour

    I have seen it done in two differnt ways, both times there was 4 guards but formations were diff one was in a line like a reg parade the other was a hollow square, for the reg parade they marched the colors to the end and then back to the middle and in the hollow square they marched on from the...
  18. LordSnow

    Fitness Test

    About the exemption, if you get exempt level for your age group you are not suppose to have to do it the following year, however if you get exemp, at yor basic expect to do the express test again at your sq and ql3 course or battleschool if you are combat arms, just figured should tell you
  19. LordSnow

    Mercury March

    Im hoping somebody knows about the history of the Mercury March as I have been unable to find anything about it. Furthermore if somebody has is in MP3 format it would be great
  20. LordSnow

    Wainright in April for BMQ

    Boys and Girls chill out. Its a blog or forum or whatever you wana call it. I dont care if u went to uvi or are a drop out and reject of society as we know it. this "thing" is meant for people that wana find out a bit more about what our BMQ is gona be like not get into internet catfights right...