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  1. RCD_Cadet

    FS: Sleeping Bag Valice

    OK than Nevermind above statement (mine) thanks anyways
  2. RCD_Cadet

    FS: Sleeping Bag Valice

    do u have a pic of this sleeping bag... and what is the cold level rateing on it
  3. RCD_Cadet

    Need Advice on Flag Party

    thanks i shall inquire as to requesting one at the next O group and i will look on e-bay
  4. RCD_Cadet

    Need Advice on Flag Party

    Well in our corp the flag party Cmdr has always had a sword(except if they are carring a flag) and yes it was provided but only for a short time i asked one of my officer if he knew where we the corp could get one and he said to ask around... the reason that a mcpl can carry one is that there is...
  5. RCD_Cadet

    Need Advice on Flag Party

    Well is there anyone who knows where i can get(or how to get) a proper sword for parades b/c i only have a practice one and need a real one with the cipher on it
  6. RCD_Cadet

    Changes, needed fixes in Cadets (merged)

    something i find oh so annoying is when a cadet same rank thinks he is all that in my opinion we should work as a team instead of fighting because that is what cadets is about learning to work as a team suggestions/comments/ideas
  7. RCD_Cadet

    Need Advice on Flag Party

    wool blanket i need to find one dose it have to be wool... if your corp was on parade and it was outside and the flag where there and it was raining we would still bring them on unless it was like a gale than they would say no
  8. RCD_Cadet

    Need Advice on Flag Party

    WoW i would never thought about there health or that 5-10 pound weight idea thanks for that piece of advice
  9. RCD_Cadet

    Need Advice on Flag Party

    i am a Flag Party Cmdr and want any advice that will help me make the flag party look amazing on parade
  10. RCD_Cadet

    what qualifications do you have?

    Silver star Gold fitness standard frist aid Expert Marksman CL flag party cmdr drill team 2i/c
  11. RCD_Cadet

    Favorite aspect of cadets

    I was more looking for a general what Cadets want to do so any SrNCO's and Officers can plan for them
  12. RCD_Cadet

    Favorite aspect of cadets

    So We CAN plan For what you want to do
  13. RCD_Cadet

    Changes, needed fixes in Cadets (merged)

    i agree with what has been said but not just befor the trg year but through out the year is what is in order in my mind