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  1. M

    Face problems, need to heal before I go to BMQ

    The first layer of skin is not there.
  2. M

    Face problems, need to heal before I go to BMQ

    BMQ starts Nov 4, 2006 for me and I have to heal my face. I washed my left cheek off and I have been having a huge problem trying to heal it. When ever I sweat, the skin trying to heal would turn into white goo and you would see a really bright red under. Its really effecting my physical fitness...
  3. M

    Finally did it: 5 in 25

    I find running very easy but thats because Im skinny and never smoked/ did drugs in my life. But yah congratz.
  4. M

    Worst Day Ever =(

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  5. M

    Worst Day Ever =(

    I think I pulled something In my arm... I get this sharp pain when I try doing push-ups.
  6. M

    Worst Day Ever =(

    Today, Wed Sept 20, 2006 marks the day I failed push-ups and I am so disappionted of myself. Here is my story. The day before the PT test i forgot all about it so i didnt go to sleep until like 4:00 in the morning, the test was at 9:00 and my friend was giving me a drive. I didnt bother to...
  7. M

    Role of Officer vs job of NCM [Merged]

    Four years for only corporal...are u kidding me?
  8. M

    Role of Officer vs job of NCM [Merged]

    How long does it usually take a pte to get promoted to cpl? And from pte to CWO? 15 years?
  9. M

    Role of Officer vs job of NCM [Merged]

    I guess they never heard of human rights?
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    Role of Officer vs job of NCM [Merged]

    What type of punishments would you execpt if you did something wrong? Smallest to biggest.
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    Role of Officer vs job of NCM [Merged]

    So your telling me that a second Lt has more power then a Chief WO?
  12. M

    Role of Officer vs job of NCM [Merged]

    Okay I went this friday and got all my recruitment papers. Im joining the army/infantry/regular. I cant decide whether to join NCM or Officer. So I want to know what exactly do Officers do that NCM dont/do. A Officer is in control of a a whole section of how many people? Do Offiers go to...