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  1. steep

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    Whoops! I didn't realize this was so old. Darn tapatalk!
  2. steep

    Application - How long does it take? (Merged)

    To the OP. I feel for you. I am a doctor and have been waiting for over 2 years to get back in. It is ridiculous.
  3. steep

    General Surgeon in CF

    I did not apply for MOTP because at that point was not ready to commit to the return of service, and also wasn't sure what specialty I wanted at that time. Now that I matched I am just trying to get more information about future career options. During my previous time as a reserve med tech, I...
  4. steep

    General Surgeon in CF

    Hey all, It's been a long time since I've been on these forums. I will be starting my residency in general surgery this summer and I've been considering getting back into the CF. However I have no idea what surgeons do day to day in the CF. I am aware that there are only OR's in Edmonton and...
  5. steep

    girlfriend and not getting enough info

    Be prepared to wait at leaast a month to hear back about the medical, and possibly longer. The part 3 medicals take a bit of time to be processed in Ottawa, especially if there are issues like the failed hearing test. It's possible he might get BMQ done before the baby is born, but after BMQ he...
  6. steep

    Primary Leadership Qualification Course (PLQ) Mega thread

    No medics take PLQ-L, or at least reserve medics do since we're feild units. So the PLQ DL's in gagetown are PRES too? That was just something I heard, but no one in my unit knew if it was true or not. How are authorized vacancies for a course alotted? Is it up to the course/LFAA to allot...
  7. steep

    Primary Leadership Qualification Course (PLQ) Mega thread

    QUESTION about PLQ this summer: I heard a rumor that the PLQ slated for this summer (specifically Gagetown) is reg force only. Becasue of the new distance learning part they want to test it out first. Does anyone know what the deal is? Also does anyone know why a command wouldn't have...
  8. steep

    The Military Police [MP] Superthread

    So rocksteady is actually right about reserve MP's being more like security guards then police. That being said, it doesn't mean you don't get valuable experience if you want to go reserve being transferring to reg force. This nice thing about being a reservist first is that you will get more...
  9. steep

    Calling all Medtechs

    Hey lone bugler. There's tons of information about the physical testing and the application process in general in the recruiting forum, so take a look there to give you abetter idea of what happens. Weekend bmq is about 10 weekends. (close to that at least). Medics do have to do SQ in the...
  10. steep

    Calling all Medtechs

    There's really no order in how people get loaded on the QL3. It's a little ridiculous that there's no general way of knowing how long you'd have to wait to get on a course. That said, I hope all of you get on the course you're expecting! I'm a reserve medic so I don't know the frustration of...
  11. steep

    Pretty much in...

    So it's confirmed. I won't be sworn in until September and BMQ will be in November, but it's for sure. I'm joining 35 field ambulance though I'll be training here with 36 service battalion. I can't wait!
  12. steep

    Pretty much in...

    I undertand that this isn't a decision that one should make lightly, however I think that there are a lot of people that join simply because it sounds interesting. Just as there are many people who join mainly for the money and other perks, and while this may not be the ideal reason to join...
  13. steep

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    The best way to get them IS to just do as many as you can anytime you have during the day. Seriously, when you get up, after brushing your teeth, at lunch, when you take a break etc... You rest enough during the night, your muscles will have time to rest. Just don't overexert yourself they day...
  14. steep

    Pretty much in...

    Actually my friend hasn't even started her application yet, this decision was mine and mine alone. I want to join because I believe that the Canadian Forces holds opportunities that are worth exploring and I feel that this would be a once in a lifetime experience. Commitment comes with any...
  15. steep


    The idea of basic has me freaked, and the more I read about it the more scared I get. Well I have until November to get in better shape, so hopefully I won't be too bad. I have to learn to sew better too. Has anyone cried when they did BMQ?
  16. steep

    Pretty much in...

    So I started my application a few months ago after my friend dragged me to this recuiting fair thing at my school. Since my friend was actually planning on joining I figured I might as well put my name down since getting more information couldn't hurt and some of the trades actually seemed...
  17. steep

    Muslim girls allowed private swim test

    I think allowing the girls to take a seperate test is acceptable and this should be applicable to all people if they don't feel comfortable with displaying themselves in a swim suit in front of classmates and others in general. However I don't think this should be presented as just a religeous...