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Search results

  1. $@rge

    Drill Team Practice Length

    In our corps, the practice lasts as long as the designated IC desires it to be. If the Cadets dont like it, tuff. Sure you are sacrificing morale but is it better to win a competition or have a bunch of hyper teens. your call. Personally im 50/50.(mainly because I am not the IC)
  2. $@rge

    Camp Experiences

    The best advice I could give a new Cadet is to practice making a bed in advance. A sharp bed can excel you further than one could think of such a simple thing. If you become very proficient at this, offer to do comrads beds for a charge. Remember to concentrate on yours first however. In one...
  3. $@rge

    Favorite Military Film

    Gotta go with the classic Full Metal Jacket with suck memorable qoutes suck as; Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: [Chanting] This is my rifle. Gunnery Sergeant Hartman: [Grabbing their crotches] This is my gun. Marines: This is for fighting. Marines: [Grabbing their crotches] This is for fun. and...