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Search results

  1. R

    naval communicator jobs

    Yep, I was one of those who got their course cancelled on them. Now I'm still an OS, lost a year of training. At least I'm leaving on sunday to finally start my QL1.
  2. R

    QMB, réserve vs régulière

    Oui, pas besoin de refaire le BMQ puisque c'est pratiquement la même chose. (sauf si on parle des BMQ weekends, là c'est pas la emme chose du tout..)
  3. R

    Drill movement, french vs english

    Escouade, Les plus grands à droite, les plus petits à gauche, sur un seul rang, formez. Escouade, numérotez. Nombre impairs un pas vers l'avant, nombres pairs un pas vers l'arrière, marche. Nombres impairs vers la droite, nombres pairs vers la gauche, tournez. Reformez sur trois rangs, au pas...
  4. R

    Security Clearances

    But shouldn't they issue temporary clearances so we can get the training? I heard that's what they did for many of my friends.
  5. R

    Security Clearances

    Will do. Thanks a lot!
  6. R

    Security Clearances

    Hi, I'm a Navcomm in the Naval Reserve. Last summer, I was supposed to follow my NQ1 in Esquimalt (QL1 en français), but it all fell apart and we didn't get our training. We were told at the last minute that we didn't get our security clearances, because (they told us) "somebody didn't do their...