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Search results

  1. M

    DEO - BOTC January 2006

    I would be interested in knowing that too acclenticularis, i have only heard the 19 figure about infantry and i don't know if that is 100%correct.  As for my my grades RyanNS during my first year of university i failed 4 of 10 courses and didn't do to amazing in the others.  My second year I...
  2. M

    DEO - BOTC January 2006

    thanks for the fast response infanteer,well i guess i should be glad to be one of the 19.  I am from Cape, NS is anyone else from NS going in jan?
  3. M

    DEO - BOTC January 2006

    Is it just me or does it seem that the majority of us headed for BOTC in Jan are all infantry, is the majority of most BOTC classes infantry or is this one an expection.
  4. M

    DEO - BOTC January 2006

    Hi everyone, i am not sure if this topic has been posted.  Just wondering if anyone on this site is going to St.Jean for jan 10 for officer basic.  I received my offer by phone for infantry officer near the end of october.