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  1. U

    Cpl. Jeffrey Bailey

    Hello all, Most of you dont know me on here.However some might from the U of A.I was in to see Jeff today.Myself and another close friend spent about 90 mins in the room with him.He is definately improving.He was squeezing out hands aswell we even got a few smiles.Yes smiles.The savage is coming...
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    Effects of Deployments on members

    Hello all, I was not trying to say that all of the burden falls on 1 CER.That is just how some of you have read it.I was told to write the article specific to our regiment.That is what was done.I appreciate the critisim although irrelivent.To those of you that liked it.Thank you.To the rest of...
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    Effects of Deployments on members

    Mr Wallace,     If you would notice in the title, the article pertains to 1CER.It is not an article about the Army in general.The reason I know this is because I wrote the article.It is to be posted on the Regimental web page.It was not ment for large scale dissemination.You are entitled to your...
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    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    How goes it, First of all.Heatwave I appreciate the info so thanks.I am actually an Engineer at 1 CER and you are right.I am very happy.I have taken a Diploma in Fire Prevention and Safety aswell as a Company Fire Officer Diploma.doesnt mean anything.It was more to keep my brain turning.I know...
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    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    Hello all, Long time no talk.I have a couple of questions.First of all I have been accepted to FF in Edmonton and start OJT on april 1st.Really excited.I have been waiting 5 years for this.I was just wondering what are the odds of getting posted back here as I have house and family here?I here...
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    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    Hey all I was just wondering if FF can be posted to submarines?It is something I would be interested in doing if I get my remuster.I understand that there are no Helo's but was wondering none the less. Thanks
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    Thoughts on Combat Engineering

    Hello,hello well sounds like there is some more potential meat for the proverbial grinder.And what a grinder it is.Oh yes.The well oiled machine that is the engineer corp or in specific 1 CER.What is that career ending regiment.Sounds about right.All I can say is that there is a reason that half...
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    All Things CF Firefighter (merged)

    Hello all, I am new at this so my apologies if it is done wrong.I am currently an Engineer but am trying to be a firefighter.Oh the sweet time it takes.I am on AVOTP aswell as LOTP.I am not banking much on the LOTP as I have a lot of quals and I am hoping that they help out this month during...