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Search results

  1. tang72

    Allergies in the CAF 2003 - 2015 [Merged]

    So, i finally got everything cleared up from June, when i got rejected because i carried an epi-pen for my nut allergy. My allergy doctor wrote me a letter, but it was more of a progress reoprt to my family doctor. In the letter, it does not state that i needed an epi-pen, but at the same time...
  2. tang72

    Supplements on BMQ (merged)

    They are pretty much just protein powder that come in capsules. They are called 2222 amino acids or something like that. They are quite big and would scare you for a second before you swallow it down. It also costs like $6 more than the regular protein powder, i chose capsules because i did not...
  3. tang72

    Supplements on BMQ (merged)

    When I went for my urine test i was on protein capsules, which is the same as whey protein but in pills. That was the time i had to take them for strength training (phys ed class). i dont know if it showed on the sample but i was pretty sure i was on protein that time and they said i passed the...
  4. tang72

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    the worst is the medical being last, like what happened to me. i passed everything and i even received my number and all. then the medical at the end where they sent my med issue to borden. I missed my summer course because of this and not even that, i received a letter saying i need a note form...
  5. tang72

    Pushups- Try Reading Here First- Merged Thread

    i get that kind of electric shock as well!Sometimes, most of the time i just do alot of normals pushups and alot of tricep dips. I passed the PT np. i only get that electric shock when my head is down and my hand is somehow raised up in the air. all of a sudden i hear some kinda crack...pretty...
  6. tang72

    Cadets Joining the Reserves - Can it be Both?

    The question is army cadet or the reserves? A relative of mine is in the reserves as an infantry and I told him about me wanting to join cadets instead and he told me that army cadets dont even do half of what the actual military does. Is this true? for those of you with cadet and reserve exp...
  7. tang72

    Deemed crazy and want to join?

    I think we have a little misunderstanding here. When i said "don't hate" I wasnt reffering to the person who started this thread. All i said was don't hate and I don't think I was trying to knock anyone down. Labelling me a punk and saying someone else is not worth there effort is a different...
  8. tang72

    Deemed crazy and want to join?

    Dont hate.
  9. tang72

    Deemed crazy and want to join?

    Hey, i understand you really want to join the CF but with all those bad records, they would most likely think someone like that is not suitable for the Canadian forces. I dont want to burst your bubble or anything. But there is still a chance and just to let you know the CF recruiters and...
  10. tang72

    The hospital

    The last time i was at a hospital was 3 months ago, i ate a nut my mom brought home from Hawaii, some roasted Macadamia nuts. They tatsed amazingly good, then before u kno it i had troubles breathing and i started to itch and swell. I went to the hospital for the night, but heres the worst part...
  11. tang72

    Cadet school

    Everyone, i have decied that i am going to join the cadets  ;D. I am only 17 and i have much time for the army, and i am not sure if i am even ready for it yet. So i will be a army cadet until i am 19 and then think about reserves :salute: :cdn:
  12. tang72


    Well I actually meant immature teens when I say wannabes, but yea my recruiter told me only 9 gets enrolled out of 100 that tries out  :'(...i  think half these ppl dont evn know what the hell they are doing during the process, and most teens are either impatient, dont crae, and just tries to...
  13. tang72


    well i live in Mississauga, i go to St. Aloysius Gonzaga.
  14. tang72


    Soon to be with Toronto Scottish Regiment.
  15. tang72


    1 thing that really impresses me in the army is that they really know how to eliminate people who are not suitable for the CF. I have never seen any wanabes,punks,thugs,cocky etc.., join the army. All the recruiters at the center and the ones that come to my school are always nice,well...
  16. tang72

    "...do not meet the common enrolment standard..."

    yea...me too  :salute: :cdn:
  17. tang72

    "...do not meet the common enrolment standard..."

    That is also not a bad idea. Do what you have to do and whatever course you hope to get into soon, Only expect a 30% chance you will get into it because patience is the key in the recruiting process and it will take alot longer than you think.  :salute: :cdn:
  18. tang72

    "...do not meet the common enrolment standard..."

    well i have been in the application process for 9 months now and i have recieved a rejection letter regarding my allergy to Macadamia and hazelnuts (yes, only those 2, i can eat all other nuts) right now i have to go to an allergist and prove that i dont need an epi-pen. I have to wait till Nov...
  19. tang72

    Cadet school

    Hey i just wanted to know what is the main difference between Reserves and the Cadets. Yes ive tried the search button but did not really find what i was looking for. Some of my questions are, do they recieve the same type of training? Do Cadet schools pay you? and would it be easier to join the...
  20. tang72

    Asthma & the CF (merged thread)

    I have an appointment with my allergist Nov 19th, I hope things go well for me. On the rejection letter it says my case could be reconsidered. For those of you who got a note from a doctor, what did you have to tell them? I'm afraid they wont write me one just because they dont want to be...