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  1. V

    Got an Interview??? Well I got some(Infantry Officer Related) answers.......

    Are all DEO terms of service 9 years in length? Or are there terms of service around 6 years in length?
  2. V

    Islam-bashing film sparks fears of violence

    I don't understand. The wars today are most certianly religious in some context. They may not be religious for the west, but they are definitly religious for the taliban, al qaida etc. That doesn't mean we should condem Islam, however, it does mean that the fight is all done in the name of...
  3. V

    The Fall of Stephane Dion

    Dion may be the least political politician I have ever seen. His political game (and we all know often times politics is a game) is dreadful at best. I consider myself more Liberal than conservative, and it is a bit disapointing to see the Liberal party going down the tubes because of one man...
  4. V

    Just did my interview and medical

    well I can really go off what the med staff told me and that was that AC separations of the shoulder are really no big deal to the CF (unless of course it was a re-accuring problem.) He told me that disclocated shoulders are much more prone to future problems, and are never quite the same...
  5. V

    At a crossroad, need some direction

    Daft, its not that I'm allergic to Infrantry, its just that for some reason, its not the Job I feel I should be going for. I can't explain it, really can not. Tango, thank you very much for the post, it was a great one and very helpful. From your description I think I would enjoy the challenges...
  6. V

    At a crossroad, need some direction

    Well I just went for my second interview, and for a second time ended up not having it. First time I found out that I could not get the public affairs officer job, now I can't get Logistics Officer. So my only choice is INT officer, and with just a history major its probable that I will lose out...
  7. V

    Aptitude test!

    How many times can you pump your own tires in one post? I count 7 times, but there is probably more. Your being trown into a test with, get this max grade 10 level math! The theories are easy to study and take no time picking up again. And if you forget the simple theories within a year you...
  8. V

    May 5th BMOQ

    If may is closed the next BMOQ won't be until september? wow, i thought it would be july or something but i guess never assume. All well, wait wait wait, its what ill do.
  9. V

    Just did my interview and medical

    Siege, sounds like you are the minority and not the majority, and thats awesome for you. Although im not too bummed out about the long process because the the new numbers for most officer jobs dont come in until the end of the fiscal year, which would be april. Since that is the case, i wouldn't...
  10. V

    May 5th BMOQ

    Congrats to everyone who is going on this BMOQ. Just thought I would let those who are hoping to get into it know that the person who interviewed me (although I have to do another interview) told me that the may 5th course was already full. So unless someone who is scheduled to go may 5th can't...
  11. V

    Just did my interview and medical

    I realize I already have a personal story thread, but i figured I would start a new one with the new chapter of my recruiting process. I just did my interview and medical and some things went well and some not so well. The medical was great, my eyes were even better than I thought. Both...
  12. V

    Introducing Myself

    Hey come on guys, your now making me nervous as well! IntlBr you are already merit listed so you are definitly ahead of the game. Anyways, hopefully we all get what were going for and I see you guys in the near future. Although I'm not sure if we would be in the same course. Do the res. and reg...
  13. V

    Introducing Myself

    I called them this morning and we both came to the conclusion that we would put my third choice on hold. So as it stands I am applying for Intel O and PAO. I really hope I get one of those positions, but will explore my other options within the CF if it does not work out. Thanks for the replies.
  14. V

    Introducing Myself

    I've been on this board ever since the idea of joining the Canadian Forces came into my mind. It has certainly been a big help in regards to getting information, calming nerves, and helping with the application process in general. So I figured I would first off say thank you to everyone who...