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  1. jbeach95

    The Politics of Yellow Ribbons - MERGED

    London Police Association response in London Free Press (with errors, without name):
  2. jbeach95

    Can't open Army.ca or Milnet.ca

    Okay, I tried it on another computer and it's working fine.
  3. jbeach95

    The Politics of Yellow Ribbons - MERGED

    And also a number without commissions.
  4. jbeach95

    Can't open Army.ca or Milnet.ca

    For me, for about the past two weeks, it has taken a long time for anything to load, but it evenutally does.
  5. jbeach95

    The Politics of Yellow Ribbons - MERGED

    I guess I've been lucky enough to get professors who aren't anti-military. Many of the ones I have had are anti-war, but support the military. Or at least that's the impression I got. It really depends on the individual.
  6. jbeach95

    The Politics of Yellow Ribbons - MERGED

    The following letter to the editor appeared in the London Free Press: A-Channel news ran a story about it at 6:00, then another updated story at 11:00. The second can be summed up in this article from their website, http://www.achannel.ca/london/news_43550.aspx A-Channel withheld her name...
  7. jbeach95

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    I did not mean to single out Islam, as was just using it as an example (hence my 'for example' comment). It could apply to any religion. I understand the utility of complying with local customs on an operational tour, out of respect for their beliefs. However, I do not believe that it is...
  8. jbeach95

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    You understand incorrectly. The Court Martial Appeal Court ruled that the order was unlawful (and ipso facto unreasonable). My second point. How would a Christian feel if he/she was forced to observe (for example) Islamic customs and practices? The CF should not force people to observe one...
  9. jbeach95

    Religion in the Canadian Forces & in Canadian Society

    Wasn't this issue discussed and the topic locked long ago? Can we really avoid the direction the discussion took last time? Please, go on. This could be entertaining. [edited for spelling]
  10. jbeach95

    New Component Transfer Programme - Reserve Combat Arms

    If I recall correctly, this applies to reservists who have served in Kandahar. When they transfer to the reg force, they get to keep the rank and IPC they had during their deployment. I'll be able to get more info tonight, and I'll post it if no one beats me to it. For those with DIN access...
  11. jbeach95

    Chlorine bombs mark new guerrilla tactics: U.S

    Chlorine blasts kills 8, makes dozens ill in Iraq Last Updated: Saturday, March 17, 2007 | 10:04 AM ET CBC News http://www.cbc.ca/world/story/2007/03/17/iraq-chlorine.html About 350 Iraqi civilians and six U.S. troops were treated for chlorine gas exposure after suicide bombings south of...
  12. jbeach95

    HUMOUR -- Boredom is a soldier's worst enemy

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OBTU9oE1ztk Is This the Way to Armadillo? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfTcmixrh-s Toilet in Iraq. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DerD7RNMbDQ Bohemian Rhapsody. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqaWdkdFb3Y Pump It.
  13. jbeach95

    Victoria Cross

    http://www.cbc.ca/canada/story/2007/03/05/cross-soldier.html Unknown Soldier shouldn't get Victoria Cross: veterans Last Updated: Monday, March 5, 2007 | 10:37 PM ET CBC News Canada wants to honour the Unknown Soldier with the prestigious Victoria Cross medal, but veterans are opposed to the...
  14. jbeach95

    Where do the empty mags go?

    The "TW" in CADPAT (TW) is "Temperate Woodland."
  15. jbeach95

    On exercise with the reserves

    Yeah, there was sand everywhere. And I do mean everywhere.  :'( It played havoc with the C9s. This was during that period when the ammo boxes wouldn't stay on the guns (http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/40224.0.html). The ammo ended up getting quite dirty and caused many stoppages.
  16. jbeach95

    On exercise with the reserves

    I saw this article in RD. It is from Exercise Stalwart Guardian 2005. They published the story a year and a half after it happened. The first picture appears to be from 31 LIB's ill-fated attack on 1 RCR's trenches.
  17. jbeach95

    Why is the military at increased risk?

    This is seen in other places that have such conditions, like schools or workplaces. It is common for diseases to spread more rapidly in these conditions, thus increasing the risk of those in them. An example is that the spread of the Spanish Flu (1918-1919) was hastened by the mass concentration...
  18. jbeach95

    Happy Birthday to The Royal Canadian Regiment

    I will however, point out that the Battle of Ortona occurred in December 1943, not 1942. Already covered here, sort of: http://forums.army.ca/forums/threads/55002.0/topicseen.html Anyway, happy birthday. Pro patria! :salute:
  19. jbeach95

    Another case of issued kit on E-Bay?

    When is there NOT issued kit on ebay? Everytime I look, I see something that appears to have been issued, and isn't likely to be surplus.