No, and GBAD isn't the primary role our security forces will be employed in.
The security forces will mostly be about ensuring access to sites is controlled, and the technology at those sites stays secure.
Wartime/emergency vital point security at ports and airports is an entirely different...
It's likely a case of the bill not specifically stating the numbers.
The people putting together the ATI info are often Wing Ops in Trenton, well after the events being ATI'd, so they can only give what information is in the bill they receive from the supplier.
Is it, or is it being a sore loser that can't face the people they assumed the worst about because they disagreed on politics?
Throwing away family because you don't agree on politics is a pretty smooth brain decision.
Thats a great way to ensure the conservatives out breed you...
Lingering after the majority of Canadians want you gone, while under a slow-time caucas, revolt is clinging to power, even if it's entirely within the rules.
I never said he was illegally clinging to power.
Be that as it may, appearances do matter. If the media makes enough noise about this, it will become yet another strike against an unpopular PM that appears to be clinging to power for nothing more than his ego.
It can only torpedo the LPC the longer he lingers.
Indeed, it can be a rewarding experience and be recognized. If not, I had better turn in all my medals, because my career has on balance been quite rewarding.
Adding a DOMOPSSM to the system as it already exists makes more sense than inventing a new system.
The way the bars for the "SM" medals works is that you get a rotation bar for every 180 day period after the medal qualifying period. Eg. When I got the bar to the GCS I was at 210 days on GCS...
It's not absurd when the husband is a friend, and the reason this story got told at all is that he had a connection to a reporter that he used to get attention.
Just because you don't hear stores like this often does not mean things like this are not happening.
It aould be a major step backwards for capability. The ability to carry humans is a pretty key capability for our MH platforms.
That said, augmenting our MH with a capable UAS is definitely the way forward in my opinion.
The navy already sends instructors to CFLRS, so those pers could be re-rolled into an RCN specific school. By moving the school to the coasts you also remove cost moves, and the potential of losing members due to a cost move to an expensive province in a Jarmy environment...
I don't see the...
It's almost as if having a government that is ashamed of the country and undermines our history has a negative impact on national pride...
We can acknowledge historical wrongs without tearing down our national myths. Myths that are key to unity and national pride.
Will it break it?
After years of being told that being tolerant wasn't enough and you must be an ally, will the US discover that most "allies" weren't allies in reality, rather they were just people who didn't want to get fired?
I'm not advocating for going backwards, but what will the real...
Yes indeed... 😉 :ROFLMAO:
Though this is from am Bbacus poll conducted in early November.
Edit: one interesting thing I only noticed after posting is that the people who were old enough to be paying attention to politics when the LPO held power have the lowest opinion of the LPO.
Mr. Musk might be a raging idiot at times, but in this instance he is entirely correct.
Mr. Trudeau is actively undermining our national interest by sinking to partisan political talking points when referring to the next leader of our closest ally, and most important trading partner. If Mr...
The video is intended to impress civies, not sailors.
The thing I noticed was the colour difference between the RCDs in the background and the PRO. The PRO seems to be much more like a USN grey, while the RCDs seem to be rendered in our grey.
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