And when when we talk about numbers we need to talk about full authorized strength of the CAF not actual strength. We need to get there as a starting point.
Any discussion on numbers also needs to take into account the number of pers required at each rank level not just total numbers. If the...
Is it efficient to have large numbers of troops paid full-time waiting in case there is a deployment or if there is a forest fire? Things like Latvia should be a posting so you have known personnel requirements. The whole purpose of having Reservists is that you can call upon them when...
Maybe the total CAF RegF numbers shouldn't be cut but a change in the way they are distributed is likely needed. RegF PY's should be focused on those that regularly deploy and those that support them - largely RCN and RCAF pers along with a core of the CA. Some of these PY's could come from a...
Fully on board with playing our strong cards.
Agreed that the risk level has increased from "ha ha, you're kidding, right?" to 'nah, he wouldn't do that...would he?". I'm not saying we ignore Trump's annexation rhetoric, but there are those on here that are suggesting everything from...
The problem is that your site is static. Once identified via satellite or whatever it can be destroyed. It would need to be mobile which means it would likely have to be under armour to protect it on the move.
I'm all for standing up to Trump and his 51st State annexation BS but are we really at the "let's leave them starving in the dark" and "break out the IED's and punji sticks" stage?
Despite Trump and his MAGA disciples I'm confident that the vast majority of Americans don't wish us harm and...
Listened to the Intelligence podcast from the Economist Magazine this morning and they had some interesting details of the fighting.
Apparently the whole thing kicked off with mainly Alawite pro-Assad forces rising in revolt against the new regime. They attacked regime forces in the area as...
The Ukrainians have taught Russia a lesson, but they haven't given up. They, like China face a demographic clock that is ticking away on both their leaders and their population. They realize that if they want their moment of glory it's got to be soon before they fade away into history. That...
I'm not so sure. I see parallels between the fanaticism behind Russia's determination to absorb Ukraine and China's desire to re-unite with Taiwan (and maybe a little bit in Trump's Manifest Destiny obsession with Canada?)
Curious...if hypothetically we were to have a land-based SM-6 launch system would it need a stand alone targeting radar (something like Aegis-ashore) or would existing/planned NORAD radar systems be able to provide the required targeting information?
According to this article in Defense News
Re: the Meteor missile...seems like things are moving forward:
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