They can at least partially address the logistical implications of different designs by using some of the same systems (engines, azipod thrusters, bow thrusters, water purification, etc, etc...). Let's hope someone at PSPC is asking these kinds of questions.
What I took away is this new ship will be delivered by 2030, so that's a definite positive. Why the different design I'd also like to know. To me, this looks bigger than Arpatuuq, but I can't find much in the way of details. Perhaps this design is the basis for the ICE pact designs, having some...
I'm inherently cheap - that's why I liked the Ruger -9mm is fun and inexpensive for plinking, and being as my pistols are predominantly 9mm, the PC Carbine just worked nicely as an adjunct.
Seaspan finally awarded the contract for the first Polar Icebreaker:
The cost is eyewatering. I hope it includes at least some in-service support...
Yeah, I was thinking of picking one up, to replace my now illegal Ruger PC Carbine, but I figure it's inevitable it gets banned at some point. Someone probably saw Henry and went "lever gun". That's how mentally deficient that crowd is.
You're not the only one with second thoughts. This in the Globe today (a similar article by he-who-shall-not-be named appeared today as well in another paper): Opinion: It may provoke Trump, but Canada should cancel the purchase of F-35 fighter jets from the U.S.
I wouldn't want to restart that...
This shows to good effect the scalability of the SPY-7 radar. Also good to see Japan continues to stick with this radar, hopefully putting to rest some of the speculation it is not as good as SPY-6.
To follow up on @GR66 question, with your experience having worked with GA-ASI, do you know if this capability is "bolt-on" to our MQ-9B?. It wasn't clear to me having read the article if the Sea Guardian was a substantially different variant, or just and MQ-9B with some extras bolted on.
Too bad about the Japanese. They seem to be able to pump out subs at a pretty good pace.
It does seem significant, I admit. I thought I'd read somewhere that he'd also visited some yards in Japan last year. Do we know for certain he hasn't visited others?
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