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Recent content by BK

  1. B

    IR and LTA

    Thanks a million, much appreciated!  I'll go back to them.
  2. B

    IR and LTA

    Sorry if this has been answered already, I tried going through the mega threads but I am also aware new policies come and go; some of the threads were a few years old.  I was recently told by a MCpl clerk (I mention rank just to indicate their experience) I am not entitled to LTA while on IR. ...
  3. B

    Employment Insurance?

    yup, a little typo there but you seem to have gotten the right idea Occam. Thanks Gotta love Canada
  4. B

    Employment Insurance?

    Hi, Was just browsing the forums and was just wondering; If a spouse had a permanent job with EI and she left because of a CF member (her spouse) was being posted to a different province, would EI still give her benifits if she quit her job to live with her husband? cheers
  5. B

    AERE APT phase 2?

    Hi, Any AERE offficers just off APT?  I was given my dates but have no clue on what i should bring and what to expect other than working side by side with maintenance staff at a random wing in Canada. If anyone just completed it, please give a heads up on what to expect like daily routine...
  6. B

    A Unique Situation, Course Failure, Removal from ROTP

    I find this hard to believe from the surface. I mean your parents died, yet you perservered which alot of people would choose not to do.  You were up to date with your degree(and your are still pursueing it under your own strength).  You finished BMOQ, something people still are trying to do. ...
  7. B

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    Well thats a different can of worms. I stand to be corrected, it was 08 i did the transfer from PRes to ROTP.  Back to the pay issue, it depends on everyone's personal case, I was just so happy that the ball was rolling as quick as it was, that i kind of put the pay 2nd verses getting in the...
  8. B

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    Vbank, i did it last year.  Couple of tips to help you in the transfer. - Keep on top of the paper work in your admin office, there is alot of stuff being flown from recruiting to your BOR and you will need to sign a big stack of forms just before your release from reserves.  Make sure your...
  9. B

    CT -- Reserves into ROTP/RMC (merged)

    Hi All, I am sorry if this question is buried somewhere in the forum.  But if anyone is in my shoes i would gladly appreciate a point in the right direction.  I served in the PRes for 4 years as a private and transferred to ROTP in 2008.  In the process of transferring the Recruting center gave...
  10. B

    The Blood Pressure Superthread

    150/100 is very high, i think ill be fine then, puts a relief on me, i always have this increase in my systolic number when im getting tested for some reason.  As for the meds, i must admit i got to watch my diet a little more (more bannas and kiwis) and ofcourse maintain a consistent workout, i...
  11. B

    The Blood Pressure Superthread

    Hi Guys, I have read most of the forums concerning High Blood pressure but i got one question if anyone in my situation or has any advice could offer.  I am already enrolled under ROTP, i got transfered from the primary reserve.  On my entry to the reserves i had the same siutation with...
  12. B

    Reserve unit location?

    well to be specific i was in "college" when i joined the reserves and i did the every other weekend BMQ.  College and BMQ was manageable but it does take a bit of time planning and sticking it through.  After college i then transfered to university into engineering, im in 3rd year right now.  My...
  13. B

    Reserve unit location?

    if you are going to be living in London and attending UWO you should join a unit there.  As an engineer wanting to be invovled in a support trade (ie fixing stuff or supervising techs that fix stuff) you need to join a service battallion.  25 svc is located in toronto and 23 svc bn is in...
  14. B


    i know!, one of the most bizarre conditions for acceptance.  I am currently a material engineer entering 3 rd year and we do alot of electrical courses, not to the depth of electrical engineering, more on the concepts and microscopic level stuff but anayways i tried to tell them this but the...
  15. B


    thanks dude, still gotta a long road ahead to proove myself to these guys and gals in the CF.  CHEERS