Approx $400M stolen from the SDTC fund (aka Green Slush Fund) by various LPC MP's, funneled into their own pocketsThe vacation on the Aga Khan’s island
SnC Lavalin
The firing of JWR
The WE charity
Numerous ethics issues
Virtue signalling to allies.
Any one care to add?
(They awarded the money to companies they themselves owned, for work that was never completed or even undertaken)
The total lack of ANY accountability is mind boggling. Where did that money go?
Spent roughly $100M buying precisely 0 firearms through this 'gun buy back program'
How do you spend $100M to buy nothing??
Where did that money go?
Increased personal income tax. Increased capital gains tax. Introduced the carbon tax, and increases it annually.
(Yet somehow we still had to borrow more money in the last 6 years than the previous 156 years combined...)
Where did THAT money go??
The Trudeau Foundation scandal
(Random Chinese business people, with links to the PRC, donating $500k to his foundation "because they thought his dad was a swell guy...")
Keeping Canadian citizens who had been illegally imprisoned in China, imprisoned for several months longer than necessary so he could use their situation to help win the last election.
(For those of you who have access to, or are able to find, the CSIS recorded telephone's pretty damning...)
Introduced government censorship legislation, and had to RELY on subversion to do it.
(Introduced to the stacked Senate before the HoC, then had to rely on the NDP to pass it in the HoC. He did this against the wishes of the entire population he claims to represent.)
Opened the gates to mass, somewhat unvetted immigration - which in turn has amplified the cost of living crisis, congestion, possible terrorist events, etc
(I'm not anti-immigration at all. But there's been a few folks arrested lately who had clear ties to terrorist organizations, and who were plotting attacks both here and in the US)
Removed Terry Fox (and others) from the Canadian passport. Replaced Terry Fox with himself...
Molested at least one of his high school students, then paid her & her mom off and silenced them with a NDA
(There could have been more that just never came forward. We can't rule it out, since it's been confirmed that it DID happen at least once...)
Came after RAdm. Lloyd Robertson for pushing through Asterix for us.
(Directed the RCMP to investigate him even though no crime had been suspected of being committed - and had to pay out a handsome chunk of $$$ when his personal hissy fit was discovered for what it was)
Subsidized Canadian mainstream media, then weaponized the media to overlook his blatant corruption
(Also known as bribing Canadian media companies to turn a blind eye to his corruption, which they seemed to happily do for a while because of the $$$)
Minimal action or even support for law enforcement to crack down on foreign interference, re PRC 'police stations' that have popped up.
(This also applies to organizations like United Front, for example)
Those are just off the top of my head.
I'll come back to this later as my brain currently hurts & I'm needing bed.
But for now this is my 2 cents. Cheers