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Trump administration 2024-2028

Watching a James Carville chat on YouTube openly speculating if Trump has Syphilis…..something about red blots all over his hands and that this is a symptom of having Syphilis.
Red spots all over his hands? You’re onto something there, Czech. Maybe that’s the basis for his Red Scare tactics.
Red spots all over his hands? You’re onto something there, Czech. Maybe that’s the basis for his Red Scare tactics.
I’m not saying I believe or buy into any of it - I’m merely conveying what I just heard James Carville say.
Do you know who James Carville is?
What does it mean when brown people are against DEI?
Could mean they had negative experiences with how it has been managed, could be they come from generational wealth / influence...

Or maybe they have yet to have the Uncle Phil experience.

I have a dit about this, but for Asian American and not "brown" Americans. The details may not be 100% accurate but you'll get the point.

I'm New York City, the public high-school system has an "upper tier" for gifted students. It's still public school, not private, so to get into it you have to test really high in junior high/Middle school. It's considered very prestigious and advantageous to get accepted, because the quality of the education is really good.

However, New York city has created quotas such that certain demographics are guaranteed a certain percentage of spots within this upper echelon. The Asian American community disagrees with this, because on average, the grades of their children are much higher then their white, black, and "brown" counterparts. If there was no DEI quotes, almost all the spots would go to Asian American kids. They argue that it's not because they are somehow "smarter" but because they take schooling seriously and drill their kids, and they should be rewarded for their extra effort at home.
I’m not saying I believe or buy into any of it - I’m merely conveying what I just heard James Carville say.
Do you know who James Carville is?

If so, maybe his syphilis has spread to his brain. I read in today’s e-edition of the NYT that Trump’s former chief of staff, John Kelly, reported how Trump admitted lying to people all the time and that he wanted his staff to repeat the lies he just told, and they did…as if it were the gospel. Kelly also mentioned how he would say to Trump: “that’s not true” and Trump would simply reply “yeah, but it sounds good.”
Yay for syphilis, then. In a couple of years we can all reflect back on how awesome it was that Trump got Canada to scrub some internal trade barriers, and got Europe to help Ukraine take back its territory from Russia.
Yay for syphilis, then. In a couple of years we can all reflect back on how awesome it was that Trump got Canada to scrub some internal trade barriers, and got Europe to help Ukraine take back its territory from Russia.
We’ll be reflecting on how the US joined Russia against the west and sat out world affairs it set into motion for 80 years and decided to turn tail when things got tough. And how they let their position as the leader of the free world slip through their hands to Europe . The US will be much smaller for it.

Syphilis will be a side note if it is actually true. it’s what Al Capone died of in jail so would be a very fitting irony if it was. So yes, yay for syphilis.
We’ll be reflecting on how the US joined Russia against the west and sat out world affairs it set into motion for 80 years and decided to turn tail when things got tough. And how they let their position as the leader of the free world slip through their hands to Europe . The US will be much smaller for it.

Syphilis will be a side note if it is actually true. it’s what Al Capone died of in jail so would be a very fitting irony if it was. So yes, yay for syphilis.
Remius, all you have to do is to say “Trump has syphilis” often enough and it will be true.
Remius, all you have to do is to say “Trump has syphilis” often enough and it will be true.
Carver also said that Trump’s administration will collapse in 30 days so I’ll take all of that with a grain of salt.
Watching a James Carville chat on YouTube openly speculating if Trump has Syphilis…..something about red blots all over his hands and that this is a symptom of having Syphilis.
I can think of another crazy leader that had Syphilis
Watching a James Carville chat on YouTube openly speculating if Trump has Syphilis…..something about red blots all over his hands and that this is a symptom of having Syphilis.
And the CIA said Bin Laden had diabetes. I never believed that for one second. It’s the same with this. Internet trash 🚮
Syphilis is completely curable with anitbiotics. Might as well say he has a bad case of bronchitis. This is tabloid stuff...

Yes, it is "curable", but associating cognitive and personality deficits in an individual to syphilis the assumption would be that they had advanced to tertiary stage (years/decades post infection). While antibiotics (usually a more intensive regime than in a primary stage patient) may still be effective with the infection and further decline, any existing damage to organs (including the brain) is not necessarily reversible.
Out of China's reach...

Trump to speak about Taiwanese chipmaker TSMC investment​

Donald Trump is expected to announce shortly that the Taiwanese chipmaking giant Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC) plans to invest $100bn in the US.

TSMC, the world’s biggest semiconductor manufacturer, produces chips for companies including Apple, Intel and Nvidia.

Trump is expected to make the announcement at 1.30pm ET in the Roosevelt Room.
