's Fallen Comrades

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old

The greatest intensification of the horrors of war is a direct result of the democratisation of the State. So long as the army was a professional unit, the specialist function of a limited number of men, war remained a relatively harmless contest for power. But once it became everyman's duty to defend his home (or his political "rights") warfare was free to range wherever that home might be, and to attack every form of life and property associated with that home.

- Herbert Read

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Military Word Of The Day
Regional Departmental Accounting Office

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Today in Military History

July 3


Stromont, Dundas and Glengarry Highlanders: Dileas Gu Bas (Faithful unto death)


The Lake Superior Scottish Regiment: Inter Pericula Intrepedi (Fearless in the face of danger)


The Royal Regina Rifles: Celler et Audax (Swift and bold)


The Saskatchewan Dragoons: Esprit d'Initiative


The South Alberta Light Horse: Semper Alacer


Stalin orders "scorched earth" policy


Operation Thunderbolt - the Israel Defence Force raid on Entebbe to liberate hi-jack hostages

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