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Four things you dont want to hear...

cornwallis eh? when i was on course there, (sea cadets, and i doo agree about the drill and knots)i watched t he old pool and gym building catch on fire and it was burnt to the ground in less than 6 min. that was the largest fastest fire ever!!     
  P.S.- cornwallis is a death trap!!
P.P.S - you will be dissapointed to learn that the confidence course down by the watter is gonzo.... they tore it down cuz too many cadets hurt themselves on it, surprize eh?
"Hurry!!  Move move move!!  ....  ok, now just wait here for a little while."
The platoon officer saying to the plt. Sgt. " No Sgt,   the objective is over that way."

The platoon commander saying to the platoon" This is going to be quite good fun!"


The biggest ugliest and downright nastiest regimental police Sgt. in the entire universe   smiling satanically and crooking his finger at you as he invites you to "Come inside my guardroom lad...."

The OC to the company; "We're moving in to a very exciting and challenging training year ahead."
Any fresh new officer; "We're going for a little run/walk/march..."

And remember, there's nothing more dangerous than a Pte with a rifle or a 2Lt with a map. ;)
As you you step into the RSM's office, he tells you to "close the door"  (and he doesn't ask you to to take a seat)

A FOO saying "Oops"

Your Det 2ic saying " I thought that was Charge 3"

Your LSVW "waiting parts"
The RSM telling you the CO want's a word with you, and to bring two friends, but not your hat. ;)
A story not a quote. During my Basic I was in a room (Gagetown M lines) with an Egyptian/Newfoundlander. You have got to know how much he was razzed by the staff! Anyway, he was loved/revered/hated by the staff, I think he was loved more than all though because he had a certain innocence about him. Anyway, we were down in Aldershot to throw grenades as the range in Gagetown was apparently broken during the spring of '97. So, on Saturday night we were allowed to walk around the camp in Aldershot and have a few drinks at the Jr Ranks. He was caught WALKING across the Parade Square while SMOKING. The Sergeant FLIPPED.

He asked him what the though he had been doing in a way only a sergeant can and he replied that he did not know it was a parade square but had thought it was a basketball court. The sergeant was flabbergasted. He stood him up and wrote him a chit for being stupid. He said it was the first time he had ever written one because he just did not know what else he could put on the chit.

In his defence, he was a dedicated troop and he was loved by all even though his inability to keep a straight face during inspection often had us doing push-ups with gas masks on.

Actually had a range officer for the 60 mm order "Charge 4!.... (boom).... I meant 1!"

When you're 10 seconds late for the QMSIs parade he grins at you and says "I'll tell you the number later".

Both true.
A CO who, on taking command, says "Just give me two hard years boys".
Sundborg said:
There's always 1 out of the bunch that stands out.   ;D

Oh great...
Why am I suddenly so scared for my turn at basic? :-\
Another thing you don't want to hear:

While on my FOO course in Gagetown (1992), we were dismounted in Lawfield impact area.  It was my turn to call in a laser (adjusted) fire mission. The guns were at airstrip 3 firing towards our OP. To save bullets, the gunline would only fire two guns during FFE.  The first round impacted about 50 m from the tgt, about 1500m out in front of us.  As I was waiting for the second round to impact, the hair on my necj stood up, I suddenly felt very sick to my stomach and then heard that oh so distinctive "freight-train" sound of a 105mm howitzer round.  Stupid me, I stayed standing and WATCHED the round pass just left and above the OP and ithen mpact 75m behind us.  It is defies belief, but the VT fuze failed completely and the round dudded.  True story.  I never want to hear the sound of incoming rounds ever again! (outgoing, however, I like!)
I'm surprised nobody's mentioned this one yet...."You're on your own time now"

From an MOI...."That should work...does that look ok to you?"

Or for those who might be from 3RCR...."We're going to be busy for the next year" (when will we stop hearing this, it's not even a suprise anymore!)
PPCLI Guy said:
Hey...has anyone seen my weapon?

Yea heard that before. I just cant forget the time i found a rifle in the laundry room on course. Needless to say the owner, not even knowing it was missing, was very happy that I was the one who found it and not the duty officer.
Where's the bolt to that C-9?

Heard Friday night before our first weekend off on QL2, scary night.....
Here's a good one:

Two griffon pilots after the aircraft shakes violently look at each other and they both say "was that you ???"
Coming from a port security/FIBUA exercise from last weekend, whilst on an OP on Lake Superior.

"The boat will be there in half an hour" ...
